6156 |
6156 |
6157 |
6157 |
name: vhdl_name_t [@default NoName];
6158 |
6158 |
shared_defs: vhdl_definition_t list [@default []];
6159 |
shared_decls: vhdl_declaration_t list [@default []]}
6159 |
shared_decls: vhdl_declaration_t list [@default []];
6160 |
shared_uses: vhdl_load_t list [@default []]}[@@deriving
6161 |
((show { with_path = false }),
6162 |
(yojson { strict = false }))]
6160 |
6163 |
6161 |
6164 |
let rec pp_vhdl_package_t :
6162 |
6165 |
Format.formatter -> vhdl_package_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit =
6163 |
let __2 () = pp_vhdl_declaration_t
6164 |
6166 |
let __3 () = pp_vhdl_load_t
6167 |
6168 |
and __2 () = pp_vhdl_declaration_t
6169 |
6165 |
6170 |
and __1 () = pp_vhdl_definition_t
6166 |
6171 |
6167 |
6172 |
and __0 () = pp_vhdl_name_t
... | ... | |
6190 |
6195 |
if sep then Format.fprintf fmt "";
6191 |
6196 |
((__2 ()) fmt) x;
6192 |
6197 |
Format.fprintf fmt ";";
6193 |
true) false x))) x.shared_decls;)
6198 |
true) false x))) x.shared_decls;
6199 |
((fun x ->
6200 |
6201 |
6202 |
(fun sep ->
6203 |
fun x ->
6204 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@;";
6205 |
if sep then Format.fprintf fmt "";
6206 |
((__3 ()) fmt) x;
6207 |
Format.fprintf fmt ";";
6208 |
true) false x))) x.shared_uses;)
6194 |
6209 |
[@ocaml.warning "-A"])
6195 |
6210 |
6196 |
6211 |
and show_vhdl_package_t : vhdl_package_t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string =
... | ... | |
6200 |
6215 |
((let open! Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime in
6201 |
6216 |
fun x ->
6202 |
6217 |
let fields = [] in
6218 |
let fields =
6219 |
if x.shared_uses = []
6220 |
then fields
6221 |
6222 |
6223 |
(((fun x ->
6224 |
`List (List.map (fun x -> vhdl_load_t_to_yojson x) x)))
6225 |
6226 |
:: fields
6227 |
6203 |
6228 |
let fields =
6204 |
6229 |
if x.shared_decls = []
6205 |
6230 |
then fields
... | ... | |
6237 |
6262 |
((let open! Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime in
6238 |
6263 |
6239 |
6264 |
| `Assoc xs ->
6240 |
let rec loop xs ((arg0,arg1,arg2) as _state) =
6265 |
let rec loop xs ((arg0,arg1,arg2,arg3) as _state) =
6241 |
6266 |
match xs with
6242 |
6267 |
| ("name",x)::xs ->
6243 |
loop xs (((fun x -> vhdl_name_t_of_yojson x) x), arg1, arg2)
6268 |
loop xs
6269 |
(((fun x -> vhdl_name_t_of_yojson x) x), arg1, arg2, arg3)
6244 |
6270 |
| ("shared_defs",x)::xs ->
6245 |
6271 |
loop xs
6246 |
6272 |
... | ... | |
6250 |
6276 |
[] xs
6251 |
6277 |
| _ ->
6252 |
6278 |
Result.Error "Vhdl_ast.vhdl_package_t.shared_defs")
6253 |
x), arg2)
6279 |
x), arg2, arg3)
6254 |
6280 |
| ("shared_decls",x)::xs ->
6255 |
6281 |
loop xs
6256 |
6282 |
(arg0, arg1,
... | ... | |
6260 |
6286 |
[] xs
6261 |
6287 |
| _ ->
6262 |
6288 |
Result.Error "Vhdl_ast.vhdl_package_t.shared_decls")
6289 |
x), arg3)
6290 |
| ("shared_uses",x)::xs ->
6291 |
loop xs
6292 |
(arg0, arg1, arg2,
6293 |
6294 |
| `List xs ->
6295 |
map_bind (fun x -> vhdl_load_t_of_yojson x) [] xs
6296 |
| _ ->
6297 |
Result.Error "Vhdl_ast.vhdl_package_t.shared_uses")
6263 |
6298 |
6264 |
6299 |
| [] ->
6265 |
arg2 >>=
6266 |
((fun arg2 ->
6267 |
arg1 >>=
6268 |
(fun arg1 ->
6269 |
arg0 >>=
6270 |
(fun arg0 ->
6271 |
6272 |
6273 |
name = arg0;
6274 |
shared_defs = arg1;
6275 |
shared_decls = arg2
6276 |
6300 |
arg3 >>=
6301 |
((fun arg3 ->
6302 |
arg2 >>=
6303 |
(fun arg2 ->
6304 |
arg1 >>=
6305 |
(fun arg1 ->
6306 |
arg0 >>=
6307 |
(fun arg0 ->
6308 |
6309 |
6310 |
name = arg0;
6311 |
shared_defs = arg1;
6312 |
shared_decls = arg2;
6313 |
shared_uses = arg3
6314 |
6277 |
6315 |
| _::xs -> loop xs _state in
6278 |
loop xs ((Result.Ok NoName), (Result.Ok []), (Result.Ok []))
6316 |
loop xs
6317 |
((Result.Ok NoName), (Result.Ok []), (Result.Ok []),
6318 |
(Result.Ok []))
6279 |
6319 |
| _ -> Result.Error "Vhdl_ast.vhdl_package_t")
6280 |
6320 |
[@ocaml.warning "-A"])
6281 |
6321 |
Use clauses in package definition