9 |
9 |
(* *)
10 |
10 |
11 |
11 |
12 |
open Utils
12 |
13 |
open LustreSpec
13 |
14 |
open Corelang
14 |
15 |
open Causality
15 |
16 |
open Machine_code
16 |
17 |
18 |
let pp_elim fmt elim =
19 |
20 |
Format.fprintf fmt "{ /* elim table: */@.";
21 |
IMap.iter (fun v expr -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s |-> %a@." v pp_val expr) elim;
22 |
Format.fprintf fmt "}@.";
23 |
24 |
17 |
25 |
let rec eliminate elim instr =
18 |
26 |
let e_expr = eliminate_expr elim in
19 |
27 |
match instr with
... | ... | |
32 |
40 |
33 |
41 |
and eliminate_expr elim expr =
34 |
42 |
match expr with
35 |
| LocalVar v -> if List.mem_assoc v elim then List.assoc v elim else expr
43 |
| LocalVar v -> (try IMap.find v.var_id elim with Not_found -> expr)
36 |
44 |
| Fun (id, vl) -> Fun (id, List.map (eliminate_expr elim) vl)
37 |
45 |
| Array(vl) -> Array(List.map (eliminate_expr elim) vl)
38 |
46 |
| Access(v1, v2) -> Access(eliminate_expr elim v1, eliminate_expr elim v2)
39 |
| Power(v1, v2) -> Access(eliminate_expr elim v1, eliminate_expr elim v2)
47 |
| Power(v1, v2) -> Power(eliminate_expr elim v1, eliminate_expr elim v2)
40 |
48 |
| Cst _ | StateVar _ -> expr
41 |
49 |
50 |
let is_scalar_const c =
51 |
match c with
52 |
| Const_int _
53 |
| Const_real _
54 |
| Const_float _
55 |
| Const_tag _ -> true
56 |
| _ -> false
57 |
58 |
let unfoldable_assign fanin v expr =
59 |
60 |
let d = Hashtbl.find fanin v.var_id
61 |
in match expr with
62 |
| Cst c when is_scalar_const c -> true
63 |
| Cst c when d < 2 -> true
64 |
| LocalVar _
65 |
| StateVar _ -> true
66 |
| Fun (id, _) when d < 2 && Basic_library.is_internal_fun id -> true
67 |
| _ -> false
68 |
with Not_found -> false
69 |
70 |
let merge_elim elim1 elim2 =
71 |
let merge k e1 e2 =
72 |
match e1, e2 with
73 |
| Some e1, Some e2 -> if e1 = e2 then Some e1 else None
74 |
| _ , Some e2 -> Some e2
75 |
| Some e1, _ -> Some e1
76 |
| _ -> None
77 |
in IMap.merge merge elim1 elim2
78 |
42 |
79 |
(* see if elim has to take in account the provided instr:
43 |
80 |
if so, update elim and return the remove flag,
44 |
81 |
otherwise, the expression should be kept and elim is left untouched *)
45 |
let update_elim outputs elim instr =
82 |
let rec instrs_unfold fanin elim instrs =
83 |
let elim, rev_instrs =
84 |
List.fold_left (fun (elim, instrs) instr ->
85 |
(* each subexpression in instr that could be rewritten by the elim set is
86 |
rewritten *)
87 |
let instr = eliminate elim instr in
88 |
(* if instr is a simple local assign, then (a) elim is simplified with it (b) it
89 |
is stored as the elim set *)
90 |
instr_unfold fanin instrs elim instr
91 |
) (elim, []) instrs
92 |
in elim, List.rev rev_instrs
93 |
94 |
and instr_unfold fanin instrs elim instr =
46 |
95 |
(* Format.eprintf "SHOULD WE STORE THE EXPRESSION IN INSTR %a TO ELIMINATE IT@." pp_instr instr;*)
47 |
48 |
let apply elim v new_e =
49 |
(v, new_e)::List.map (fun (v, e) -> v, eliminate_expr [v, new_e] e) elim
50 |
51 |
96 |
match instr with
52 |
97 |
(* Simple cases*)
53 |
| MLocalAssign (v, (Cst _ as e))
54 |
| MLocalAssign (v, (LocalVar _ as e))
55 |
| MLocalAssign (v, (StateVar _ as e)) ->
56 |
if not (List.mem v outputs) then true, apply elim v e else false, elim
57 |
(* When optimization >= 3, we also inline any basic operator call.
58 |
All those are returning a single ouput *)
59 |
| MStep([v], id, vl) when
60 |
Basic_library.is_internal_fun id
61 |
&& !Options.optimization >= 3
62 |
-> assert false
63 |
(* true, apply elim v (Fun(id, vl))*)
64 |
65 |
66 |
| MLocalAssign (v, ((Fun (id, il)) as e)) when
67 |
not (List.mem v outputs)
68 |
&& Basic_library.is_internal_fun id (* this will avoid inlining ite *)
69 |
&& !Options.optimization >= 3
70 |
-> (
71 |
(* Format.eprintf "WE STORE THE EXPRESSION DEFINING %s TO ELIMINATE IT@." v.var_id; *)
72 |
true, apply elim v e
73 |
74 |
| _ ->
98 |
| MStep([v], id, vl) when Basic_library.is_internal_fun id
99 |
-> instr_unfold fanin instrs elim (MLocalAssign (v, Fun (id, vl)))
100 |
| MLocalAssign(v, expr) when unfoldable_assign fanin v expr
101 |
-> (IMap.add v.var_id expr elim, instrs)
102 |
| MBranch(g, hl) when false
103 |
-> let elim_branches = List.map (fun (h, l) -> (h, instrs_unfold fanin elim l)) hl in
104 |
let (elim, branches) =
105 |
106 |
(fun (h, (e, l)) (elim, branches) -> (merge_elim elim e, (h, l)::branches))
107 |
elim_branches (elim, [])
108 |
in elim, (MBranch (g, branches) :: instrs)
109 |
| _
110 |
-> (elim, instr :: instrs)
75 |
111 |
(* default case, we keep the instruction and do not modify elim *)
76 |
false, elim
77 |
112 |
78 |
113 |
79 |
114 |
(** We iterate in the order, recording simple local assigns in an accumulator
80 |
115 |
1. each expression is rewritten according to the accumulator
81 |
116 |
2. local assigns then rewrite occurrences of the lhs in the computed accumulator
82 |
117 |
83 |
let optimize_minstrs outputs instrs =
84 |
let rev_instrs, eliminate =
85 |
List.fold_left (fun (rinstrs, elim) instr ->
86 |
(* each subexpression in instr that could be rewritten by the elim set is
87 |
rewritten *)
88 |
let instr = eliminate elim instr in
89 |
(* if instr is a simple local assign, then (a) elim is simplified with it (b) it
90 |
is stored as the elim set *)
91 |
let remove, elim = update_elim outputs elim instr in
92 |
(if remove then rinstrs else instr::rinstrs), elim
93 |
) ([],[]) instrs
94 |
95 |
let eliminated_vars = List.map fst eliminate in
96 |
eliminated_vars, List.rev rev_instrs
97 |
118 |
98 |
119 |
(** Perform optimization on machine code:
99 |
120 |
- iterate through step instructions and remove simple local assigns
100 |
121 |
101 |
122 |
102 |
let optimize_machine machine =
103 |
let eliminated_vars, new_instrs = optimize_minstrs machine.mstep.step_outputs machine.mstep.step_instrs in
104 |
let new_locals =
105 |
List.filter (fun v -> not (List.mem v eliminated_vars)) machine.mstep.step_locals
123 |
let machine_unfold fanin elim machine =
124 |
(*Log.report ~level:1 (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "machine_unfold %a@." pp_elim elim);*)
125 |
let eliminated_vars, new_instrs = instrs_unfold fanin elim machine.mstep.step_instrs in
126 |
let new_locals = List.filter (fun v -> not (IMap.mem v.var_id eliminated_vars)) machine.mstep.step_locals
106 |
127 |
107 |
128 |
108 |
129 |
machine with
... | ... | |
112 |
133 |
step_instrs = new_instrs
113 |
134 |
114 |
135 |
115 |
116 |
136 |
137 |
let instr_of_const top_const =
138 |
let const = const_of_top top_const in
139 |
let vdecl = mkvar_decl Location.dummy_loc (const.const_id, mktyp Location.dummy_loc Tydec_any, mkclock Location.dummy_loc Ckdec_any, true) in
140 |
let vdecl = { vdecl with var_type = const.const_type }
141 |
in MLocalAssign (vdecl, Cst const.const_value)
117 |
142 |
118 |
let optimize_machines machines =
119 |
List.map optimize_machine machines
143 |
let machines_unfold consts node_schs machines =
144 |
145 |
(fun m ->
146 |
let fanin = (IMap.find m.mname.node_id node_schs).Scheduling.fanin_table in
147 |
let elim_consts, _ = instrs_unfold fanin IMap.empty (List.map instr_of_const consts)
148 |
in machine_unfold fanin elim_consts m)
149 |
120 |
150 |
121 |
151 |
(* variable substitution for optimizing purposes *)
122 |
152 |
- changed the basic optimization scheme (option -O 2), which unfolds
local variables and global variables that are either cheap to evaluate
or used no more than once.
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@339 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e