Revision a7062da6
Added by LĂ©lio Brun over 3 years ago
src/backends/Ada/ | ||
9 | 9 |
(* *) |
10 | 10 |
(********************************************************************) |
11 | 11 |
12 |
open Utils |
12 | 13 |
open Format |
13 | 14 |
open Machine_code_types |
14 | 15 |
open Lustre_types |
... | ... | |
20 | 21 |
open Ada_backend_common |
21 | 22 |
22 | 23 |
(** Main module for generating packages bodies **) |
23 |
module Main = struct |
24 |
(** Printing function for basic assignement [var := value]. |
25 | 24 |
26 |
@param fmt the formater to print on @param var_name the name of the |
27 |
variable @param value the value to be assigned **) |
28 |
let pp_assign env fmt var value = |
29 |
fprintf fmt "%a := %a" (pp_var env) var (pp_value env) value |
25 |
(** Printing function for basic assignement [var := value]. |
30 | 26 |
31 |
(** Printing function for instruction. See {!type:Machine_code_types.instr_t} |
32 |
for more details on machine types. |
27 |
@param fmt the formater to print on @param var_name the name of the |
28 |
variable @param value the value to be assigned **) |
29 |
let pp_assign env fmt var value = |
30 |
fprintf fmt "%a := %a" (pp_var env) var (pp_value env) value |
33 | 31 |
34 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
35 |
machine @param machine the current machine @param fmt the formater to |
36 |
print on @param instr the instruction to print **) |
37 |
let rec pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env instr fmt = |
38 |
let pp_instr = pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env in |
39 |
(* Print args for a step call *) |
40 |
let pp_state i fmt = fprintf fmt "%t.%s" pp_state_name i in |
41 |
(* Print a when branch of a case *) |
42 |
let pp_when (cond, instrs) fmt = |
43 |
fprintf fmt "when %s =>@,%a" cond pp_block ( pp_instr instrs) |
44 |
in |
45 |
(* Print a case *) |
46 |
let pp_case fmt (g, hl) = |
47 |
fprintf fmt "case %a is@,%aend case" (pp_value env) g pp_block |
48 |
( pp_when hl) |
49 |
in |
50 |
(* Print a if *) |
51 |
(* If neg is true the we must test for the negation of the condition. It |
52 |
first check that we don't have a negation and a else case, if so it |
53 |
inverses the two branch and remove the negation doing a recursive call. *) |
54 |
let pp_if fmt (neg, g, instrs1, instrs2) = |
55 |
let pp_cond = |
56 |
if neg then fun fmt x -> fprintf fmt "! (%a)" (pp_value env) x |
57 |
else pp_value env |
58 |
in |
59 |
let pp_else = |
60 |
match instrs2 with |
61 |
| None -> |
62 |
fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "" |
63 |
| Some i2 -> |
64 |
fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "else@,%a" pp_block ( pp_instr i2) |
65 |
in |
66 |
fprintf fmt "if %a then@,%a%tend if" pp_cond g pp_block |
67 |
( pp_instr instrs1) |
68 |
pp_else |
69 |
in |
70 |
match get_instr_desc instr with |
71 |
(* no reset *) |
72 |
| MNoReset _ -> |
73 |
() |
74 |
(* TODO: handle clear_reset *) |
75 |
| MClearReset -> |
76 |
() |
77 |
(* reset *) |
78 |
| MSetReset i when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines -> |
79 |
let substitution, submachine = get_instance i typed_submachines in |
80 |
let pp_package = |
81 |
pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine |
82 |
in |
83 |
let args = |
84 |
if is_machine_statefull submachine then [ [ pp_state i ] ] else [] |
85 |
in |
86 |
pp_call fmt (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_reset_procedure_name), args) |
87 |
| MLocalAssign (ident, value) -> |
88 |
pp_assign env fmt ident value |
89 |
| MStateAssign (ident, value) -> |
90 |
pp_assign env fmt ident value |
91 |
| MStep ([ i0 ], i, vl) when is_builtin_fun i -> |
92 |
let value = mk_val (Fun (i, vl)) i0.var_type in |
93 |
pp_assign env fmt i0 value |
94 |
| MStep (il, i, vl) when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines -> |
95 |
let substitution, submachine = get_instance i typed_submachines in |
96 |
let pp_package = |
97 |
pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine |
98 |
in |
99 |
let input = (fun x fmt -> pp_value env fmt x) vl in |
100 |
let output = pp_var_name il in |
101 |
let args = |
102 |
(if is_machine_statefull submachine then [ [ pp_state i ] ] else []) |
103 |
@ (if input != [] then [ input ] else []) |
104 |
@ if output != [] then [ output ] else [] |
105 |
in |
106 |
pp_call fmt (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_step_procedure_name), args) |
107 |
| MBranch (_, []) -> |
108 |
assert false |
109 |
| MBranch (g, (c1, i1) :: tl) when c1 = tag_false || c1 = tag_true -> |
110 |
pp_if fmt (build_if g c1 i1 tl) |
111 |
| MBranch (g, hl) -> |
112 |
pp_case fmt (g, hl) |
113 |
| MComment s -> |
114 |
let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' s in |
115 |
fprintf fmt "%a" (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"" pp_oneline_comment) lines |
116 |
| _ -> |
117 |
assert false |
32 |
(** Printing function for instruction. See {!type:Machine_code_types.instr_t} |
33 |
for more details on machine types. |
118 | 34 |
119 |
(** Print the definition of the step procedure from a machine. |
120 |
121 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
122 |
machine @param fmt the formater to print on @param machine the machine **) |
123 |
let pp_step_definition env typed_submachines fmt (m, m_spec_opt, guarantees) = |
124 |
let transform_local_to_state_assign instr = |
125 |
match instr.instr_desc with |
126 |
| MLocalAssign (ident, value) -> |
127 |
{ instr with instr_desc = MStateAssign (ident, value) } |
128 |
| _ -> |
129 |
instr |
35 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
36 |
machine @param machine the current machine @param fmt the formater to |
37 |
print on @param instr the instruction to print **) |
38 |
let rec pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env instr fmt = |
39 |
let pp_instr = pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env in |
40 |
(* Print args for a step call *) |
41 |
let pp_state i fmt = fprintf fmt "%t.%s" pp_state_name i in |
42 |
(* Print a when branch of a case *) |
43 |
let pp_when (cond, instrs) fmt = |
44 |
fprintf fmt "when %s =>@,%a" cond pp_block ( pp_instr instrs) |
45 |
in |
46 |
(* Print a case *) |
47 |
let pp_case fmt (g, hl) = |
48 |
fprintf fmt "case %a is@,%aend case" (pp_value env) g pp_block |
49 |
( pp_when hl) |
50 |
in |
51 |
(* Print a if *) |
52 |
(* If neg is true the we must test for the negation of the condition. It |
53 |
first check that we don't have a negation and a else case, if so it |
54 |
inverses the two branch and remove the negation doing a recursive call. *) |
55 |
let pp_if fmt (neg, g, instrs1, instrs2) = |
56 |
let pp_cond = |
57 |
if neg then fun fmt x -> fprintf fmt "! (%a)" (pp_value env) x |
58 |
else pp_value env |
130 | 59 |
in |
131 |
let pp_local_ghost_list, spec_instrs =
132 |
match m_spec_opt with
60 |
let pp_else =
61 |
match instrs2 with
133 | 62 |
| None -> |
134 |
[], [] |
135 |
| Some m_spec -> |
136 |
( |
137 |
(build_pp_var_decl_local (Some (true, false, [], []))) |
138 |
(List.filter |
139 |
(fun x -> not (List.mem x.var_id guarantees)) |
140 |
m_spec.mstep.step_locals), |
141 | transform_local_to_state_assign m_spec.mstep.step_instrs ) |
63 |
fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "" |
64 |
| Some i2 -> |
65 |
fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "else@,%a" pp_block ( pp_instr i2) |
66 |
in |
67 |
fprintf fmt "if %a then@,%a%tend if" pp_cond g pp_block |
68 |
( pp_instr instrs1) |
69 |
pp_else |
70 |
in |
71 |
match get_instr_desc instr with |
72 |
(* no reset *) |
73 |
| MNoReset _ -> |
74 |
() |
75 |
(* TODO: handle clear_reset *) |
76 |
| MClearReset -> |
77 |
() |
78 |
(* reset *) |
79 |
| MSetReset i when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines -> |
80 |
let substitution, submachine = get_instance i typed_submachines in |
81 |
let pp_package = |
82 |
pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine |
142 | 83 |
in |
143 |
let pp_local_list =
144 | (build_pp_var_decl_local None) m.mstep.step_locals
84 |
let args =
85 |
if is_machine_statefull submachine then [ [ pp_state i ] ] else []
145 | 86 |
in |
146 |
let pp_instr_list = |
147 | |
148 |
(pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) |
149 |
(m.mstep.step_instrs @ spec_instrs) |
87 |
pp_call fmt (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_reset_procedure_name), args) |
88 |
| MLocalAssign (ident, value) -> |
89 |
pp_assign env fmt ident value |
90 |
| MStateAssign (ident, value) -> |
91 |
pp_assign env fmt ident value |
92 |
| MStep ([ i0 ], i, vl) when is_builtin_fun i -> |
93 |
let value = mk_val (Fun (i, vl)) i0.var_type in |
94 |
pp_assign env fmt i0 value |
95 |
| MStep (il, i, vl) when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines -> |
96 |
let substitution, submachine = get_instance i typed_submachines in |
97 |
let pp_package = |
98 |
pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine |
150 | 99 |
in |
151 |
let content = |
152 |
AdaProcedureContent |
153 |
( ((if pp_local_ghost_list = [] then [] else [ pp_local_ghost_list ]) |
154 |
@ if pp_local_list = [] then [] else [ pp_local_list ]), |
155 |
pp_instr_list ) |
100 |
let input = (fun x fmt -> pp_value env fmt x) vl in |
101 |
let output = pp_var_name il in |
102 |
let args = |
103 |
(if is_machine_statefull submachine then [ [ pp_state i ] ] else []) |
104 |
@ (if input != [] then [ input ] else []) |
105 |
@ if output != [] then [ output ] else [] |
156 | 106 |
in |
157 |
pp_procedure pp_step_procedure_name (build_pp_arg_step m) None fmt content |
107 |
pp_call fmt (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_step_procedure_name), args) |
108 |
| MBranch (_, []) -> |
109 |
assert false |
110 |
| MBranch (g, (c1, i1) :: tl) when c1 = tag_false || c1 = tag_true -> |
111 |
pp_if fmt (build_if g c1 i1 tl) |
112 |
| MBranch (g, hl) -> |
113 |
pp_case fmt (g, hl) |
114 |
| MComment s -> |
115 |
let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' s in |
116 |
fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_nothing pp_oneline_comment) lines |
117 |
| _ -> |
118 |
assert false |
158 | 119 |
159 |
(** Print the definition of the reset procedure from a machine.
120 |
(** Print the definition of the step procedure from a machine.
160 | 121 |
161 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
162 |
machine @param fmt the formater to print on @param machine the machine **) |
163 |
let pp_reset_definition env typed_submachines fmt (m, m_spec_opt) = |
164 |
let build_assign = function |
165 |
| var -> |
166 |
mkinstr (MStateAssign (var, mk_default_value var.var_type)) |
167 |
in |
168 |
let env, memory = |
169 |
match m_spec_opt with None -> env, m.mmemory | Some _ -> env, m.mmemory |
170 |
in |
171 |
let assigns = build_assign memory in |
172 |
let pp_instr_list = |
173 | (pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) (assigns @ m.minit) |
174 |
in |
175 |
pp_procedure pp_reset_procedure_name (build_pp_arg_reset m) None fmt |
176 |
(AdaProcedureContent ([], pp_instr_list)) |
122 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
123 |
machine @param fmt the formater to print on @param machine the machine **) |
124 |
let pp_step_definition env typed_submachines fmt (m, m_spec_opt, guarantees) = |
125 |
let transform_local_to_state_assign instr = |
126 |
match instr.instr_desc with |
127 |
| MLocalAssign (ident, value) -> |
128 |
{ instr with instr_desc = MStateAssign (ident, value) } |
129 |
| _ -> |
130 |
instr |
131 |
in |
132 |
let pp_local_ghost_list, spec_instrs = |
133 |
match m_spec_opt with |
134 |
| None -> |
135 |
[], [] |
136 |
| Some m_spec -> |
137 |
( |
138 |
(build_pp_var_decl_local (Some (true, false, [], []))) |
139 |
(List.filter |
140 |
(fun x -> not (List.mem x.var_id guarantees)) |
141 |
m_spec.mstep.step_locals), |
142 | transform_local_to_state_assign m_spec.mstep.step_instrs ) |
143 |
in |
144 |
let pp_local_list = |
145 | (build_pp_var_decl_local None) m.mstep.step_locals |
146 |
in |
147 |
let pp_instr_list = |
148 | |
149 |
(pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) |
150 |
(m.mstep.step_instrs @ spec_instrs) |
151 |
in |
152 |
let content = |
153 |
AdaProcedureContent |
154 |
( ((if pp_local_ghost_list = [] then [] else [ pp_local_ghost_list ]) |
155 |
@ if pp_local_list = [] then [] else [ pp_local_list ]), |
156 |
pp_instr_list ) |
157 |
in |
158 |
pp_procedure pp_step_procedure_name (build_pp_arg_step m) None fmt content |
177 | 159 |
178 |
(** Print the package definition(ads) of a machine. It requires the list of |
179 |
all typed instance. A typed submachine instance is (ident, type_machine) |
180 |
with ident the instance name and typed_machine is (substitution, machine) |
181 |
with machine the machine associated to the instance and substitution the |
182 |
instanciation of all its polymorphic types. @param fmt the formater to |
183 |
print on @param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of |
184 |
this machine @param m the machine **) |
185 |
let pp_file fmt (typed_submachines, ((opt_spec_machine, guarantees), machine)) |
186 |
= |
187 |
let env = (fun x -> x.var_id, pp_state_name) machine.mmemory in |
188 |
let pp_reset fmt = |
189 |
if is_machine_statefull machine then |
190 |
fprintf fmt "%a;@,@," |
191 |
(pp_reset_definition env typed_submachines) |
192 |
(machine, opt_spec_machine) |
193 |
else fprintf fmt "" |
194 |
in |
195 |
let aux pkgs (id, _) = |
196 |
try |
197 |
let pkg, _ = List.assoc id ada_supported_funs in |
198 |
if List.mem pkg pkgs then pkgs else pkg :: pkgs |
199 |
with Not_found -> pkgs |
200 |
in |
201 |
let packages = pp_str (List.fold_left aux [] machine.mcalls) in |
202 |
let pp_content fmt = |
203 |
fprintf fmt "%t%a" (*Define the reset procedure*) pp_reset |
204 |
(*Define the step procedure*) |
205 |
(pp_step_definition env typed_submachines) |
206 |
(machine, opt_spec_machine, guarantees) |
207 |
in |
208 |
fprintf fmt "%a%t%a;@." |
209 |
(* Include all the required packages*) |
210 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@," (pp_with AdaPrivate)) |
211 |
packages |
212 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty ";@,@," packages) |
213 |
(*Print package*) |
214 |
(pp_package (pp_package_name machine) [] true) |
215 |
pp_content |
216 |
end |
160 |
(** Print the definition of the reset procedure from a machine. |
161 |
162 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this |
163 |
machine @param fmt the formater to print on @param machine the machine **) |
164 |
let pp_reset_definition env typed_submachines fmt (m, m_spec_opt) = |
165 |
let build_assign = function |
166 |
| var -> |
167 |
mkinstr (MStateAssign (var, mk_default_value var.var_type)) |
168 |
in |
169 |
let env, memory = |
170 |
match m_spec_opt with None -> env, m.mmemory | Some _ -> env, m.mmemory |
171 |
in |
172 |
let assigns = build_assign memory in |
173 |
let pp_instr_list = |
174 | (pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) (assigns @ m.minit) |
175 |
in |
176 |
pp_procedure pp_reset_procedure_name (build_pp_arg_reset m) None fmt |
177 |
(AdaProcedureContent ([], pp_instr_list)) |
178 |
179 |
(** Print the package definition(ads) of a machine. It requires the list of |
180 |
all typed instance. A typed submachine instance is (ident, type_machine) |
181 |
with ident the instance name and typed_machine is (substitution, machine) |
182 |
with machine the machine associated to the instance and substitution the |
183 |
instanciation of all its polymorphic types. @param fmt the formater to |
184 |
print on @param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of |
185 |
this machine @param m the machine **) |
186 |
let pp_file fmt (typed_submachines, ((opt_spec_machine, guarantees), machine)) |
187 |
= |
188 |
let env = (fun x -> x.var_id, pp_state_name) machine.mmemory in |
189 |
let pp_reset fmt = |
190 |
if is_machine_statefull machine then |
191 |
fprintf fmt "%a;@,@," |
192 |
(pp_reset_definition env typed_submachines) |
193 |
(machine, opt_spec_machine) |
194 |
else fprintf fmt "" |
195 |
in |
196 |
let aux pkgs (id, _) = |
197 |
try |
198 |
let pkg, _ = List.assoc id ada_supported_funs in |
199 |
if List.mem pkg pkgs then pkgs else pkg :: pkgs |
200 |
with Not_found -> pkgs |
201 |
in |
202 |
let packages = pp_str (List.fold_left aux [] machine.mcalls) in |
203 |
let pp_content fmt = |
204 |
fprintf fmt "%t%a" (*Define the reset procedure*) pp_reset |
205 |
(*Define the step procedure*) |
206 |
(pp_step_definition env typed_submachines) |
207 |
(machine, opt_spec_machine, guarantees) |
208 |
in |
209 |
fprintf fmt "%a%a;@." |
210 |
(* Include all the required packages*) |
211 |
(pp_print_list |
212 |
~pp_sep:pp_print_semicolon |
213 |
~pp_epilogue:(fun fmt () -> fprintf fmt ";@,@,") |
214 |
(pp_with AdaPrivate)) |
215 |
packages |
216 |
(*Print package*) |
217 |
(pp_package (pp_package_name machine) [] true) |
218 |
pp_content |
217 | 219 |
218 | 220 |
(* Local Variables: *) |
219 | 221 |
(* compile-command: "make -C ../../.." *) |
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