Revision 9ae027f8
Added by Pierre-Loïc Garoche almost 7 years ago
src/tools/stateflow/json-parser/ | ||
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
module ParseExt = |
8 | 8 |
struct |
9 |
let parse_condition _ = Condition.tru |
10 |
let parse_action _ = Action.nil |
9 |
open Yojson.Basic |
10 |
11 |
12 |
let remove_quotes s = |
13 |
let len = String.length s in |
14 |
if String.get s 0 = '"' && String.get s (len-1) = '"' then |
15 |
String.sub s 1 (len-2) |
16 |
else ( |
17 |
Format.eprintf "No quotes in string %s@.@?" s; |
18 |
assert false |
19 |
) |
20 |
21 |
let get_vars json = |
22 |
let get_vdecls key json = |
23 |
let s = json |> Util.member key |> to_string in |
24 |
try |
25 |
let s'= remove_quotes s in |
26 |
if s' = "" then [] else |
27 |
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s' in |
28 |
Parser_lustre.vdecl_list Lexer_lustre.token lexbuf |
29 |
with _ -> (Format.eprintf "Issues parsing decls for %s: %s@.@?" key s; assert false) |
30 |
31 |
in |
32 |
let inputs = get_vdecls "inputs" json in |
33 |
let outputs = get_vdecls "outputs" json in |
34 |
let variables = get_vdecls "variables" json in |
35 |
inputs, outputs, variables |
36 |
37 |
(* Protecting the generation of condition/action in case of an empty string |
38 |
instead of a subtree *) |
39 |
let protect default parse_fun embed_fun json = |
40 |
try |
41 |
let vars = get_vars json in |
42 |
let actions = json |> Util.member "actions" |> to_string in |
43 |
if actions = "[]" || actions = "" then default (* should not happen *) else ( |
44 |
Format.eprintf "Parsing string: %s@." actions; |
45 |
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string (remove_quotes actions) in |
46 |
try |
47 |
let content = parse_fun Lexer_lustre.token lexbuf in |
48 |
Parsing.clear_parser (); |
49 |
embed_fun content vars |
50 |
with Parsing.Parse_error -> |
51 |
let loc = Location.dummy_loc in |
52 |
raise (Parse.Error (loc, Parse.String_Syntax_error actions)) |
53 |
) |
54 |
with Util.Type_error _ -> ( |
55 |
Format.eprintf |
56 |
"Unable to explore json subtree: empty string %s@." (to_string json); |
57 |
default |
58 |
) |
59 |
60 |
let parse_condition = |
61 |
protect |
62 |
Condition.tru |
63 |
Parser_lustre.expr |
64 |
(fun e (in_,out_,locals_) -> |
65 |
(* let vars = Corelang.get_expr_vars e in *) |
66 |
Condition.cquote { |
67 |
expr = e; |
68 |
cinputs = in_; |
69 |
coutputs = out_; |
70 |
cvariables = locals_; |
71 |
72 |
}) |
73 |
74 |
let parse_action = |
75 |
protect Action.nil Parser_lustre.stmt_list |
76 |
(fun (stmts, asserts, annots) (in_, out_, locals_) -> |
77 |
if asserts != [] || annots != [] then |
78 |
assert false (* Stateflow equations should not use asserts nor define |
79 |
annotations *) |
80 |
else |
81 |
Action.aquote ({ |
82 |
defs = stmts; |
83 |
ainputs = in_; |
84 |
aoutputs = out_; |
85 |
avariables = locals_; |
86 |
}) |
87 |
) |
88 |
11 | 89 |
let parse_event json = Some Yojson.Basic.(json |> to_string) |
12 | 90 |
end |
13 | 91 |
14 |
module Parse = Parser (ParseExt) |
92 |
module JParse = Parser (ParseExt)
15 | 93 |
16 | 94 |
(* setup for logging *) |
17 | 95 |
let setup_log style_renderer level = |
... | ... | |
20 | 98 |
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ()); |
21 | 99 |
() |
22 | 100 |
101 |
let modular = ref 0 |
102 |
23 | 103 |
(* function representing the program to execute *) |
24 | 104 |
let json_parse _ file pp = |
25 |
let prog = Parse.parse_prog (Yojson.Basic.from_file file) in |
26 |
if pp then |
27 |
SF.pp_prog Format.std_formatter prog |
105 |
try |
106 |
let prog = JParse.parse_prog (Yojson.Basic.from_file file) in |
107 |
if pp then |
108 |
SF.pp_prog Format.std_formatter prog; |
109 |
110 |
let module Model = |
111 |
struct |
112 |
let model = prog |
113 |
let name = "toto" (* TODO find a meaningful name *) |
114 |
let traces = [] (* TODO: shall we remove the traces field? *) |
115 |
end |
116 |
in |
117 |
let modularmode = |
118 |
match !modular with |
119 |
| 2 -> true, true, true |
120 |
| 1 -> false, true, false |
121 |
| _ (* 0 *) -> false, false ,false |
122 |
in |
123 |
let state_vars = Datatype.SF.states Model.model in |
124 |
let global_vars = Datatype.SF.global_vars Model.model in |
125 |
126 |
let module T = CPS_lustre_generator.LustrePrinter (struct |
127 |
let state_vars = state_vars |
128 |
let global_vars = global_vars |
129 |
end) in |
130 |
let module Sem = CPS.Semantics (T) (Model) in |
131 |
let prog = Sem.code_gen modularmode in |
132 |
Options.print_dec_types := true; |
133 |
Format.printf "%a@." Printers.pp_prog prog; |
134 |
135 |
let auto_file = "sf_gen_test_auto.lus" in (* Could be changed *) |
136 |
let auto_out = open_out auto_file in |
137 |
let auto_fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel auto_out in |
138 |
Format.fprintf auto_fmt "%a@." Printers.pp_prog prog; |
139 |
140 |
let prog = (LustreSpec.Open ("math",false))::prog |
141 |
let prog, deps = Compiler_stages.stage1 prog "" "" in |
142 |
143 |
Format.printf "%a@." Printers.pp_prog prog; |
144 |
let noauto_file = "sf_gen_test_noauto.lus" in (* Could be changed *) |
145 |
let noauto_out = open_out noauto_file in |
146 |
let noauto_fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel noauto_out in |
147 |
Format.fprintf noauto_fmt "%a@." Printers.pp_prog prog |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
with Parse.Error (l, err) -> Format.eprintf "Parse error at loc %a : %a@.@?" Location.pp_loc l Parse.pp_error err |
28 | 153 |
29 | 154 |
(* term representing argument for file *) |
30 | 155 |
let file = |
... | ... | |
56 | 181 | "parse_json_file" ~doc ~exits:Term.default_exits ~man |
57 | 182 |
58 | 183 |
(* program *) |
59 |
let _ = Term.exit @@ Term.eval (json_parse_t, info) |
184 |
let _ = |
185 |
Term.exit @@ Term.eval (json_parse_t, info) |
Also available in: Unified diff
[stateflow] some progress, linking the parsed json to lustrec engine. Some variables are not yet typed. To investigate ...