Revision 7a19992d
Added by Pierre-Loïc Garoche almost 11 years ago
src/ | ||
4 | 4 |
open Machine_code |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 |
let pp_machine_reset_name fmt id = fprintf fmt "%s_reset" id |
8 |
let pp_machine_step_name fmt id = fprintf fmt "%s_step" id |
9 |
7 | 10 |
let pp_type fmt t = |
8 | 11 |
match (Types.repr t).Types.tdesc with |
9 | 12 |
| Types.Tbool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Bool" |
... | ... | |
13 | 16 |
| Types.Tstatic _ |
14 | 17 |
| Types.Tconst _ |
15 | 18 |
| Types.Tarrow _ |
16 |
| _ -> Format.eprintf "internal error: pp_type %a@." Types.print_ty t; assert false |
19 |
| _ -> Format.eprintf "internal error: pp_type %a@." |
20 |
Types.print_ty t; assert false |
17 | 21 |
18 | 22 |
19 | 23 |
let pp_decl_var fmt id = |
... | ... | |
26 | 30 |
let pp_instr machine_name fmt i = |
27 | 31 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(xxx)" |
28 | 32 |
29 |
let rename f = (fun v -> {v with var_id = f v.var_id } ) |
30 |
let rename_current machine_name = rename (fun n -> machine_name ^ "." ^ n ^ "_c") |
33 |
let rename f = (fun v -> {v with var_id = f v.var_id } ) |
34 |
let rename_current machine_name = rename (fun n -> machine_name ^ "." ^ n ^ "_c") |
35 |
let rename_current_list machine_name = (rename_current machine_name) |
31 | 36 |
let rename_next machine_name = rename (fun n -> machine_name ^ "." ^ n ^ "_x") |
37 |
let rename_next_list machine_name = (rename_next machine_name) |
32 | 38 |
let rename_machine machine_name = rename (fun n -> machine_name ^ "." ^ n) |
39 |
let rename_machine_list machine_name = (rename_machine machine_name) |
33 | 40 |
34 | 41 |
let machine_vars m = |
35 |
(rename_current m.mname.node_id m.mstatic)@ |
36 |
(rename_next m.mname.node_id m.mstatic)@ |
37 |
(rename_machine m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_inputs)@ |
38 |
(rename_machine m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_outputs) |
42 |
(rename_current_list m.mname.node_id m.mmemory)@ |
43 |
(rename_next_list m.mname.node_id m.mmemory)@ |
44 |
(rename_machine_list m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_inputs)@ |
45 |
(rename_machine_list m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_outputs) |
46 |
47 |
48 |
(********************************************************************************************) |
49 |
(* Instruction Printing functions *) |
50 |
(********************************************************************************************) |
51 |
52 |
let pp_horn_var m fmt id = |
53 |
if Types.is_array_type id.var_type |
54 |
then |
55 |
assert false (* no arrays in Horn output *) |
56 |
else |
57 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" id.var_id |
58 |
59 |
60 |
(* Used to print boolean constants *) |
61 |
let pp_horn_tag fmt t = |
62 |
pp_print_string fmt (if t = tag_true then "1" else if t = tag_false then "0" else t) |
63 |
64 |
(* Prints a constant value *) |
65 |
let rec pp_horn_const fmt c = |
66 |
match c with |
67 |
| Const_int i -> pp_print_int fmt i |
68 |
| Const_real r -> pp_print_string fmt r |
69 |
| Const_float r -> pp_print_float fmt r |
70 |
| Const_tag t -> pp_horn_tag fmt t |
71 |
| Const_array ca -> assert false |
72 |
73 |
(* Prints a value expression [v], with internal function calls only. |
74 |
[pp_var] is a printer for variables (typically [pp_c_var_read]), |
75 |
but an offset suffix may be added for array variables |
76 |
*) |
77 |
let rec pp_horn_val ?(is_lhs=false) self pp_var fmt v = |
78 |
match v with |
79 |
| Cst c -> pp_horn_const fmt c |
80 |
| Array _ |
81 |
| Access _ -> assert false (* no arrays *) |
82 |
| Power (v, n) -> assert false |
83 |
| LocalVar v -> pp_var fmt (rename_machine self v) |
84 |
| StateVar v -> |
85 |
if Types.is_array_type v.var_type |
86 |
then assert false |
87 |
else pp_var fmt ((if is_lhs then rename_next else rename_current) self v) |
88 |
| Fun (n, vl) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (Basic_library.pp_horn n (pp_horn_val self pp_var)) vl |
89 |
90 |
(* Prints a [value] indexed by the suffix list [loop_vars] *) |
91 |
let rec pp_value_suffix self pp_value fmt value = |
92 |
match value with |
93 |
| Fun (n, vl) -> |
94 |
Basic_library.pp_horn n (pp_value_suffix self pp_value) fmt vl |
95 |
| _ -> |
96 |
pp_horn_val self pp_value fmt value |
97 |
98 |
(* type_directed assignment: array vs. statically sized type |
99 |
- [var_type]: type of variable to be assigned |
100 |
- [var_name]: name of variable to be assigned |
101 |
- [value]: assigned value |
102 |
- [pp_var]: printer for variables |
103 |
*) |
104 |
let pp_assign m self pp_var fmt var_type var_name value = |
105 |
fprintf fmt "(%a = %a)" (pp_horn_val ~is_lhs:true self pp_var) var_name (pp_value_suffix self pp_var) value |
106 |
107 |
let pp_instance_call machines ?(init=false) m self fmt i (inputs: value_t list) (outputs: var_decl list) = |
108 |
try (* stateful node instance *) ( |
109 |
let (n,_) = List.assoc i m.minstances in |
110 |
match node_name n, inputs, outputs with |
111 |
| "_arrow", [i1; i2], [o] -> ( |
112 |
if init then |
113 |
pp_assign |
114 |
m self (pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m) fmt o) fmt |
115 |
o.var_type (LocalVar o) i1 |
116 |
else |
117 |
pp_assign |
118 |
m self (pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m) fmt o) fmt |
119 |
o.var_type (LocalVar o) i2 |
120 |
121 |
) |
122 |
| name, _, _ -> ( |
123 |
let target_machine = List.find (fun m -> m.mname.node_id = name) machines in |
124 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(%s_%s %a%txxx%axxx%t%a)" |
125 |
(node_name n) (if init then "init" else "step") |
126 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " (pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m))) inputs |
127 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty " " inputs) |
128 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " (pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m))) outputs |
129 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty " " outputs) |
130 |
131 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_var) (machine_vars target_machine) |
132 |
133 |
) |
134 |
) |
135 |
with Not_found -> (* stateless node instance *) |
136 |
let (n,_) = List.assoc i m.mcalls in |
137 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(%s %a%t%a)" |
138 |
(node_name n) |
139 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " (pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m))) inputs |
140 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty " " inputs) |
141 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " (pp_horn_var m)) outputs |
142 |
143 |
let pp_machine_reset (m: machine_t) self fmt inst = |
144 |
let (node, static) = List.assoc inst m.minstances in |
145 |
fprintf fmt "(%a %a%t%s->%s)" |
146 |
pp_machine_reset_name (node_name node) |
147 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " Dimension.pp_dimension) static |
148 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty " " static) |
149 |
self inst |
150 |
151 |
(* TODO *) |
152 |
let rec pp_conditional machines ?(init=false) (m: machine_t) self fmt c tl el = |
153 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>if (%a) {%t%a@]@,@[<v 2>} else {%t%a@]@,}" |
154 |
(pp_horn_val self (pp_horn_var m)) c |
155 |
(Utils.pp_newline_if_non_empty tl) |
156 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@," (pp_machine_instr machines ~init:init m self)) tl |
157 |
(Utils.pp_newline_if_non_empty el) |
158 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@," (pp_machine_instr machines ~init:init m self)) el |
159 |
160 |
and pp_machine_instr machines ?(init=false) (m: machine_t) self fmt instr = |
161 |
match instr with |
162 |
| MReset i -> |
163 |
pp_machine_reset m self fmt i |
164 |
| MLocalAssign (i,v) -> |
165 |
pp_assign |
166 |
m self (pp_horn_var m) fmt |
167 |
i.var_type (LocalVar i) v |
168 |
| MStateAssign (i,v) -> |
169 |
pp_assign |
170 |
m self (pp_horn_var m) fmt |
171 |
i.var_type (StateVar i) v |
172 |
| MStep ([i0], i, vl) when Basic_library.is_internal_fun i -> |
173 |
pp_machine_instr machines ~init:init m self fmt (MLocalAssign (i0, Fun (i, vl))) |
174 |
| MStep (il, i, vl) -> |
175 |
pp_instance_call machines ~init:init m self fmt i vl il |
176 |
| MBranch (g,hl) -> |
177 |
if hl <> [] && let t = fst (List.hd hl) in t = tag_true || t = tag_false |
178 |
then (* boolean case, needs special treatment in C because truth value is not unique *) |
179 |
(* may disappear if we optimize code by replacing last branch test with default *) |
180 |
let tl = try List.assoc tag_true hl with Not_found -> [] in |
181 |
let el = try List.assoc tag_false hl with Not_found -> [] in |
182 |
pp_conditional machines ~init:init m self fmt g tl el |
183 |
else assert false (* enum type case *) |
184 |
185 |
186 |
(**************************************************************) |
39 | 187 |
40 | 188 |
(* Print the machine m: |
41 | 189 |
two functions: m_init and m_step |
... | ... | |
43 | 191 |
- m_step is a predicate over old_memories, inputs, new_memories, outputs |
44 | 192 |
We first declare all variables then the two /rules/. |
45 | 193 |
*) |
46 |
let print_machine fmt m = |
47 |
if m.mname.node_id = arrow_id then () else ( (* We don't print arrow function *) |
194 |
let print_machine machines fmt m = |
195 |
let pp_instr init = pp_machine_instr machines ~init:init m in |
196 |
if m.mname.node_id = arrow_id then () |
197 |
else |
198 |
( (* We don't print arrow function *) |
48 | 199 |
Format.fprintf fmt "; %s@." m.mname.node_id; |
49 | 200 |
(* Printing variables *) |
50 | 201 |
Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@." pp_decl_var fmt |
51 |
((machine_vars m)@(rename_machine m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_locals)); |
52 |
202 |
((machine_vars m)@(rename_machine_list m.mname.node_id m.mstep.step_locals));
203 |
Format.pp_print_newline fmt (); |
53 | 204 |
(* Declaring predicate *) |
54 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-rel %s_init (%a))@."
55 |
m.mname.node_id |
56 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_type) ( (fun v -> v.var_type) m.mstatic);
205 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-rel %a (%a))@."
206 |
pp_machine_reset_name m.mname.node_id
207 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_type) ( (fun v -> v.var_type) m.mmemory);
57 | 208 |
58 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-rel %s_step (%a))@."
59 |
m.mname.node_id |
209 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-rel %a (%a))@."
210 |
pp_machine_step_name m.mname.node_id
60 | 211 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_type) ( (fun v -> v.var_type) (machine_vars m)); |
212 |
Format.pp_print_newline fmt (); |
61 | 213 |
62 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(rule (=> (and %a) (%s_init %a)))"
63 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@." (pp_instr m.mname.node_id)) m.minit
214 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>(rule (=> @ (and @[<v 0>%a@]@ )@ (%s_init %a)@]@.))@.@."
215 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@ " (pp_instr true m.mname.node_id)) m.mstep.step_instrs
64 | 216 |
m.mname.node_id |
65 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_var) (rename_machine m.mname.node_id m.mstatic);
217 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_var) (rename_next_list m.mname.node_id m.mmemory);
66 | 218 |
67 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(rule (=> (and %a) (%s_step %a)))"
68 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@." (pp_instr m.mname.node_id)) m.mstep.step_instrs
219 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>(rule (=> @ (and @[<v 0>%a@]@ )@ (%s_step %a)@]@.))@.@."
220 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@ " (pp_instr false m.mname.node_id)) m.mstep.step_instrs
69 | 221 |
m.mname.node_id |
70 | 222 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:" " pp_var) (machine_vars m); |
71 | 223 |
... | ... | |
75 | 227 |
let main_print fmt = () |
76 | 228 |
77 | 229 |
let translate fmt basename prog machines = |
78 |
List.iter (print_machine fmt) machines;
230 |
List.iter (print_machine machines fmt) (List.rev machines);
79 | 231 |
main_print fmt |
80 | 232 |
81 | 233 |
Also available in: Unified diff
In the middle of the coding process. Just pushing thinks
git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e