Revision 642e116d
Added by Pierre-Loïc Garoche over 6 years ago
src/plugins/salsa/ | ||
10 | 10 |
Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%t%s@ " (f k v) sep) r; |
11 | 11 |
Format.fprintf fmt "]@]"; |
12 | 12 |
13 |
module FormalEnv = |
14 |
struct |
15 |
type fe_t = (LT.ident, (int * LT.value_t)) Hashtbl.t |
16 |
let cpt = ref 0 |
17 |
18 |
exception NoDefinition of LT.var_decl |
19 |
(* Returns the expression associated to v in env *) |
20 |
let get_def (env: fe_t) v = |
21 |
try |
22 |
snd (Hashtbl.find env v.LT.var_id) |
23 |
with Not_found -> raise (NoDefinition v) |
24 |
25 |
let def (env: fe_t) d expr = |
26 |
incr cpt; |
27 |
let fresh = Hashtbl.copy env in |
28 |
Hashtbl.add fresh d.LT.var_id (!cpt, expr); fresh |
29 |
30 |
let empty (): fe_t = Hashtbl.create 13 |
31 |
32 |
let pp fmt env = pp_hash ~sep:";" (fun k (_,v) fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s -> %a" k MC.pp_val v) fmt env |
33 |
34 |
let fold f = Hashtbl.fold (fun k (_,v) accu -> f k v accu) |
35 |
36 |
let get_sort_fun env = |
37 |
let order = Hashtbl.fold (fun k (cpt, _) accu -> (k,cpt)::accu) env [] in |
38 |
fun v1 v2 -> |
39 |
if List.mem_assoc v1.LT.var_id order && List.mem_assoc v2.LT.var_id order then |
40 |
if (List.assoc v1.LT.var_id order) <= (List.assoc v2.LT.var_id order) then |
41 |
-1 |
42 |
else |
43 |
1 |
44 |
else |
45 |
assert false |
46 |
47 |
end |
48 | 13 |
49 | 14 |
module Ranges = |
50 | 15 |
functor (Value: sig type t val union: t -> t -> t val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit end) -> |
... | ... | |
125 | 90 |
ST.(I(min x1 x1', max x2 x2'), J(min y1 y1', max y2 y2')) |
126 | 91 |
| _ -> Format.eprintf "%a cup %a failed@.@?" pp v1 pp v2; assert false |
127 | 92 |
*) |
128 |
let inject cst = match cst with |
129 |
| LT.Const_int(i) -> Salsa.Builder.mk_cst (ST.R(Num.num_of_int i, []), ST.R(Num.num_of_int i, []))
93 |
let inject cst = match cst with (* ATTENTION ATTENTION !!!!! Remettre les Num !!!! *)
94 |
| LT.Const_int(i) -> Salsa.Builder.mk_cst (ST.R(float_of_int i (*Num.num_of_int i*), []), ST.R(float_of_int i (*Num.num_of_int i*), []))
130 | 95 |
| LT.Const_real (c,e,s) -> (* TODO: this is incorrect. We should rather |
131 | 96 |
compute the error associated to the float *) |
132 | 97 |
... | ... | |
269 | 234 |
forget about errors and provide the |
270 | 235 |
mean/middle value of the interval |
271 | 236 |
*) |
272 |
let new_float = Num.float_of_num c in
237 |
let new_float = Salsa.NumMartel.float_of_num c in
273 | 238 |
(* let new_float = *) |
274 | 239 |
(* if f1 = f2 then *) |
275 | 240 |
(* f1 *) |
... | ... | |
341 | 306 |
| ST.Cst _ -> Vars.empty |
342 | 307 |
| _ -> assert false |
343 | 308 |
309 |
310 |
module FormalEnv = |
311 |
struct |
312 |
type fe_t = (LT.ident, (int * LT.value_t)) Hashtbl.t |
313 |
let cpt = ref 0 |
314 |
315 |
exception NoDefinition of LT.var_decl |
316 |
(* Returns the expression associated to v in env *) |
317 |
let get_def (env: fe_t) v = |
318 |
try |
319 |
snd (Hashtbl.find env v.LT.var_id) |
320 |
with Not_found -> raise (NoDefinition v) |
321 |
322 |
let fold f = Hashtbl.fold (fun k (_,v) accu -> f k v accu) |
323 |
324 |
let to_salsa constEnv formalEnv = |
325 |
fold (fun id expr accu -> |
326 |
(id, value_t2salsa_expr constEnv expr)::accu |
327 |
) formalEnv [] |
328 |
329 |
let def constEnv vars_env (env: fe_t) d expr = |
330 |
incr cpt; |
331 |
let fresh = Hashtbl.copy env in |
332 |
let expr_salsa = value_t2salsa_expr constEnv expr in |
333 |
let salsa_env = to_salsa constEnv env in |
334 |
let expr_salsa, _ = Salsa.Rewrite.substVars expr_salsa salsa_env 0 in |
335 |
let expr_salsa = Salsa.Analyzer.evalPartExpr expr_salsa salsa_env ([] (* no blacklisted vars *)) ([] (*no arrays *)) in |
336 |
let expr_lustrec = salsa_expr2value_t vars_env [] expr_salsa in |
337 |
Hashtbl.add fresh d.LT.var_id (!cpt, expr_lustrec); fresh |
338 |
339 |
let empty (): fe_t = Hashtbl.create 13 |
340 |
341 |
let pp fmt env = pp_hash ~sep:";" (fun k (_,v) fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s -> %a" k MC.pp_val v) fmt env |
342 |
343 |
344 |
let get_sort_fun env = |
345 |
let order = Hashtbl.fold (fun k (cpt, _) accu -> (k,cpt)::accu) env [] in |
346 |
fun v1 v2 -> |
347 |
if List.mem_assoc v1.LT.var_id order && List.mem_assoc v2.LT.var_id order then |
348 |
if (List.assoc v1.LT.var_id order) <= (List.assoc v2.LT.var_id order) then |
349 |
-1 |
350 |
else |
351 |
1 |
352 |
else |
353 |
assert false |
354 |
end |
355 |
356 |
344 | 357 |
(* Local Variables: *) |
345 | 358 |
(* compile-command:"make -C ../../.." *) |
346 | 359 |
(* End: *) |
Also available in: Unified diff
Ongoing work on salsa: introduce slicing of expr