Revision 59020713
Added by Pierre-Loïc Garoche almost 6 years ago
src/backends/EMF/ | ||
375 | 375 |
pp_emf_eexpr ee |
376 | 376 |
in |
377 | 377 |
incr cpt |
378 |
379 |
let pp_emf_spec_mode fmt m = |
380 |
fprintf fmt "{@["; |
381 |
fprintf fmt "\"mode_id\": \"%s\",@ " |
382 |
m.mode_id; |
383 |
fprintf fmt "\"require\": [%a],@ " |
384 |
pp_emf_eexprs m.ensure; |
385 |
fprintf fmt "\"require\": [%a],@ " |
386 |
pp_emf_eexprs m.require; |
387 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
388 |
389 |
let pp_emf_spec_modes = pp_emf_list pp_emf_spec_mode |
390 |
391 |
let pp_emf_spec_import fmt i = |
392 |
fprintf fmt "{@["; |
393 |
fprintf fmt "\"contract\": \"%s\",@ " |
394 |
i.import_nodeid; |
395 |
fprintf fmt "\"inputs\": [%a],@ " |
396 |
pp_emf_exprs i.inputs; |
397 |
fprintf fmt "\"outputs\": [%a],@ " |
398 |
pp_emf_exprs i.outputs; |
399 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
400 |
401 |
let pp_emf_spec_imports = pp_emf_list pp_emf_spec_import |
402 |
403 |
let pp_emf_spec fmt spec = |
404 |
fprintf fmt "{ @[<hov 0>"; |
405 |
fprintf fmt "\"consts\": [%a],@ " |
406 |
pp_emf_consts spec.consts; |
407 |
fprintf fmt "\"locals\": [%a],@ " |
408 |
pp_emf_vars_decl spec.locals; |
409 |
fprintf fmt "\"stmts\": [%a],@ " |
410 |
pp_emf_stmts spec.stmts; |
411 |
fprintf fmt "\"assume\": [%a],@ " |
412 |
pp_emf_eexprs spec.assume; |
413 |
fprintf fmt "\"guarantees\": [%a],@ " |
414 |
pp_emf_eexprs spec.guarantees; |
415 |
fprintf fmt "\"modes\": [%a],@ " |
416 |
pp_emf_spec_modes spec.modes; |
417 |
fprintf fmt "\"imports\": [%a]@ " |
418 |
pp_emf_spec_imports spec.imports; |
419 |
fprintf fmt "@] }" |
378 | 420 |
379 | 421 |
let pp_emf_annots cpt fmt annots = fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_annot cpt) fmt annots.annots |
380 | 422 |
let pp_emf_annots_list cpt fmt annots_list = fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_annots cpt) fmt annots_list |
423 |
424 |
425 |
381 | 426 |
let pp_machine fmt m = |
382 | 427 |
let instrs = (*merge_branches*) m.mstep.step_instrs in |
383 | 428 |
try |
384 | 429 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"%a\": {@ " |
385 |
print_protect (fun fmt -> pp_print_string fmt m.mname.node_id); |
430 |
print_protect (fun fmt -> pp_print_string fmt m.mname.node_id); |
431 |
fprintf fmt "\"imported\": \"false\",@ "; |
386 | 432 |
fprintf fmt "\"kind\": %t,@ " |
387 | 433 |
(fun fmt -> if not ( snd (get_stateless_status m) ) |
388 | 434 |
then fprintf fmt "\"stateful\"" |
... | ... | |
399 | 445 |
fprintf fmt "\"original_name\": \"%s\",@ " m.mname.node_id; |
400 | 446 |
fprintf fmt "\"instrs\": {@[<v 0> %a@]@ },@ " |
401 | 447 |
(pp_emf_instrs m) instrs; |
448 |
(match m.mspec with None -> () | Some spec -> fprintf fmt "\"spec\": %a,@ " pp_emf_spec spec); |
402 | 449 |
fprintf fmt "\"annots\": {@[<v 0> %a@]@ }" (pp_emf_annots_list (ref 0)) m.mannot; |
403 | 450 |
fprintf fmt "@]@ }" |
404 | 451 |
with Unhandled msg -> ( |
... | ... | |
408 | 455 |
eprintf "node skipped - no output generated@ @]@." |
409 | 456 |
) |
410 | 457 |
458 |
let pp_emf_imported_node fmt top = |
459 |
let ind = Corelang.imported_node_of_top top in |
460 |
try |
461 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"%a\": {@ " |
462 |
print_protect (fun fmt -> pp_print_string fmt ind.nodei_id); |
463 |
fprintf fmt "\"imported\": \"true\",@ "; |
464 |
fprintf fmt "\"inputs\": [%a],@ " |
465 |
pp_emf_vars_decl ind.nodei_inputs; |
466 |
fprintf fmt "\"outputs\": [%a],@ " |
467 |
pp_emf_vars_decl ind.nodei_outputs; |
468 |
fprintf fmt "\"original_name\": \"%s\",@ " ind.nodei_id; |
469 |
(match ind.nodei_spec with None -> () | Some spec -> fprintf fmt "\"spec\": %a" pp_emf_spec spec); |
470 |
fprintf fmt "@]@ }" |
471 |
with Unhandled msg -> ( |
472 |
eprintf "[Error] @[<v 0>EMF backend@ Issues while translating node %s@ " |
473 |
ind.nodei_id; |
474 |
eprintf "%s@ " msg; |
475 |
eprintf "node skipped - no output generated@ @]@." |
476 |
) |
411 | 477 |
(****************************************************) |
412 | 478 |
(* Main function: iterates over node and print them *) |
413 | 479 |
(****************************************************) |
... | ... | |
425 | 491 |
fprintf fmt "@ @]},@ " |
426 | 492 |
427 | 493 |
let translate fmt basename prog machines = |
428 |
(* record_types prog; *)
494 |
(* record_types prog; *) |
429 | 495 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>{@ "; |
430 | 496 |
pp_meta fmt basename; |
497 |
(* Typedef *) |
498 |
fprintf fmt "\"typedef\": [@[<v 0>%a@]],@ " |
499 |
(pp_emf_list pp_emf_typedef) (Corelang.get_typedefs prog); |
500 |
fprintf fmt "\"consts\": [@[<v 0>%a@]],@ " |
501 |
(pp_emf_list pp_emf_top_const) (Corelang.get_consts prog); |
502 |
fprintf fmt "\"imported_nodes\": @[<v 0>{@ "; |
503 |
pp_emf_list pp_emf_imported_node fmt (Corelang.get_imported_nodes prog); |
504 |
fprintf fmt "}@],@ "; |
431 | 505 |
fprintf fmt "\"nodes\": @[<v 0>{@ "; |
432 | 506 |
(* Previous alternative: mapping normalized lustre to EMF: |
433 | 507 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_decl fmt prog; *) |
434 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_machine fmt (List.rev machines);
508 |
pp_emf_list pp_machine fmt (List.rev machines);
435 | 509 |
fprintf fmt "}@]@ }"; |
436 | 510 |
fprintf fmt "@]@ }" |
437 | 511 |
src/backends/EMF/ | ||
76 | 76 |
*) |
77 | 77 |
78 | 78 |
79 |
let pp_tag_type fmt typ = |
80 |
let rec aux tydec_desc = |
81 |
match tydec_desc with |
82 |
| Tydec_int -> fprintf fmt "int" |
83 |
| Tydec_real -> fprintf fmt "real" |
84 |
| Tydec_bool -> fprintf fmt "bool" |
85 |
| Tydec_clock ty -> aux ty |
86 |
| Tydec_enum const_list -> ( |
87 |
let size = List.length const_list in |
88 |
if size < 255 then |
89 |
fprintf fmt "uint8" |
90 |
else if size < 65535 then |
91 |
fprintf fmt "uint16" |
92 |
else |
93 |
assert false (* Too much states. This not reasonable *) |
94 |
) |
95 |
| Tydec_const _ | Tydec_struct _ | Tydec_array _ | Tydec_any -> eprintf "unhandled cst tag in EMF: %a@." Printers.pp_var_type_dec_desc tydec_desc; assert false |
96 |
in |
97 |
aux typ.tydef_desc |
98 | 79 |
99 |
100 |
let pp_cst_type fmt c (*infered_typ*) = |
101 |
match c with |
102 |
| Const_tag t -> |
103 |
let typ = (Corelang.typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.tag_table t)) in |
104 |
if typ.tydef_id = "bool" then |
105 |
fprintf fmt "bool" |
106 |
else |
107 |
pp_tag_type fmt typ |
108 |
| Const_int _ -> fprintf fmt "int" (*!Options.int_type*) |
109 |
| Const_real _ -> fprintf fmt "real" (*!Options.real_type*) |
110 |
| Const_string _ -> fprintf fmt "string" |
111 |
| _ -> eprintf "cst: %a@." Printers.pp_const c; assert false |
80 |
let rec pp_emf_dim fmt dim_expr = |
81 |
fprintf fmt "{"; |
82 |
(let open Dimension in |
83 |
match dim_expr.dim_desc with |
84 |
| Dbool b -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"bool\",@ \"value\": \"%b\"" b |
85 |
| Dint i -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"int\",@ \"value\": \"%i\"" i |
86 |
| Dident s -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"ident\",@ \"value\": \"%s\"" s |
87 |
| Dappl(f, args) -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"fun\",@ \"id\": \"%s\",@ \"args\": [@[%a@]]" |
88 |
f (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_emf_dim) args |
89 |
| Dite(i,t,e) -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"ite\",@ \"guard\": \"%a\",@ \"then\": %a,@ \"else\": %a" |
90 |
pp_emf_dim i pp_emf_dim t pp_emf_dim e |
91 |
| Dlink e -> pp_emf_dim fmt e |
92 |
| Dvar |
93 |
| Dunivar -> assert false (* unresolved *) |
94 |
); |
95 |
fprintf fmt "}" |
112 | 96 |
113 |
let rec pp_infered_type fmt t = |
114 |
let open Types in |
115 |
if is_bool_type t then fprintf fmt "bool" else |
116 |
if is_int_type t then fprintf fmt "int" else (* !Options.int_type *) |
117 |
if is_real_type t then fprintf fmt "real" else (* !Options.real_type *) |
118 |
match t.tdesc with |
119 |
| Tclock t -> |
120 |
pp_infered_type fmt t |
121 |
| Tstatic (_, t) -> |
122 |
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_infered_type t |
123 |
| Tconst id -> |
124 |
(* This is a type id for a enumerated type, eg. introduced by automata *) |
125 |
let typ = |
126 |
(Corelang.typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.type_table (Tydec_const id))) |
127 |
in |
128 |
pp_tag_type fmt typ |
129 |
| Tlink ty -> |
130 |
pp_infered_type fmt ty |
131 |
| _ -> eprintf "unhandled type: %a@." Types.print_node_ty t; assert false |
132 | 97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
(* First try to print the declared one *) |
133 | 101 |
let rec pp_concrete_type dec_t infered_t fmt = |
134 | 102 |
match dec_t with |
135 |
| Tydec_int -> fprintf fmt "int" (* !Options.int_type *) |
136 |
| Tydec_real -> fprintf fmt "real" (* !Options.real_type *) |
103 |
| Tydec_any -> (* Dynamical built variable. No declared type. Shall |
104 |
use the infered one. *) |
105 |
pp_infered_type fmt infered_t |
106 |
| Tydec_int -> fprintf fmt "{ \"kind\": \"int\" }" (* !Options.int_type *) |
107 |
| Tydec_real -> fprintf fmt "{ \"kind\": \"real\" }" (* !Options.real_type *) |
137 | 108 |
(* TODO we could add more concrete types here if they were available in |
138 | 109 |
dec_t *) |
139 |
| Tydec_bool -> fprintf fmt "bool"
110 |
| Tydec_bool -> fprintf fmt "{ \"kind\": \"bool\" }"
140 | 111 |
| Tydec_clock t -> pp_concrete_type t infered_t fmt |
141 | 112 |
| Tydec_const id -> ( |
142 |
(* This is a type id for a enumerated type, eg. introduced by automata *) |
113 |
(* This is an alias type *) |
114 |
115 |
(* id for a enumerated type, eg. introduced by automata *) |
143 | 116 |
let typ = (Corelang.typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.type_table dec_t)) in |
144 |
pp_tag_type fmt typ |
117 |
(* Print the type name associated to this enumerated type. This is |
118 |
basically an integer *) |
119 |
pp_tag_type id typ infered_t fmt |
120 |
) |
121 |
122 |
| Tydec_struct _ | Tydec_enum _ -> |
123 |
assert false (* should not happen. These type are only built when |
124 |
declaring a type in the prefix of the lustre |
125 |
file. They shall not be associated to variables |
126 |
*) |
127 |
128 |
| Tydec_array (dim, e) -> ( |
129 |
let inf_base = match infered_t.Typing.tdesc with |
130 |
| Typing.Tarray(_,t) -> t |
131 |
| _ -> (* returing something useless, hoping that the concrete |
132 |
datatype will return something usefull *) |
133 |
Typing.new_var () |
134 |
in |
135 |
fprintf fmt "{ \"kind\": \"array\", \"base_type\": %t, \"dim\": %a }" |
136 |
(pp_concrete_type e inf_base) |
137 |
pp_emf_dim dim |
145 | 138 |
) |
146 |
| Tydec_any -> pp_infered_type fmt infered_t |
147 |
| _ -> eprintf |
148 |
"unhandled construct in type printing for EMF backend: %a@." |
149 |
Printers.pp_var_type_dec_desc dec_t; raise (Failure "var") |
139 |
140 |
(* | _ -> eprintf |
141 |
* "unhandled construct in type printing for EMF backend: %a@." |
142 |
* Printers.pp_var_type_dec_desc dec_t; raise (Failure "var") *) |
143 |
and pp_tag_type id typ inf fmt = |
144 |
(* We ought to represent these types as values: enum will become int, we keep the name for structs *) |
145 |
let rec aux tydec_desc = |
146 |
match tydec_desc with |
147 |
| Tydec_int |
148 |
| Tydec_real |
149 |
| Tydec_bool |
150 |
| Tydec_array _ -> pp_concrete_type tydec_desc inf fmt |
151 |
| Tydec_const id -> |
152 |
(* Alias of an alias: unrolling definitions *) |
153 |
let typ = (Corelang.typedef_of_top |
154 |
(Hashtbl.find Corelang.type_table tydec_desc)) |
155 |
in |
156 |
pp_tag_type id typ inf fmt |
150 | 157 |
158 |
| Tydec_clock ty -> aux ty |
159 |
| Tydec_enum const_list -> ( (* enum can be mapped to int *) |
160 |
let size = List.length const_list in |
161 |
fprintf fmt "{ \"name\": \"%s\", \"kind\": \"enum\", \"size\": \"%i\" }" id size |
162 |
) |
163 |
| Tydec_struct _ -> |
164 |
fprintf fmt "{ \"name\": \"%s\", \"kind\": \"struct\" }" id |
165 |
| Tydec_any -> (* shall not happen: a declared type cannot be |
166 |
bound to type any *) |
167 |
assert false |
168 |
in |
169 |
aux typ.tydef_desc |
170 |
and pp_infered_type fmt t = |
171 |
(* Shall only be used for variable types that were not properly declared. Ie generated at compile time. *) |
172 |
let open Types in |
173 |
if is_bool_type t then fprintf fmt "bool" else |
174 |
if is_int_type t then fprintf fmt "int" else (* !Options.int_type *) |
175 |
if is_real_type t then fprintf fmt "real" else (* !Options.real_type *) |
176 |
match t.tdesc with |
177 |
| Tclock t -> |
178 |
pp_infered_type fmt t |
179 |
| Tstatic (_, t) -> |
180 |
fprintf fmt "%a" pp_infered_type t |
181 |
| Tconst id -> |
182 |
(* This is a type id for a enumerated type, eg. introduced by automata *) |
183 |
let typ = |
184 |
(Corelang.typedef_of_top |
185 |
(Hashtbl.find Corelang.type_table (Tydec_const id))) |
186 |
in |
187 |
pp_tag_type id typ t fmt |
188 |
| Tlink ty -> |
189 |
pp_infered_type fmt ty |
190 |
| _ -> eprintf "unhandled type: %a@." Types.print_node_ty t; assert false |
151 | 191 |
152 | 192 |
(*let pp_cst_type fmt v = |
153 | 193 |
match v.value_desc with |
154 | 194 |
| Cst c-> pp_cst_type c v.value_type fmt (* constants do not have declared type (yet) *) |
155 | 195 |
| _ -> assert false |
156 | 196 |
*) |
157 |
197 |
198 |
(* Provide both the declared type and the infered one. *) |
158 | 199 |
let pp_var_type fmt v = |
159 | 200 |
try |
160 | 201 |
if Machine_types.is_specified v then |
161 | 202 |
Machine_types.pp_var_type fmt v |
162 | 203 |
else |
163 | 204 |
pp_concrete_type v.var_dec_type.ty_dec_desc v.var_type fmt |
164 |
with Failure _ -> eprintf "failed var: %a@." Printers.pp_var v; assert false
205 |
with Failure msg -> eprintf "failed var: %a@.%s@." Printers.pp_var v msg; assert false
165 | 206 |
166 | 207 |
(******** Other print functions *) |
167 |
208 |
209 |
let pp_emf_list ?(eol:('a, formatter, unit) Pervasives.format="") pp fmt l = |
210 |
match l with |
211 |
[] -> () |
212 |
| _ -> fprintf fmt "@["; |
213 |
Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp fmt l; |
214 |
fprintf fmt "@]%(%)" eol |
215 |
216 |
(* Print the variable declaration *) |
168 | 217 |
let pp_emf_var_decl fmt v = |
169 | 218 |
fprintf fmt "@[{\"name\": \"%a\", \"datatype\":\"%a\", \"original_name\": \"%a\"}@]" |
170 | 219 |
pp_var_name v |
171 | 220 |
pp_var_type v |
172 | 221 |
Printers.pp_var_name v |
173 |
174 |
let pp_emf_vars_decl fmt vl = |
175 |
fprintf fmt "@["; |
176 |
Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_emf_var_decl fmt vl; |
177 |
fprintf fmt "@]" |
222 |
223 |
let pp_emf_vars_decl = pp_emf_list pp_emf_var_decl |
224 |
225 |
178 | 226 |
179 | 227 |
let reset_name id = |
180 | 228 |
"reset_" ^ id |
... | ... | |
187 | 235 |
let const_list = match typ.tydef_desc with Tydec_enum tl -> tl | _ -> assert false in |
188 | 236 |
fprintf fmt "%i" (get_idx t const_list) |
189 | 237 |
190 |
let pp_emf_cst fmt c = |
238 |
let pp_cst_type c inf fmt (*infered_typ*) = |
239 |
match c with |
240 |
| Const_tag t -> |
241 |
let typ = (Corelang.typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.tag_table t)) in |
242 |
if typ.tydef_id = "bool" then |
243 |
fprintf fmt "bool" |
244 |
else |
245 |
pp_tag_type t typ inf fmt |
246 |
| Const_int _ -> fprintf fmt "int" (*!Options.int_type*) |
247 |
| Const_real _ -> fprintf fmt "real" (*!Options.real_type*) |
248 |
| Const_string _ -> fprintf fmt "string" |
249 |
| _ -> eprintf "cst: %a@." Printers.pp_const c; assert false |
250 |
251 |
252 |
let pp_emf_cst c inf fmt = |
253 |
let pp_typ fmt = |
254 |
fprintf fmt "\"datatype\": \""; |
255 |
pp_cst_type c inf fmt; |
256 |
fprintf fmt "\"@ " |
257 |
in |
191 | 258 |
match c with |
192 | 259 |
| Const_tag t-> |
193 | 260 |
let typ = (Corelang.typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.tag_table t)) in |
... | ... | |
195 | 262 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"constant\",@ "; |
196 | 263 |
fprintf fmt"\"value\": \"%a\",@ " |
197 | 264 |
Printers.pp_const c; |
198 |
fprintf fmt "\"datatype\": \"%a\"@ " pp_cst_type c;
265 |
pp_typ fmt;
199 | 266 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
200 | 267 |
) |
201 | 268 |
else ( |
... | ... | |
203 | 270 |
pp_tag_id t; |
204 | 271 |
fprintf fmt "\"origin_type\": \"%s\",@ \"origin_value\": \"%s\",@ " |
205 | 272 |
typ.tydef_id t; |
206 |
fprintf fmt "\"datatype\": \"%a\"@ " pp_cst_type c;
273 |
pp_typ fmt;
207 | 274 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
208 | 275 |
) |
209 | 276 |
| Const_string s -> |
210 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"constant\",@ \"value\": \"%s\",@ " s; |
211 |
fprintf fmt "\"datatype\": \"%a\"@ " pp_cst_type c;
212 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
277 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"constant\",@ \"value\": \"%s\",@ " s;
278 |
pp_typ fmt;
279 |
fprintf fmt "@]}"
213 | 280 |
214 | 281 |
| _ -> ( |
215 | 282 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"constant\",@ \"value\": \"%a\",@ " |
216 | 283 |
Printers.pp_const c; |
217 |
fprintf fmt "\"datatype\": \"%a\"@ " pp_cst_type c;
284 |
pp_typ fmt;
218 | 285 |
fprintf fmt "@]}" |
219 | 286 |
) |
220 | 287 |
221 |
288 |
(* Print a value: either a constant or a variable value *) |
222 | 289 |
let pp_emf_cst_or_var m fmt v = |
223 | 290 |
match v.value_desc with |
224 |
| Cst c -> pp_emf_cst fmt c
291 |
| Cst c -> pp_emf_cst c v.value_type fmt
225 | 292 |
| Var v -> ( |
226 | 293 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"variable\",@ \"value\": \"%a\",@ " |
227 | 294 |
pp_var_name v; |
... | ... | |
239 | 306 |
240 | 307 |
let rec pp_emf_expr fmt e = |
241 | 308 |
match e.expr_desc with |
242 |
| Expr_const c -> pp_emf_cst fmt c
309 |
| Expr_const c -> pp_emf_cst c e.expr_type fmt
243 | 310 |
| Expr_ident id -> |
244 | 311 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"variable\",@ \"value\": \"%a\",@ " |
245 | 312 |
print_protect (fun fmt -> pp_print_string fmt id); |
... | ... | |
254 | 321 |
| Expr_tuple el -> |
255 | 322 |
fprintf fmt "[@[<hov 0>%a@ @]]" |
256 | 323 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_emf_expr) el |
324 |
(* Missing these |
325 |
| Expr_ite of expr * expr * expr |
326 |
| Expr_arrow of expr * expr |
327 |
| Expr_fby of expr * expr |
328 |
| Expr_array of expr list |
329 |
| Expr_access of expr * Dimension.dim_expr |
330 |
| Expr_power of expr * Dimension.dim_expr |
331 |
| Expr_pre of expr |
332 |
| Expr_when of expr * ident * label |
333 |
| Expr_merge of ident * (label * expr) list |
334 |
| Expr_appl of call_t |
335 |
*) |
257 | 336 |
| _ -> ( |
258 | 337 | ~level:2 |
259 | 338 |
(fun fmt -> |
... | ... | |
274 | 353 |
(* | Expr_when of expr * ident * label *) |
275 | 354 |
(* | Expr_merge of ident * (label * expr) list *) |
276 | 355 |
(* | Expr_appl of call_t *) |
277 |
278 | 356 |
357 |
let pp_emf_exprs = pp_emf_list pp_emf_expr |
358 |
359 |
let pp_emf_const fmt v = |
360 |
fprintf fmt "@[{\"name\": \"%a\", \"datatype\":\"%a\", \"original_name\": \"%a\", \"value\": \"%a\"}@]" |
361 |
pp_var_name v |
362 |
pp_var_type v |
363 |
Printers.pp_var_name v |
364 |
pp_emf_expr (match v.var_dec_value with None -> assert false | Some e -> e) |
365 |
366 |
let pp_emf_consts = pp_emf_list pp_emf_const |
367 |
279 | 368 |
let pp_emf_eexpr fmt ee = |
280 | 369 |
fprintf fmt "{@[<hov 0>\"quantifiers\": \"%a\",@ \"qfexpr\": @[%a@]@] }" |
281 | 370 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"; " Printers.pp_quantifiers) ee.eexpr_quantifiers |
282 | 371 |
pp_emf_expr ee.eexpr_qfexpr |
283 |
284 |
372 |
373 |
let pp_emf_eexprs = pp_emf_list pp_emf_eexpr |
374 |
375 |
(* |
376 |
TODO Thanksgiving |
377 |
378 |
trouver un moyen de transformer en machine code les instructions de chaque spec |
379 |
peut etre associer a chaque imported node une minimachine |
380 |
et rajouter un champ a spec dans machine code pour stoquer memoire et instr |
381 |
*) |
382 |
383 |
let pp_emf_stmt fmt stmt = |
384 |
match stmt with |
385 |
| Aut _ -> assert false |
386 |
| Eq eq -> ( |
387 |
fprintf fmt "@[ @[<v 2>\"%a\": {@ " (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"_" pp_print_string) eq.eq_lhs; |
388 |
fprintf fmt "\"lhs\": [%a],@ " (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt vid -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" vid)) eq.eq_lhs; |
389 |
fprintf fmt "\"rhs\": \"%a\",@ " pp_emf_expr eq.eq_rhs; |
390 |
fprintf fmt "@]@]@ }" |
391 |
) |
392 |
393 |
let pp_emf_stmts = pp_emf_list pp_emf_stmt |
394 |
395 |
(* Printing the type declaration, not its use *) |
396 |
let rec pp_emf_typ_dec fmt tydef_dec = |
397 |
fprintf fmt "{"; |
398 |
(match tydef_dec with |
399 |
| Tydec_any -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"any\"" |
400 |
| Tydec_int -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"int\"" |
401 |
| Tydec_real -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"real\"" |
402 |
| Tydec_bool-> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"bool\"" |
403 |
| Tydec_clock ck -> pp_emf_typ_dec fmt ck |
404 |
| Tydec_const c -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"alias\",@ \"value\": \"%s\"" c |
405 |
| Tydec_enum el -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"enum\",@ \"elements\": [%a]" |
406 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt e -> fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" e)) el |
407 |
| Tydec_struct s -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"struct\",@ \"fields\": [%a]" |
408 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt (id,typ) -> |
409 |
fprintf fmt "\"%s\": %a" id pp_emf_typ_dec typ)) s |
410 |
| Tydec_array (dim, typ) -> fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"array\",@ \"dim\": @[%a@],@ \"base\": %a" |
411 |
pp_emf_dim dim |
412 |
pp_emf_typ_dec typ |
413 |
); |
414 |
fprintf fmt "}" |
415 |
416 |
let pp_emf_typedef fmt typdef_top = |
417 |
let typedef = Corelang.typedef_of_top typdef_top in |
418 |
fprintf fmt "\"%s\": @[%a@]" typedef.tydef_id pp_emf_typ_dec typedef.tydef_desc |
419 |
420 |
let pp_emf_top_const fmt const_top = |
421 |
let const = Corelang.const_of_top const_top in |
422 |
fprintf fmt "\"%s\": " const.const_id; |
423 |
pp_emf_cst const.const_value const.const_type fmt |
424 |
285 | 425 |
(* Local Variables: *) |
286 | 426 |
(* compile-command: "make -C ../.." *) |
287 | 427 |
(* End: *) |
src/ | ||
188 | 188 | ~level:1 (fun fmt -> fprintf fmt ".. normalization@,"); |
189 | 189 |
let prog = Normalization.normalize_prog params prog in |
190 | 190 | ~level:2 (fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>@ %a@]@," Printers.pp_prog prog); |
191 |
191 |
192 | 192 |
(* Compatibility with Lusi *) |
193 | 193 |
(* If compiling a lusi, generate the lusic. If this is a lus file, Check the existence of a lusi (Lustre Interface file) *) |
194 | 194 |
compile_source_to_header |
195 | 195 |
prog !Global.type_env !Global.clock_env dirname basename extension; |
196 | 196 |
197 |
197 | 198 |
let prog = |
198 | 199 |
if !Options.mpfr |
199 | 200 |
then |
src/ | ||
220 | 220 |
eexpr_quantifiers = []; |
221 | 221 |
eexpr_type = Types.new_var (); |
222 | 222 |
eexpr_clock = Clocks.new_var true; |
223 |
eexpr_normalized = None; |
224 | 223 |
eexpr_loc = loc } |
225 | 224 |
226 | 225 |
let extend_eexpr q e = { e with eexpr_quantifiers = q@e.eexpr_quantifiers } |
... | ... | |
805 | 804 |
eexpr_tag = Utils.new_tag (); |
806 | 805 |
eexpr_qfexpr = rename_expr f_node f_var ee.eexpr_qfexpr; |
807 | 806 |
eexpr_quantifiers = (fun (typ,vdecls) -> typ, rename_vars f_node f_var vdecls) ee.eexpr_quantifiers; |
808 |
eexpr_normalized = Utils.option_map |
809 |
(fun (vdecl, eqs, vdecls) -> |
810 |
rename_var f_node f_var vdecl, |
811 | (rename_eq f_node f_var) eqs, |
812 |
rename_vars f_node f_var vdecls |
813 |
) ee.eexpr_normalized; |
814 |
815 | 807 |
} |
816 | 808 |
817 | 809 |
... | ... | |
1035 | 1027 |
eexpr_type = expr.expr_type; |
1036 | 1028 |
eexpr_clock = expr.expr_clock; |
1037 | 1029 |
eexpr_loc = expr.expr_loc; |
1038 |
eexpr_normalized = None |
1039 | 1030 |
} |
1040 | 1031 |
(* and expr_desc_to_eexpr_desc expr_desc = *) |
1041 | 1032 |
(* let conv = expr_to_eexpr in *) |
src/corelang.mli | ||
86 | 86 |
val const_xor: constant -> constant -> constant |
87 | 87 |
val const_impl: constant -> constant -> constant |
88 | 88 |
89 |
val get_var: ident -> var_decl list -> var_decl |
89 | 90 |
val get_node_vars: node_desc -> var_decl list |
90 | 91 |
val get_node_var: ident -> node_desc -> var_decl |
91 | 92 |
val get_node_eqs: node_desc -> eq list * automata_desc list |
src/ | ||
118 | 118 |
eexpr_quantifiers: (quantifier_type * var_decl list) list; |
119 | 119 |
mutable eexpr_type: Types.type_expr; |
120 | 120 |
mutable eexpr_clock: Clocks.clock_expr; |
121 |
mutable eexpr_normalized: (var_decl * eq list * var_decl list) option;
121 |
(* mutable eexpr_normalized: (var_decl * eq list * var_decl list) option; *)
122 | 122 |
eexpr_loc: Location.t} |
123 | 123 |
124 | 124 |
and expr_annot = |
src/ | ||
20 | 20 |
21 | 21 |
22 | 22 |
23 |
(* translate_<foo> : node -> context -> <foo> -> machine code/expression *)
23 |
(* translate_<foo> : vars -> context -> <foo> -> machine code/expression *)
24 | 24 |
(* the context contains m : state aka memory variables *) |
25 | 25 |
(* si : initialization instructions *) |
26 | 26 |
(* j : node aka machine instances *) |
27 | 27 |
(* d : local variables *) |
28 | 28 |
(* s : step instructions *) |
29 |
let translate_ident node (m, si, j, d, s) id =
29 |
let translate_ident vars _ (* (m, si, j, d, s) *) id =
30 | 30 |
(* Format.eprintf "trnaslating ident: %s@." id; *) |
31 |
try (* id is a node var *)
32 |
let var_id = get_node_var id node in
31 |
try (* id is a var that shall be visible here , ie. in vars *)
32 |
let var_id = get_var id vars in
33 | 33 |
mk_val (Var var_id) var_id.var_type |
34 | 34 |
with Not_found -> |
35 | 35 |
try (* id is a constant *) |
36 |
let vdecl = (Corelang.var_decl_of_const (const_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.consts_table id))) in |
36 |
let vdecl = (Corelang.var_decl_of_const |
37 |
(const_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.consts_table id))) |
38 |
in |
37 | 39 |
mk_val (Var vdecl) vdecl.var_type |
38 | 40 |
with Not_found -> |
39 | 41 |
(* id is a tag *) |
40 |
(* DONE construire une liste des enum declarés et alors chercher dedans la liste
41 |
qui contient id *)
42 |
(* DONE construire une liste des enum declarés et alors chercher |
43 |
dedans la liste qui contient id *)
42 | 44 |
try |
43 | 45 |
let typ = (typedef_of_top (Hashtbl.find Corelang.tag_table id)).tydef_id in |
44 | 46 |
mk_val (Cst (Const_tag id)) (Type_predef.type_const typ) |
45 |
with Not_found -> (Format.eprintf "internal error: Machine_code.translate_ident %s" id; |
47 |
with Not_found -> (Format.eprintf |
48 |
"internal error: Machine_code.translate_ident %s" |
49 |
id; |
46 | 50 |
assert false) |
47 | 51 |
48 |
let rec control_on_clock node ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) ck inst =
52 |
let rec control_on_clock vars ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) ck inst =
49 | 53 |
match (Clocks.repr ck).cdesc with |
50 | 54 |
| Con (ck1, cr, l) -> |
51 | 55 |
let id = Clocks.const_of_carrier cr in |
52 |
control_on_clock node args ck1 (mkinstr
56 |
control_on_clock vars args ck1 (mkinstr
53 | 57 |
(* TODO il faudrait prendre le lustre |
54 | 58 |
associé à instr et rajouter print_ck_suffix |
55 | 59 |
ck) de *) |
56 |
(MBranch (translate_ident node args id,
60 |
(MBranch (translate_ident vars args id,
57 | 61 |
[l, [inst]] ))) |
58 | 62 |
| _ -> inst |
59 | 63 |
... | ... | |
79 | 83 |
| "C" -> specialize_to_c expr |
80 | 84 |
| _ -> expr |
81 | 85 |
82 |
let rec translate_expr node ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) expr =
86 |
let rec translate_expr vars ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) expr =
83 | 87 |
let expr = specialize_op expr in |
88 |
(* all calls are using the same arguments (vars for the variable |
89 |
enviroment and args for computed memories). No fold constructs |
90 |
here. We can do partial evaluation of translate_expr *) |
91 |
let translate_expr = translate_expr vars args in |
84 | 92 |
let value_desc = |
85 | 93 |
match expr.expr_desc with |
86 | 94 |
| Expr_const v -> Cst v |
87 |
| Expr_ident x -> (translate_ident node args x).value_desc |
88 |
| Expr_array el -> Array ( (translate_expr node args) el) |
89 |
| Expr_access (t, i) -> Access (translate_expr node args t, translate_expr node args (expr_of_dimension i)) |
90 |
| Expr_power (e, n) -> Power (translate_expr node args e, translate_expr node args (expr_of_dimension n)) |
95 |
| Expr_ident x -> (translate_ident vars args x).value_desc |
96 |
| Expr_array el -> Array ( translate_expr el) |
97 |
| Expr_access (t, i) -> Access (translate_expr t, |
98 |
translate_expr |
99 |
(expr_of_dimension i)) |
100 |
| Expr_power (e, n) -> Power (translate_expr e, |
101 |
translate_expr |
102 |
(expr_of_dimension n)) |
91 | 103 |
| Expr_tuple _ |
92 |
| Expr_arrow _ |
93 |
| Expr_fby _ |
94 |
| Expr_pre _ -> (Printers.pp_expr Format.err_formatter expr; Format.pp_print_flush Format.err_formatter (); raise NormalizationError) |
95 |
| Expr_when (e1, _, _) -> (translate_expr node args e1).value_desc |
104 |
| Expr_arrow _ |
105 |
| Expr_fby _ |
106 |
| Expr_pre _ -> (Printers.pp_expr |
107 |
Format.err_formatter expr; |
108 |
Format.pp_print_flush |
109 |
Format.err_formatter (); |
110 |
raise NormalizationError) |
111 |
112 |
| Expr_when (e1, _, _) -> (translate_expr e1).value_desc |
96 | 113 |
| Expr_merge (x, _) -> raise NormalizationError |
97 | 114 |
| Expr_appl (id, e, _) when Basic_library.is_expr_internal_fun expr -> |
98 |
let nd = node_from_name id in |
99 |
Fun (node_name nd, (translate_expr node args) (expr_list_of_expr e))
115 |
let nd = node_from_name id in
116 |
Fun (node_name nd, translate_expr (expr_list_of_expr e))
100 | 117 |
| Expr_ite (g,t,e) -> ( |
101 | 118 |
(* special treatment depending on the active backend. For horn backend, ite |
102 | 119 |
are preserved in expression. While they are removed for C or Java |
103 | 120 |
backends. *) |
104 | 121 |
match !Options.output with |
105 | 122 |
| "horn" -> |
106 |
Fun ("ite", [translate_expr node args g; translate_expr node args t; translate_expr node args e])
123 |
Fun ("ite", [translate_expr g; translate_expr t; translate_expr e])
107 | 124 |
| "C" | "java" | _ -> |
108 | 125 |
(Format.eprintf "Normalization error for backend %s: %a@." |
109 | 126 |
!Options.output |
... | ... | |
114 | 131 |
in |
115 | 132 |
mk_val value_desc expr.expr_type |
116 | 133 |
117 |
let translate_guard node args expr =
134 |
let translate_guard vars args expr =
118 | 135 |
match expr.expr_desc with |
119 |
| Expr_ident x -> translate_ident node args x |
120 |
| _ -> (Format.eprintf "internal error: translate_guard %s %a@." node.node_id Printers.pp_expr expr;assert false) |
136 |
| Expr_ident x -> translate_ident vars args x |
137 |
| _ -> (Format.eprintf "internal error: translate_guard %a@." |
138 |
Printers.pp_expr expr; |
139 |
assert false) |
121 | 140 |
122 |
let rec translate_act node ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) (y, expr) = |
141 |
let rec translate_act vars ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) (y, expr) = |
142 |
let translate_act = translate_act vars args in |
143 |
let translate_guard = translate_guard vars args in |
144 |
let translate_ident = translate_ident vars args in |
145 |
let translate_expr = translate_expr vars args in |
123 | 146 |
let eq = Corelang.mkeq Location.dummy_loc ([y.var_id], expr) in |
124 | 147 |
match expr.expr_desc with |
125 |
| Expr_ite (c, t, e) -> let g = translate_guard node args c in
148 |
| Expr_ite (c, t, e) -> let g = translate_guard c in |
126 | 149 |
mk_conditional ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) g |
127 |
[translate_act node args (y, t)] |
128 |
[translate_act node args (y, e)] |
129 |
| Expr_merge (x, hl) -> mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MBranch (translate_ident node args x, |
130 | (fun (t, h) -> t, [translate_act node args (y, h)]) hl)) |
131 |
| _ -> mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MLocalAssign (y, translate_expr node args expr)) |
150 |
[translate_act (y, t)] |
151 |
[translate_act (y, e)] |
152 |
| Expr_merge (x, hl) -> mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) |
153 |
(MBranch (translate_ident x, |
154 | (fun (t, h) -> |
155 |
t, [translate_act (y, h)]) |
156 |
hl)) |
157 |
| _ -> mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) |
158 |
(MLocalAssign (y, translate_expr expr)) |
132 | 159 |
133 |
let reset_instance node args i r c =
160 |
let reset_instance vars args i r c =
134 | 161 |
match r with |
135 | 162 |
| None -> [] |
136 |
| Some r -> let g = translate_guard node args r in |
137 |
[control_on_clock node args c (mk_conditional g [mkinstr (MReset i)] [mkinstr (MNoReset i)])] |
163 |
| Some r -> let g = translate_guard vars args r in |
164 |
[control_on_clock |
165 |
vars |
166 |
args |
167 |
c |
168 |
(mk_conditional |
169 |
g |
170 |
[mkinstr (MReset i)] |
171 |
[mkinstr (MNoReset i)]) |
172 |
] |
173 |
174 |
let translate_eq vars ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) eq = |
175 |
let translate_expr = translate_expr vars args in |
176 |
let translate_act = translate_act vars args in |
177 |
let control_on_clock = control_on_clock vars args in |
178 |
let reset_instance = reset_instance vars args in |
138 | 179 |
139 |
let translate_eq node ((m, si, j, d, s) as args) eq =
140 |
(* Format.eprintf "translate_eq %a with clock %a@." Printers.pp_node_eq eq Clocks.print_ck eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock; *)
180 |
(* Format.eprintf "translate_eq %a with clock %a@."
181 |
Printers.pp_node_eq eq Clocks.print_ck eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock; *)
141 | 182 |
match eq.eq_lhs, eq.eq_rhs.expr_desc with |
142 | 183 |
| [x], Expr_arrow (e1, e2) -> |
143 |
let var_x = get_node_var x node in
144 |
let o = new_instance node Arrow.arrow_top_decl eq.eq_rhs.expr_tag in
145 |
let c1 = translate_expr node args e1 in
146 |
let c2 = translate_expr node args e2 in
184 |
let var_x = get_var x vars in
185 |
let o = new_instance Arrow.arrow_top_decl eq.eq_rhs.expr_tag in |
186 |
let c1 = translate_expr e1 in |
187 |
let c2 = translate_expr e2 in |
147 | 188 |
(m, |
148 | 189 |
mkinstr (MReset o) :: si, |
149 | 190 |
Utils.IMap.add o (Arrow.arrow_top_decl, []) j, |
150 | 191 |
d, |
151 |
(control_on_clock node args eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStep ([var_x], o, [c1;c2])))) :: s)
152 |
| [x], Expr_pre e1 when VSet.mem (get_node_var x node) d ->
153 |
let var_x = get_node_var x node in
192 |
(control_on_clock eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStep ([var_x], o, [c1;c2])))) :: s) |
193 |
| [x], Expr_pre e1 when VSet.mem (get_var x vars) d ->
194 |
let var_x = get_var x vars in
154 | 195 |
(VSet.add var_x m, |
155 | 196 |
si, |
156 | 197 |
j, |
157 | 198 |
d, |
158 |
control_on_clock node args eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr node args e1))) :: s)
159 |
| [x], Expr_fby (e1, e2) when VSet.mem (get_node_var x node) d ->
160 |
let var_x = get_node_var x node in
199 |
control_on_clock eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr e1))) :: s)
200 |
| [x], Expr_fby (e1, e2) when VSet.mem (get_var x vars) d ->
201 |
let var_x = get_var x vars in
161 | 202 |
(VSet.add var_x m, |
162 |
mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr node args e1)) :: si,
203 |
mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr e1)) :: si, |
163 | 204 |
j, |
164 | 205 |
d, |
165 |
control_on_clock node args eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr node args e2))) :: s)
206 |
control_on_clock eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStateAssign (var_x, translate_expr e2))) :: s)
166 | 207 |
167 | 208 |
| p , Expr_appl (f, arg, r) when not (Basic_library.is_expr_internal_fun eq.eq_rhs) -> |
168 |
let var_p = (fun v -> get_node_var v node) p in
209 |
let var_p = (fun v -> get_var v vars) p in
169 | 210 |
let el = expr_list_of_expr arg in |
170 |
let vl = (translate_expr node args) el in
211 |
let vl = translate_expr el in
171 | 212 |
let node_f = node_from_name f in |
172 | 213 |
let call_f = |
173 | 214 |
node_f, |
174 | 215 |
NodeDep.filter_static_inputs (node_inputs node_f) el in |
175 |
let o = new_instance node node_f eq.eq_rhs.expr_tag in
216 |
let o = new_instance node_f eq.eq_rhs.expr_tag in |
176 | 217 |
let env_cks = List.fold_right (fun arg cks -> arg.expr_clock :: cks) el [eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock] in |
177 | 218 |
let call_ck = Clock_calculus.compute_root_clock (Clock_predef.ck_tuple env_cks) in |
178 | 219 |
(*Clocks.new_var true in |
... | ... | |
184 | 225 |
d, |
185 | 226 |
(if Stateless.check_node node_f |
186 | 227 |
then [] |
187 |
else reset_instance node args o r call_ck) @
188 |
(control_on_clock node args call_ck (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStep (var_p, o, vl)))) :: s)
228 |
else reset_instance o r call_ck) @ |
229 |
(control_on_clock call_ck (mkinstr ?lustre_eq:(Some eq) (MStep (var_p, o, vl)))) :: s) |
189 | 230 |
(* |
190 | 231 |
(* special treatment depending on the active backend. For horn backend, x = ite (g,t,e) |
191 | 232 |
are preserved. While they are replaced as if g then x = t else x = e in C or Java |
... | ... | |
204 | 245 |
205 | 246 |
*) |
206 | 247 |
| [x], _ -> ( |
207 |
let var_x = get_node_var x node in
248 |
let var_x = get_var x vars in
208 | 249 |
(m, si, j, d, |
209 | 250 |
control_on_clock |
210 |
node |
211 |
args |
212 | 251 |
eq.eq_rhs.expr_clock |
213 |
(translate_act node args (var_x, eq.eq_rhs)) :: s
252 |
(translate_act (var_x, eq.eq_rhs)) :: s |
214 | 253 |
) |
215 | 254 |
) |
216 | 255 |
| _ -> |
... | ... | |
235 | 274 |
let translate_eqs node args eqs = |
236 | 275 |
List.fold_right (fun eq args -> translate_eq node args eq) eqs args;; |
237 | 276 |
238 |
let translate_decl nd sch = |
239 |
(* ~level:1 (fun fmt -> Printers.pp_node fmt nd);*) |
240 |
let schedule = sch.Scheduling_type.schedule in |
241 |
let sorted_eqs = Scheduling.sort_equations_from_schedule nd schedule in |
242 |
let constant_eqs = constant_equations nd in |
243 |
244 |
(* In case of non functional backend (eg. C), additional local variables have |
245 |
to be declared for each assert *) |
246 |
let new_locals, assert_instrs, nd_node_asserts = |
277 |
let process_asserts nd = |
278 |
247 | 279 |
let exprl = (fun assert_ -> assert_.assert_expr ) nd.node_asserts in |
248 | 280 |
if Backends.is_functional () then |
249 | 281 |
[], [], exprl |
... | ... | |
267 | 299 |
in |
268 | 300 |
assert_var.var_type <- Type_predef.type_bool (* Types.new_ty (Types.Tbool) *); |
269 | 301 |
let eq = mkeq loc ([var_id], expr) in |
270 |
(i+1, assert_var::vars, eq::eqlist, {expr with expr_desc = Expr_ident var_id}::assertlist)
302 |
(i+1, assert_var::vars, eq::eqlist, {expr with expr_desc = Expr_ident var_id}::assertlist)
271 | 303 |
) (1, [], [], []) exprl |
272 | 304 |
in |
273 | 305 |
vars, eql, assertl |
274 |
in |
275 |
let locals_list = nd.node_locals @ new_locals in |
306 |
307 |
let translate_decl nd sch = |
308 |
(* ~level:1 (fun fmt -> Printers.pp_node fmt nd);*) |
309 |
let schedule = sch.Scheduling_type.schedule in |
310 |
let sorted_eqs = Scheduling.sort_equations_from_schedule nd schedule in |
311 |
let constant_eqs = constant_equations nd in |
276 | 312 |
313 |
(* In case of non functional backend (eg. C), additional local variables have |
314 |
to be declared for each assert *) |
315 |
let new_locals, assert_instrs, nd_node_asserts = process_asserts nd in |
316 |
let locals_list = nd.node_locals @ new_locals in |
277 | 317 |
let nd = { nd with node_locals = locals_list } in |
318 |
let vars = get_node_vars nd in |
319 |
278 | 320 |
let init_args = VSet.empty, [], Utils.IMap.empty, List.fold_right (fun l -> VSet.add l) locals_list VSet.empty, [] in |
279 | 321 |
(* memories, init instructions, node calls, local variables (including memories), step instrs *) |
280 |
let m0, init0, j0, locals0, s0 = translate_eqs nd init_args constant_eqs in |
322 |
323 |
let m0, init0, j0, locals0, s0 = |
324 |
translate_eqs vars init_args constant_eqs |
325 |
in |
326 |
281 | 327 |
assert (VSet.is_empty m0); |
282 | 328 |
assert (init0 = []); |
283 | 329 |
assert (Utils.IMap.is_empty j0); |
284 |
let m, init, j, locals, s as context_with_asserts = translate_eqs nd (m0, init0, j0, locals0, []) (assert_instrs@sorted_eqs) in |
330 |
331 |
let m, init, j, locals, s as context_with_asserts = |
332 |
translate_eqs |
333 |
vars |
334 |
(m0, init0, j0, locals0, []) |
335 |
(assert_instrs@sorted_eqs) |
336 |
in |
285 | 337 |
let mmap = Utils.IMap.fold (fun i n res -> (i, n)::res) j [] in |
286 | 338 |
{ |
287 | 339 |
mname = nd; |
... | ... | |
295 | 347 |
step_inputs = nd.node_inputs; |
296 | 348 |
step_outputs = nd.node_outputs; |
297 | 349 |
step_locals = VSet.elements (VSet.diff locals m); |
298 |
step_checks = (fun d -> d.Dimension.dim_loc, translate_expr nd init_args (expr_of_dimension d)) nd.node_checks; |
350 |
step_checks = (fun d -> d.Dimension.dim_loc, |
351 |
translate_expr vars init_args |
352 |
(expr_of_dimension d)) |
353 |
nd.node_checks; |
299 | 354 |
step_instrs = ( |
300 | 355 |
(* special treatment depending on the active backend. For horn backend, |
301 | 356 |
common branches are not merged while they are in C or Java |
... | ... | |
308 | 363 |
else |
309 | 364 |
s |
310 | 365 |
); |
311 |
step_asserts = (translate_expr nd context_with_asserts) nd_node_asserts;
366 |
step_asserts = (translate_expr vars context_with_asserts) nd_node_asserts;
312 | 367 |
}; |
313 | 368 |
mspec = nd.node_spec; |
314 | 369 |
mannot = nd.node_annot; |
src/ | ||
216 | 216 |
217 | 217 |
let new_instance = |
218 | 218 |
let cpt = ref (-1) in |
219 |
fun caller callee tag ->
219 |
fun callee tag -> |
220 | 220 |
begin |
221 | 221 |
let o = |
222 | 222 |
if Stateless.check_node callee then |
... | ... | |
225 | 225 |
Printf.sprintf "ni_%d" (incr cpt; !cpt) in |
226 | 226 |
let o = |
227 | 227 |
if !Options.ansi && is_generic_node callee |
228 |
then Printf.sprintf "%s_inst_%d" o (Utils.position (fun e -> e.expr_tag = tag) caller.node_gencalls) |
228 |
then Printf.sprintf "%s_inst_%d" |
229 |
o |
230 |
(incr cpt; !cpt) |
229 | 231 |
else o in |
230 | 232 |
o |
231 | 233 |
end |
src/machine_code_common.mli | ||
9 | 9 |
val mk_conditional: ?lustre_eq:Lustre_types.eq -> Machine_code_types.value_t -> Machine_code_types.instr_t list -> Machine_code_types.instr_t list -> Machine_code_types.instr_t |
10 | 10 |
val empty_machine: Machine_code_types.machine_t |
11 | 11 |
val arrow_machine: Machine_code_types.machine_t |
12 |
val new_instance: Lustre_types.node_desc -> Lustre_types.top_decl -> Lustre_types.tag -> Lustre_types.ident
12 |
val new_instance: Lustre_types.top_decl -> Lustre_types.tag -> Lustre_types.ident |
13 | 13 |
val value_of_dimension: Machine_code_types.machine_t -> Dimension.dim_expr -> Machine_code_types.value_t |
14 | 14 |
val dimension_of_value:Machine_code_types.value_t -> Dimension.dim_expr |
15 | 15 |
val pp_instr: Machine_code_types.machine_t -> Format.formatter -> Machine_code_types.instr_t -> unit |
src/ | ||
41 | 41 |
42 | 42 |
type static_call = top_decl * (Dimension.dim_expr list) |
43 | 43 |
44 |
44 | 45 |
type machine_t = { |
45 | 46 |
mname: node_desc; |
46 | 47 |
mmemory: var_decl list; |
src/ | ||
170 | 170 |
then |
171 | 171 |
let new_aliases = |
172 | 172 |
List.map2 |
173 |
(mk_fresh_var (norm_ctx.parentid, norm_ctx.vars) expr.expr_loc)
173 |
(mk_fresh_var (norm_ctx.parentid, (norm_ctx.vars@vars)) expr.expr_loc)
174 | 174 |
(Types.type_list_of_type expr.expr_type) |
175 | 175 |
(Clocks.clock_list_of_clock expr.expr_clock) in |
176 | 176 |
let new_def = |
177 | 177 |
mkeq expr.expr_loc ( (fun v -> v.var_id) new_aliases, expr) |
178 | 178 |
in |
179 | 179 |
(* Typing and Registering machine type *) |
180 |
let _ = if Machine_types.is_active then Machine_types.type_def (norm_ctx.parentid, norm_ctx.vars) new_aliases expr in |
180 |
let _ = if Machine_types.is_active then |
181 |
Machine_types.type_def (norm_ctx.parentid, norm_ctx.vars) new_aliases expr |
182 |
in |
181 | 183 |
(new_def::defs, new_aliases@vars), replace_expr new_aliases expr |
182 | 184 |
else |
183 | 185 |
(defs, vars), expr |
... | ... | |
400 | 402 |
let normalize_eq_split norm_ctx defvars eq = |
401 | 403 |
try |
402 | 404 |
let defs, vars = normalize_eq norm_ctx defvars eq in |
403 |
List.fold_right (fun eq (def, vars) -> |
404 |
let eq_defs = Splitting.tuple_split_eq eq in |
405 |
if eq_defs = [eq] then |
406 |
eq::def, vars |
407 |
else |
408 |
List.fold_left (normalize_eq norm_ctx) (def, vars) eq_defs |
409 |
) defs ([], vars) |
410 |
411 |
with _ -> (
405 |
List.fold_right (fun eq (def, vars) ->
406 |
let eq_defs = Splitting.tuple_split_eq eq in
407 |
if eq_defs = [eq] then
408 |
eq::def, vars
409 |
410 |
List.fold_left (normalize_eq norm_ctx) (def, vars) eq_defs
411 |
) defs ([], vars)
412 |
413 |
with ex -> (
412 | 414 |
Format.eprintf "Issue normalizing eq split: %a@." Printers.pp_node_eq eq; |
413 |
assert false
415 |
raise ex
414 | 416 |
) |
415 | 417 |
416 |
let normalize_eexpr decls norm_ctx vars ee = ee (* |
417 |
(* New output variable *) |
418 |
let output_id = "spec" ^ string_of_int ee.eexpr_tag in |
419 |
let output_var = |
420 |
mkvar_decl |
421 |
ee.eexpr_loc |
422 |
(output_id, |
423 |
mktyp ee.eexpr_loc Tydec_any, (*TODO: Make it bool when it is spec *) |
424 |
mkclock ee.eexpr_loc Ckdec_any, |
425 |
false (* not a constant *), |
426 |
None, |
427 |
None |
428 |
) |
418 |
(* Projecting an eexpr to an eexpr associated to a single |
419 |
variable. Returns the updated ee, the bounded variable and the |
420 |
associated statement *) |
421 |
let normalize_pred_eexpr decls norm_ctx (def,vars) ee = |
422 |
assert (ee.eexpr_quantifiers = []); (* We do not normalize quantifiers yet. This is for very far future. *) |
423 |
(* don't do anything is eexpr is just a variable *) |
424 |
let skip = |
425 |
match ee.eexpr_qfexpr.expr_desc with |
426 |
| Expr_ident _ | Expr_const _ -> true |
427 |
| _ -> false |
429 | 428 |
in |
429 |
if skip then |
430 |
ee, (def, vars) |
431 |
else ( |
432 |
(* New output variable *) |
433 |
let output_id = "spec" ^ string_of_int ee.eexpr_tag in |
434 |
let output_var = |
435 |
mkvar_decl |
436 |
ee.eexpr_loc |
437 |
(output_id, |
438 |
mktyp ee.eexpr_loc Tydec_bool, (* It is a predicate, hence a bool *) |
439 |
mkclock ee.eexpr_loc Ckdec_any, |
440 |
false (* not a constant *), |
441 |
None, |
442 |
None |
443 |
) |
444 |
in |
445 |
let output_expr = expr_of_vdecl output_var in |
446 |
(* Rebuilding an eexpr with a silly expression, just a variable *) |
447 |
let ee' = { ee with eexpr_qfexpr = output_expr } in |
448 |
449 |
(* Now processing a fresh equation output_id = eexpr_qfexpr. We |
450 |
inline possible calls within, normalize it and type/clock the |
451 |
result. *) |
452 |
let eq = mkeq ee.eexpr_loc ([output_id], ee.eexpr_qfexpr) in |
453 |
(* Inlining any calls *) |
454 |
let nodes = get_nodes decls in |
455 |
let calls = ISet.elements (get_expr_calls nodes ee.eexpr_qfexpr) in |
456 |
let vars, eqs = |
457 |
if calls = [] && not (eq_has_arrows eq) then |
458 |
vars, [eq] |
459 |
else |
460 |
assert false (* TODO *) |
461 |
in |
462 |
463 |
(* Normalizing expr and eqs *) |
464 |
let defs, vars = List.fold_left (normalize_eq_split norm_ctx) (def, vars) eqs in |
465 |
(* let todefine = |
466 |
List.fold_left |
467 |
(fun m x-> if List.exists (fun y-> x.var_id = y.var_id) (locals) then m else ISet.add x.var_id m) |
468 |
(ISet.add output_id ISet.empty) vars in |
469 |
*) |
470 |
471 |
(* Typing / Clocking *) |
472 |
try |
473 |
ignore (Typing.type_var_decl_list vars !Global.type_env vars); |
474 |
(* |
475 |
let env = Typing.type_var_decl [] !Global.type_env xxxx output_var in (* typing the variable *) |
476 |
(* Format.eprintf "typing var %s: %a@." output_id Types.print_ty output_var.var_type; *) |
477 |
let env = Typing.type_var_decl_list (vars@node.node_outputs@node.node_inputs) env (vars@node.node_outputs@node.node_inputs) in |
478 |
(*Format.eprintf "Env: %a@.@?" (Env.pp_env Types.print_ty) env;*) |
479 |
let undefined_vars = List.fold_left (Typing.type_eq (env, quant_vars@vars) false) todefine defs in |
480 |
(* check that table is empty *) |
481 |
if (not (ISet.is_empty undefined_vars)) then |
482 |
raise (Types.Error (ee.eexpr_loc, Types.Undefined_var undefined_vars)); |
483 |
484 |
(*Format.eprintf "normalized eqs %a@.@?" |
485 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " Printers.pp_node_eq) defs; *) |
486 |
*) |
487 |
488 |
ee', (defs, vars) |
489 |
490 |
with (Types.Error (loc,err)) as exc -> |
491 |
eprintf "Typing error for eexpr %a: %a%a%a@." |
492 |
Printers.pp_eexpr ee |
493 |
Types.pp_error err |
494 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " Printers.pp_node_eq) defs |
495 |
Location.pp_loc loc |
496 |
497 |
498 |
; |
499 |
raise exc |
500 |
501 |
) |
502 |
503 |
(* |
430 | 504 |
431 | 505 |
let quant_vars = List.flatten ( snd ee.eexpr_quantifiers) in |
432 | 506 |
(* Calls are first inlined *) |
433 |
let nodes = get_nodes decls in |
434 |
let calls = ISet.elements (get_expr_calls nodes ee.eexpr_qfexpr) in |
435 |
(* TODO remettre egalement, i ly a un probleme de decapsulage de nodes |
436 |
let calls = |
437 |
(fun called_nd -> List.find (fun nd2 -> nd2.node_id = called_nd) nodes) calls |
438 |
in |
439 |
*) |
507 |
440 | 508 |
(*Format.eprintf "eexpr %a@.calls: %a@.@?" Printers.pp_eexpr ee (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt nd -> pp_print_string fmt nd.node_id)) calls; *) |
441 |
let eq = mkeq ee.eexpr_loc ([output_id], ee.eexpr_qfexpr) in |
442 |
let locals = node.node_locals @ (List.fold_left (fun accu (_, q) -> q@accu) [] ee.eexpr_quantifiers) in |
443 | 509 |
let (new_locals, eqs) = |
444 | 510 |
if calls = [] && not (eq_has_arrows eq) then |
445 | 511 |
(locals, [eq]) |
... | ... | |
485 | 551 |
raise exc |
486 | 552 |
*) |
487 | 553 |
488 |
489 |
let normalize_spec decls iovars s = s (* |
490 |
(* Each stmt is normalized *) |
491 |
let orig_vars = iovars @ s.locals in |
554 |
555 |
(* We use node local vars to make sure we are creating fresh variables *) |
556 |
let normalize_spec decls parentid (in_vars, out_vars, l_vars) s = |
557 |
(* Original set of variables actually visible from here: iun/out and |
558 |
spec locals (no node locals) *) |
559 |
let orig_vars = in_vars @ out_vars @ s.locals in |
492 | 560 |
let not_is_orig_var v = |
493 | 561 |
List.for_all ((!=) v) orig_vars in |
494 |
let defs, vars = |
495 |
let eqs, auts = List.fold_right (fun (el,al) s -> match s with Eq e -> e::el, al | Aut a -> el, a::al) s.stmts ([], []) in |
496 |
if auts != [] then assert false; (* Automata should be expanded by now. *) |
497 |
List.fold_left (normalize_eq node) ([], orig_vars) eqs |
562 |
let norm_ctx = { |
563 |
parentid = parentid; |
564 |
vars = in_vars @ out_vars @ l_vars; |
565 |
is_output = (fun _ -> false) (* no need to introduce fresh variables for outputs *); |
566 |
} |
567 |
in |
568 |
(* Normalizing existing stmts *) |
569 |
let eqs, auts = List.fold_right (fun s (el,al) -> match s with Eq e -> e::el, al | Aut a -> el, a::al) s.stmts ([], []) in |
570 |
if auts != [] then assert false; (* Automata should be expanded by now. *) |
571 |
let defsvars = |
572 |
List.fold_left (normalize_eq norm_ctx) ([], orig_vars) eqs |
573 |
in |
574 |
(* Iterate through predicates and normalize them on the go, creating |
575 |
fresh variables for any guarantees/assumes/require/ensure *) |
576 |
let process_predicates l defvars = |
577 |
List.fold_right (fun ee (accu, defvars) -> |
578 |
let ee', defvars = normalize_pred_eexpr decls norm_ctx defvars ee in |
579 |
ee'::accu, defvars |
580 |
) l ([], defvars) |
498 | 581 |
in |
499 |
let new_locals = List.filter not_is_orig_var vars in (* removing inouts and initial locals ones *) |
500 | 582 |
501 |
(* |
583 |
584 |
let assume', defsvars = process_predicates s.assume defsvars in |
585 |
let guarantees', defsvars = process_predicates s.guarantees defsvars in |
586 |
let modes', (defs, vars) = |
587 |
List.fold_right ( |
588 |
fun m (accu_m, defsvars) -> |
589 |
let require', defsvars = process_predicates m.require defsvars in |
590 |
let ensure', defsvars = process_predicates m.ensure defsvars in |
591 |
{ m with require = require'; ensure = ensure' }:: accu_m, defsvars |
592 |
) s.modes ([], defsvars) |
593 |
in |
594 |
595 |
let new_locals = List.filter not_is_orig_var vars in (* removing inouts and initial locals ones *) |
596 |
502 | 597 |
503 | 598 |
{s with |
504 | 599 |
locals = s.locals @ new_locals; |
505 | 600 |
stmts = (fun eq -> Eq eq) defs; |
506 |
let nee _ = () in |
507 |
(*normalize_eexpr decls iovars in *) |
508 |
List.iter nee s.assume; |
509 |
List.iter nee s.guarantees; |
510 |
List.iter (fun m -> |
511 |
List.iter nee m.require; |
512 |
List.iter nee m.ensure |
513 |
) s.modes; |
514 |
*) |
515 |
s |
516 |
*) |
601 |
assume = assume'; |
602 |
guarantees = guarantees'; |
603 |
modes = modes' |
604 |
} |
605 |
(* let nee _ = () in |
606 |
* (\*normalize_eexpr decls iovars in *\) |
607 |
* List.iter nee s.assume; |
608 |
* List.iter nee s.guarantees; |
609 |
* List.iter (fun m -> |
610 |
* List.iter nee m.require; |
611 |
* List.iter nee m.ensure |
612 |
* ) s.modes; *) |
613 |
614 |
615 |
616 |
617 |
517 | 618 |
518 | 619 |
(* The normalization phase introduces new local variables |
519 | 620 |
- output cannot be memories. If this happen, new local variables acting as |
... | ... | |
534 | 635 |
*) |
535 | 636 |
let normalize_node decls node = |
536 | 637 |
reset_cpt_fresh (); |
537 |
let inputs_outputs = node.node_inputs@node.node_outputs in |
538 |
let orig_vars = inputs_outputs@node.node_locals in |
638 |
let orig_vars = node.node_inputs@node.node_outputs@node.node_locals in |
539 | 639 |
let not_is_orig_var v = |
540 | 640 |
List.for_all ((!=) v) orig_vars in |
541 | 641 |
let norm_ctx = { |
... | ... | |
636 | 736 |
637 | 737 |
Careful: we do not normalize annotations, since they can have the form |
638 | 738 |
x = (a, b, c) *) |
639 |
match node.node_spec with None -> None | Some s -> Some (normalize_spec decls inputs_outputs s)
739 |
match node.node_spec with None -> None | Some s -> Some (normalize_spec decls node.node_id (node.node_inputs, node.node_outputs, node.node_locals) s)
640 | 740 |
end |
641 | 741 |
in |
642 | 742 |
... | ... | |
658 | 758 |
match nd.nodei_spec with |
659 | 759 |
None -> nd |
660 | 760 |
| Some s -> |
661 |
let inputs_outputs = nd.nodei_inputs@nd.nodei_outputs in |
662 |
let s = normalize_spec decls inputs_outputs s in |
761 |
let s = normalize_spec decls nd.nodei_id (nd.nodei_inputs, nd.nodei_outputs, []) s in |
663 | 762 |
{ nd with nodei_spec = Some s } |
664 | 763 |
665 | 764 |
let normalize_decl (decls: program_t) (decl: top_decl) : top_decl = |
src/ | ||
27 | 27 |
open Format |
28 | 28 |
29 | 29 |
30 |
(* TODO general remark: expect in the add_vdelc, it seems to me that
30 |
(* TODO general remark: except in the add_vdecl, it seems to me that
31 | 31 |
all the pairs (env, vd_env) should be replace with just env, since |
32 | 32 |
vd_env is never used and the env element is always extract with a |
33 | 33 |
fst *) |
... | ... | |
686 | 686 |
undefined_vars_init |
687 | 687 |
eqs |
688 | 688 |
in |
689 |
689 |
(* Typing each predicate expr *) |
690 |
let type_pred_ee ee : unit= |
691 |
type_subtyping_arg (env, vd_env) (false (* not in main *)) (false (* not a const *)) ee.eexpr_qfexpr type_bool |
692 |
in |
693 |
List.iter type_pred_ee |
694 |
( |
695 |
spec.assume |
696 |
@ spec.guarantees |
697 |
@ List.flatten ( (fun m -> m.ensure @ m.require) spec.modes) |
698 |
); |
690 | 699 |
(*TODO |
691 | 700 |
enrich env locally with locals and consts |
692 | 701 |
type each pre/post as a boolean expr |
Also available in: Unified diff
Some progress on EMF bqckend. Refactoring machines code