1 |
2 |
3 |
node __sin(x:real) returns (out:real);
4 |
5 |
out = if (0.0<=x and x<=0.15707963267) then 0.0 + (0.99589273524 * (x-0.0)) else
6 |
if (0.15707963267<=x and x<=0.31415926535) then 0.15643446504 + (0.97137055092 * (x-0.15707963267)) else
7 |
if (0.31415926535<=x and x<=0.47123889803) then 0.30901699437 + (0.92292999984 * (x-0.31415926535)) else
8 |
if (0.47123889803<=x and x<=0.62831853071) then 0.45399049974 + (0.85176384914 * (x-0.47123889803)) else
9 |
if (0.62831853071<=x and x<=0.78539816339) then 0.58778525229 + (0.75962444563 * (x-0.62831853071)) else
10 |
if (0.78539816339<=x and x<=0.94247779607) then 0.70710678118 + (0.64878056721 * (x-0.78539816339)) else
11 |
if (0.94247779607<=x and x<=1.09955742876) then 0.80901699437 + (0.52196155806 * (x-0.94247779607)) else
12 |
if (1.09955742876<=x and x<=1.25663706144) then 0.89100652418 + (0.38229012305 * (x-1.09955742876)) else
13 |
if (1.25663706144<=x and x<=1.41371669412) then 0.95105651629 + (0.23320543647 * (x-1.25663706144)) else
14 |
if (1.41371669412<=x and x<=1.57079632679) then 0.98768834059 + (0.07837845807 * (x-1.41371669412)) else -1.0;
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
node my_sin(x:real) returns (out:real);
19 |
20 |
out = if (0.0<=x and x<=1.57079632679) then __sin(x) else
21 |
if (1.57079632679<=x and x<=3.14159265359) then __sin(3.14159265359-x) else
22 |
if (3.14159265359<=x and x<=4.71238898038) then -(__sin(x-3.14159265359)) else
23 |
if (4.71238898038<=x and x<=6.28318530718) then -(__sin(6.28318530718-x)) else -1.0;
24 |
25 |
26 |
node my_cos(x:real) returns (out:real);
27 |
28 |
out = if (0.0<=x and x<=4.71238898038) then my_sin(1.57079632679+x) else
29 |
if (4.71238898038<=x and x<=6.28318530718) then my_sin(x-4.71238898038) else -1.0;
30 |
31 |
32 |
node integrator_reset ( Fx : real ; ResetLevel : bool ; x0 : real )
33 |
returns ( ir_out : real ) ;
34 |
35 |
36 |
ir_out = x0 -> if ( ResetLevel ) then x0 else ( Fx * 1.000000 ) + pre ( ir_out );
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
node DynamicSaturation ( up_Out1_148 : real ; u_Out1_158 : real ; lo_Out1_168 : real )
41 |
returns ( y1_In1_210 : real ) ;
42 |
var LowerRelop1_Out1_174 : bool ;
43 |
Switch_Out1_183 : real ;
44 |
Switch2_Out1_192 : real ;
45 |
UpperRelop_Out1_198 : bool ;
46 |
LowerRelop1_In1_172 : real ;
47 |
LowerRelop1_In2_173 : real ;
48 |
Switch_In1_180 : real ;
49 |
Switch_In2_181 : bool ;
50 |
Switch_In3_182 : real ;
51 |
Switch2_In1_189 : real ;
52 |
Switch2_In2_190 : bool ;
53 |
Switch2_In3_191 : real ;
54 |
UpperRelop_In1_196 : real ;
55 |
UpperRelop_In2_197 : real ;
56 |
57 |
58 |
LowerRelop1_Out1_174 = LowerRelop1_In1_172 > LowerRelop1_In2_173;
59 |
Switch_Out1_183 = if Switch_In2_181 then Switch_In1_180 else Switch_In3_182;
60 |
Switch2_Out1_192 = if Switch2_In2_190 then Switch2_In1_189 else Switch2_In3_191;
61 |
UpperRelop_Out1_198 = UpperRelop_In1_196 < UpperRelop_In2_197;
62 |
Switch2_In1_189 = up_Out1_148;
63 |
LowerRelop1_In2_173 = up_Out1_148;
64 |
Switch_In3_182 = u_Out1_158;
65 |
LowerRelop1_In1_172 = u_Out1_158;
66 |
UpperRelop_In1_196 = u_Out1_158;
67 |
Switch_In1_180 = lo_Out1_168;
68 |
UpperRelop_In2_197 = lo_Out1_168;
69 |
Switch2_In3_191 = Switch_Out1_183;
70 |
y1_In1_210 = Switch2_Out1_192;
71 |
Switch2_In2_190 = LowerRelop1_Out1_174;
72 |
Switch_In2_181 = UpperRelop_Out1_198;
73 |
74 |
75 |
node EngageORzero ( engage : bool ; signal : real )
76 |
returns ( out : real ) ;
77 |
78 |
out = if engage then signal else 0.0;
79 |
80 |
81 |
node ManualOverride (manual : real ; auto : real )
82 |
returns ( manual_out : real ) ;
83 |
84 |
temp : bool ;
85 |
86 |
temp = if manual = 0.000000 then false else true;
87 |
manual_out = if temp then manual else auto;
88 |
89 |
90 |
node VarLimInteg ( Input_Out1_545 : real ; Max_Out1_555 : real ; Min_Out1_565 : real ; ICtrig_Out1_575 : bool ; IC_Out1_585 : real )
91 |
returns ( Out_In1_681 : real ) ;
92 |
var Integrator1_Out1_618 : real ;
93 |
Logical_Operator1_Out1_624 : bool ;
94 |
Logical_Operator2_Out1_630 : bool ;
95 |
Logical_Operator3_Out1_636 : bool ;
96 |
Relational_Operator1_Out1_642 : bool ;
97 |
Relational_Operator2_Out1_648 : bool ;
98 |
Relational_Operator3_Out1_654 : bool ;
99 |
Relational_Operator4_Out1_660 : bool ;
100 |
Switch1_Out1_669 : real ;
101 |
Integrator1_In1_615 : real ;
102 |
Integrator1_In2_616 : bool ;
103 |
Integrator1_In3_617 : real ;
104 |
Logical_Operator1_In1_622 : bool ;
105 |
Logical_Operator1_In2_623 : bool ;
106 |
Logical_Operator2_In1_628 : bool ;
107 |
Logical_Operator2_In2_629 : bool ;
108 |
Logical_Operator3_In1_634 : bool ;
109 |
Logical_Operator3_In2_635 : bool ;
110 |
Relational_Operator1_In1_640 : real ;
111 |
Relational_Operator1_In2_641 : real ;
112 |
Relational_Operator2_In1_646 : real ;
113 |
Relational_Operator2_In2_647 : real ;
114 |
Relational_Operator3_In1_652 : real ;
115 |
-- Relational_Operator3_In2_653 : real ;
116 |
Relational_Operator4_In1_658 : real ;
117 |
-- Relational_Operator4_In2_659 : real ;
118 |
-- Switch1_In1_666 : real ;
119 |
Switch1_In2_667 : bool ;
120 |
Switch1_In3_668 : real ;
121 |
122 |
123 |
Integrator1_Out1_618 = Integrator1_In3_617 -> pre integrator_reset ( Integrator1_In1_615 , Integrator1_In2_616 , Integrator1_In3_617 );
124 |
Logical_Operator1_Out1_624 = Logical_Operator1_In1_622 or Logical_Operator1_In2_623;
125 |
Logical_Operator2_Out1_630 = Logical_Operator2_In1_628 and Logical_Operator2_In2_629;
126 |
Logical_Operator3_Out1_636 = Logical_Operator3_In1_634 and Logical_Operator3_In2_635;
127 |
Relational_Operator1_Out1_642 = Relational_Operator1_In1_640 <= Relational_Operator1_In2_641;
128 |
Relational_Operator2_Out1_648 = Relational_Operator2_In1_646 >= Relational_Operator2_In2_647;
129 |
Relational_Operator3_Out1_654 = Relational_Operator3_In1_652 > 0.0;
130 |
Relational_Operator4_Out1_660 = Relational_Operator4_In1_658 < 0.0;
131 |
Switch1_Out1_669 = if Switch1_In2_667 then 0.0 else Switch1_In3_668;
132 |
Integrator1_In3_617 = IC_Out1_585;
133 |
Integrator1_In2_616 = ICtrig_Out1_575;
134 |
Relational_Operator1_In2_641 = Min_Out1_565;
135 |
Relational_Operator2_In2_647 = Max_Out1_555;
136 |
-- Relational_Operator4_In2_659 = 0.0;
137 |
Switch1_In3_668 = Input_Out1_545;
138 |
Relational_Operator3_In1_652 = Input_Out1_545;
139 |
Relational_Operator4_In1_658 = Input_Out1_545;
140 |
Logical_Operator1_In2_623 = Logical_Operator3_Out1_636;
141 |
Logical_Operator3_In2_635 = Relational_Operator4_Out1_660;
142 |
Logical_Operator3_In1_634 = Relational_Operator1_Out1_642;
143 |
-- Relational_Operator3_In2_653 = 0.0;
144 |
Logical_Operator1_In1_622 = Logical_Operator2_Out1_630;
145 |
Logical_Operator2_In2_629 = Relational_Operator3_Out1_654;
146 |
Logical_Operator2_In1_628 = Relational_Operator2_Out1_648;
147 |
Switch1_In2_667 = Logical_Operator1_Out1_624;
148 |
Relational_Operator2_In1_646 = Integrator1_Out1_618;
149 |
Relational_Operator1_In1_640 = Integrator1_Out1_618;
150 |
Out_In1_681 = Integrator1_Out1_618;
151 |
Integrator1_In1_615 = Switch1_Out1_669;
152 |
-- Switch1_In1_666 = 0.0;
153 |
154 |
155 |
node TransferFcn ( x_Out1_753 : real )
156 |
returns ( y_In1_836 : real ) ;
157 |
var asharp1_Out1_762 : real ;
158 |
b0sharp0_Out1_771 : real ;
159 |
b0sharp1_Out1_780 : real ;
160 |
delaysharp1_Out1_785 : real ;
161 |
output_sum_Out1_795 : real ;
162 |
samplesharp1_Out1_804 : real ;
163 |
sum11_Out1_814 : real ;
164 |
sum21_Out1_824 : real ;
165 |
asharp1_In1_761 : real ;
166 |
b0sharp0_In1_770 : real ;
167 |
b0sharp1_In1_779 : real ;
168 |
delaysharp1_In1_784 : real ;
169 |
output_sum_In1_793 : real ;
170 |
output_sum_In2_794 : real ;
171 |
samplesharp1_In1_803 : real ;
172 |
sum11_In1_812 : real ;
173 |
sum11_In2_813 : real ;
174 |
sum21_In1_822 : real ;
175 |
sum21_In2_823 : real ;
176 |
177 |
178 |
asharp1_Out1_762 = 0.062500 * asharp1_In1_761;
179 |
b0sharp0_Out1_771 = b0sharp0_In1_770;
180 |
b0sharp1_Out1_780 = - (b0sharp1_In1_779);
181 |
delaysharp1_Out1_785 = 0.000000 -> pre delaysharp1_In1_784;
182 |
output_sum_Out1_795 = output_sum_In1_793 + output_sum_In2_794;
183 |
samplesharp1_Out1_804 = 0.020000 * samplesharp1_In1_803;
184 |
sum11_Out1_814 = sum11_In1_812 + - sum11_In2_813;
185 |
sum21_Out1_824 = sum21_In1_822 + sum21_In2_823;
186 |
asharp1_In1_761 = delaysharp1_Out1_785;
187 |
sum21_In2_823 = delaysharp1_Out1_785;
188 |
sum11_In2_813 = asharp1_Out1_762;
189 |
b0sharp1_In1_779 = asharp1_Out1_762;
190 |
output_sum_In1_793 = b0sharp0_Out1_771;
191 |
output_sum_In2_794 = b0sharp1_Out1_780;
192 |
samplesharp1_In1_803 = sum11_Out1_814;
193 |
sum21_In1_822 = samplesharp1_Out1_804;
194 |
delaysharp1_In1_784 = sum21_Out1_824;
195 |
sum11_In1_812 = x_Out1_753;
196 |
b0sharp0_In1_770 = x_Out1_753;
197 |
y_In1_836 = output_sum_Out1_795;
198 |
199 |
200 |
node AutoThrottle ( ATEng_Out1_19 : bool ; maxThrot_Out1_29 : real ; minThrot_Out1_39 : real ; leverThrot_Out1_49 : real ; Phidegf_Out1_59 : real ; Ktas_Abstracted_Out1_69 : real ; Cas_ktsf_Out1_79 : real ; Vgdotf_Out1_89 : real ; ICthrot_Out1_99 : real )
201 |
returns ( ThrotCmd_In1_782 : real ) ;
202 |
var Divide_Out1_119 : real ;
203 |
DynamicSaturation_Out1_128 : real ;
204 |
EngageORzero_Out1_219 : real ;
205 |
Gain1_Out1_297 : real ;
206 |
Kcas_Out1_306 : real ;
207 |
Kr_Out1_315 : real ;
208 |
Kr1_Out1_324 : real ;
209 |
Logical_Operator_Out1_329 : bool ;
210 |
ManualOverride_Out1_345 : real ;
211 |
PHIMC1_Out1_399 : real ;
212 |
Sum_Out1_417 : real ;
213 |
Sum1_Out1_428 : real ;
214 |
Sum2_Out1_438 : real ;
215 |
Sum3_Out1_448 : real ;
216 |
Sum5_Out1_458 : real ;
217 |
Trigonometric_Function_Out1_463 : real ;
218 |
VarLimIntegAT_Out1_474 : real ;
219 |
kt2fps_Out1_650 : real ;
220 |
transfer_Fcn_Out1_665 : real ;
221 |
Divide_In1_117 : real ;
222 |
-- Divide_In2_118 : real ;
223 |
DynamicSaturation_In1_125 : real ;
224 |
DynamicSaturation_In2_126 : real ;
225 |
DynamicSaturation_In3_127 : real ;
226 |
EngageORzero_In1_217 : bool ;
227 |
EngageORzero_In2_218 : real ;
228 |
Gain1_In1_296 : real ;
229 |
Kcas_In1_305 : real ;
230 |
Kr_In1_314 : real ;
231 |
Kr1_In1_323 : real ;
232 |
Logical_Operator_In1_328 : bool ;
233 |
ManualOverride_In1_343 : real ;
234 |
ManualOverride_In2_344 : real ;
235 |
PHIMC1_In1_396 : real ;
236 |
PHIMC1_In2_397 : bool ;
237 |
PHIMC1_In3_398 : real ;
238 |
Sum_In1_415 : real ;
239 |
Sum_In2_416 : real ;
240 |
Sum1_In1_425 : real ;
241 |
Sum1_In2_426 : real ;
242 |
Sum1_In3_427 : real ;
243 |
Sum2_In1_436 : real ;
244 |
Sum2_In2_437 : real ;
245 |
Sum3_In1_446 : real ;
246 |
Sum3_In2_447 : real ;
247 |
Sum5_In1_456 : real ;
248 |
Sum5_In2_457 : real ;
249 |
Trigonometric_Function_In1_462 : real ;
250 |
VarLimIntegAT_In1_469 : real ;
251 |
VarLimIntegAT_In2_470 : real ;
252 |
VarLimIntegAT_In3_471 : real ;
253 |
VarLimIntegAT_In4_472 : bool ;
254 |
VarLimIntegAT_In5_473 : real ;
255 |
kt2fps_In1_649 : real ;
256 |
transfer_Fcn_In1_664 : real ;
257 |
258 |
259 |
Divide_Out1_119 = Divide_In1_117 / 3.141500;
260 |
DynamicSaturation_Out1_128 = DynamicSaturation ( DynamicSaturation_In1_125 , DynamicSaturation_In2_126 , DynamicSaturation_In3_127 );
261 |
EngageORzero_Out1_219 = EngageORzero ( EngageORzero_In1_217 , EngageORzero_In2_218 );
262 |
Gain1_Out1_297 = 5.0 * Gain1_In1_296;
263 |
Kcas_Out1_306 = 0.200000 * Kcas_In1_305;
264 |
Kr_Out1_315 = 2.500000 * Kr_In1_314;
265 |
Kr1_Out1_324 = 1.200000 * Kr1_In1_323;
266 |
Logical_Operator_Out1_329 = not Logical_Operator_In1_328;
267 |
ManualOverride_Out1_345 = ManualOverride ( ManualOverride_In1_343 , ManualOverride_In2_344 );
268 |
PHIMC1_Out1_399 = if PHIMC1_In2_397 then PHIMC1_In1_396 else PHIMC1_In3_398;
269 |
Sum_Out1_417 = Sum_In1_415 + - Sum_In2_416;
270 |
Sum1_Out1_428 = Sum1_In1_425 + ( Sum1_In2_426 + - Sum1_In3_427 );
271 |
Sum2_Out1_438 = Sum2_In1_436 + - Sum2_In2_437;
272 |
Sum3_Out1_448 = Sum3_In1_446 + - Sum3_In2_447;
273 |
Sum5_Out1_458 = Sum5_In1_456 + - Sum5_In2_457;
274 |
Trigonometric_Function_Out1_463 = my_cos ( Trigonometric_Function_In1_462 );
275 |
VarLimIntegAT_Out1_474 = VarLimInteg ( VarLimIntegAT_In1_469 , VarLimIntegAT_In2_470 , VarLimIntegAT_In3_471 , VarLimIntegAT_In4_472 , VarLimIntegAT_In5_473 );
276 |
kt2fps_Out1_650 = 1.687800 * kt2fps_In1_649;
277 |
transfer_Fcn_Out1_665 = TransferFcn ( transfer_Fcn_In1_664 );
278 |
Sum2_In1_436 = 250.0;
279 |
kt2fps_In1_649 = Sum2_Out1_438;
280 |
Kr_In1_314 = Sum1_Out1_428;
281 |
Kcas_In1_305 = kt2fps_Out1_650;
282 |
VarLimIntegAT_In1_469 = Kr_Out1_315;
283 |
Sum1_In3_427 = Vgdotf_Out1_89;
284 |
Kr1_In1_323 = Vgdotf_Out1_89;
285 |
Sum3_In2_447 = Kr1_Out1_324;
286 |
transfer_Fcn_In1_664 = Gain1_Out1_297;
287 |
Gain1_In1_296 = Sum_Out1_417;
288 |
Sum_In2_416 = Trigonometric_Function_Out1_463;
289 |
Sum_In1_415 = 1.0;
290 |
Trigonometric_Function_In1_462 = Divide_Out1_119;
291 |
EngageORzero_In2_218 = Sum5_Out1_458;
292 |
VarLimIntegAT_In5_473 = ICthrot_Out1_99;
293 |
Sum5_In2_457 = ICthrot_Out1_99;
294 |
DynamicSaturation_In1_125 = maxThrot_Out1_29;
295 |
VarLimIntegAT_In2_470 = maxThrot_Out1_29;
296 |
VarLimIntegAT_In3_471 = minThrot_Out1_39;
297 |
DynamicSaturation_In3_127 = minThrot_Out1_39;
298 |
Sum3_In1_446 = VarLimIntegAT_Out1_474;
299 |
DynamicSaturation_In2_126 = Sum3_Out1_448;
300 |
Sum5_In1_456 = DynamicSaturation_Out1_128;
301 |
Sum1_In2_426 = PHIMC1_Out1_399;
302 |
PHIMC1_In3_398 = Kcas_Out1_306;
303 |
Sum1_In1_425 = transfer_Fcn_Out1_665;
304 |
Divide_In1_117 = Phidegf_Out1_59;
305 |
Sum2_In2_437 = Cas_ktsf_Out1_79;
306 |
VarLimIntegAT_In4_472 = Logical_Operator_Out1_329;
307 |
EngageORzero_In1_217 = ATEng_Out1_19;
308 |
Logical_Operator_In1_328 = ATEng_Out1_19;
309 |
PHIMC1_In2_397 = if 0 = 0 then false else true;
310 |
PHIMC1_In1_396 = Ktas_Abstracted_Out1_69;
311 |
ManualOverride_In1_343 = leverThrot_Out1_49;
312 |
ThrotCmd_In1_782 = ManualOverride_Out1_345;
313 |
ManualOverride_In2_344 = EngageORzero_Out1_219;
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
node top ( ATEng : bool ; maxThrot : real ; minThrot : real ; leverThrot : real ; Phidegf : real ; Ktas_Abstracted: real ;Cas_ktsf : real ; Vgdotf : real ; ICthrot : real )
319 |
returns (obs: bool) ;
320 |
var ThrotCmd : real;
321 |
322 |
323 |
-- ICthrot = throt.bias
324 |
ThrotCmd = AutoThrottle (ATEng , maxThrot, minThrot, leverThrot, Phidegf, Ktas_Abstracted, Cas_ktsf, Vgdotf, ICthrot);
325 |
326 |
assert ATEng = true;
327 |
assert leverThrot = 0.0;
328 |
assert maxThrot > (minThrot + 10.0);
329 |
assert minThrot >= 5.0;
330 |
assert maxThrot <= 100.0;
331 |
assert true -> maxThrot = pre(maxThrot);
332 |
assert true -> minThrot = pre(minThrot);
333 |
assert ICthrot = 0.0;
334 |
335 |
336 |
obs = ThrotCmd <= maxThrot and ThrotCmd >= minThrot;
337 |
338 |
339 |
--!MAIN : true;
340 |
--!PROPERTY: obs = true;
341 |