Revision 3b2bd83d
Added by Teme Kahsai about 8 years ago
src/lexer_lustre.mll | ||
13 | 13 |
open Parser_lustre |
14 | 14 |
open Utils |
15 | 15 |
16 |
exception Error of Location.t |
17 |
18 | 16 |
(* As advised by Caml documentation. This way a single lexer rule is |
19 | 17 |
used to handle all the possible keywords. *) |
20 | 18 |
let keyword_table = |
... | ... | |
48 | 46 |
"type", TYPE; |
49 | 47 |
"int", TINT; |
50 | 48 |
"bool", TBOOL; |
51 |
"float", TFLOAT;
49 |
(* "float", TFLOAT; *)
52 | 50 |
"real", TREAL; |
53 | 51 |
"clock", TCLOCK; |
54 | 52 |
"not", NOT; |
... | ... | |
75 | 73 |
try |
76 | 74 |
let ann = LexerLustreSpec.annot s in |
77 | 75 |
ANNOT ann |
78 |
with _ -> (Format.eprintf "Impossible to parse the following annotation:@.%s@.@?" s; exit 1)
76 |
with LexerLustreSpec.Error loc -> raise (Parse.Error (Location.shift (Location.curr lexbuf) loc, Parse.Annot_error s))
79 | 77 |
80 | 78 |
let make_spec lexbuf s = |
81 | 79 |
try |
82 | 80 |
let ns = LexerLustreSpec.spec s in |
83 | 81 |
84 |
with _ -> (Format.eprintf "Impossible to parse the following node specification:@.%s@.@?" s; exit 1)
82 |
with LexerLustreSpec.Error loc -> raise (Parse.Error (Location.shift (Location.curr lexbuf) loc, Parse.Node_spec_error s))
85 | 83 |
86 | 84 |
} |
87 | 85 |
... | ... | |
108 | 106 |
token lexbuf } |
109 | 107 |
| blank + |
110 | 108 |
{token lexbuf} |
111 |
| ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']* '.' ['0'-'9']* |
112 |
{FLOAT (float_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))} |
109 |
| ((['0'-'9']+ as l) '.' (['0'-'9']* as r) ('E'|'e') (('+'|'-')? ['0'-'9']+ as exp)) as s |
110 |
{REAL (Num.num_of_string (l^r), String.length r + -1 * int_of_string exp , s)} |
111 |
| ((['0'-'9']+ as l) '.' (['0'-'9']* as r)) as s |
112 |
{REAL (Num.num_of_string (l^r), String.length r, s)} |
113 | 113 |
| ['0'-'9']+ |
114 | 114 |
{INT (int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) } |
115 |
| ['0'-'9']+ '.' ['0'-'9']+ ('E'|'e') ('+'|'-') ['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9']* as s {REAL s} |
116 | 115 |
| "tel." {TEL} |
117 | 116 |
| "tel;" {TEL} |
118 | 117 |
| "#open" { OPEN } |
... | ... | |
158 | 157 |
| "^" {POWER} |
159 | 158 |
| '"' {QUOTE} |
160 | 159 |
| eof { EOF } |
161 |
| _ { raise (Error (Location.curr lexbuf)) }
160 |
| _ { raise (Parse.Error (Location.curr lexbuf, Parse.Undefined_token (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf))) }
162 | 161 |
163 | 162 |
and comment n = parse |
164 | 163 |
| eof |
165 |
{ raise (Error (Location.curr lexbuf)) }
164 |
{ raise (Parse.Error (Location.curr lexbuf, Parse.Unfinished_comment)) }
166 | 165 |
| "(*" |
167 | 166 |
{ comment (n+1) lexbuf } |
168 | 167 |
| "*)" |
... | ... | |
173 | 172 |
| _ { comment n lexbuf } |
174 | 173 |
175 | 174 |
and annot_singleline = parse |
175 |
| eof { make_annot lexbuf (Buffer.contents buf) } |
176 | 176 |
| newline { incr_line lexbuf; make_annot lexbuf (Buffer.contents buf) } |
177 | 177 |
| _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; annot_singleline lexbuf } |
178 | 178 |
179 | 179 |
and annot_multiline n = parse |
180 |
| eof { raise (Parse.Error (Location.curr lexbuf, Parse.Unfinished_annot)) } |
180 | 181 |
| "*)" as s { |
181 | 182 |
if n > 0 then |
182 | 183 |
(Buffer.add_string buf s; annot_multiline (n-1) lexbuf) |
... | ... | |
187 | 188 |
| _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; annot_multiline n lexbuf } |
188 | 189 |
189 | 190 |
and spec_singleline = parse |
191 |
| eof { make_spec lexbuf (Buffer.contents buf) } |
190 | 192 |
| newline { incr_line lexbuf; make_spec lexbuf (Buffer.contents buf) } |
191 | 193 |
| _ as c { Buffer.add_char buf c; spec_singleline lexbuf } |
192 | 194 |
193 | 195 |
and spec_multiline n = parse |
196 |
| eof { raise (Parse.Error (Location.curr lexbuf, Parse.Unfinished_node_spec)) } |
194 | 197 |
| "*)" as s { if n > 0 then |
195 | 198 |
(Buffer.add_string buf s; spec_multiline (n-1) lexbuf) |
196 | 199 |
else |
Also available in: Unified diff
updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04