Revision 3b2bd83d
Added by Teme Kahsai about 8 years ago
src/ | ||
20 | 20 |
open Graph |
21 | 21 |
open Format |
22 | 22 |
23 |
exception Cycle of ident list |
23 |
type error = |
24 |
| DataCycle of ident list |
25 |
| NodeCycle of ident list |
26 |
27 |
exception Error of error |
24 | 28 |
25 |
module IdentDepGraph = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectional (IdentModule) |
26 | 29 |
30 |
module IdentDepGraph = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectional (IdentModule) |
31 |
(*module DotGraph = Graphviz.Dot (IdentDepGraph)*) |
32 |
module Bfs = Traverse.Bfs (IdentDepGraph) |
33 |
27 | 34 |
(* Dependency of mem variables on mem variables is cut off |
28 | 35 |
by duplication of some mem vars into local node vars. |
29 | 36 |
Thus, cylic dependency errors may only arise between no-mem vars. |
... | ... | |
225 | 232 |
| Expr_arrow (e1, e2) -> add_dep lhs_is_mem lhs e2 (add_dep lhs_is_mem lhs e1 g) |
226 | 233 |
| Expr_when (e, c, _) -> add_dep lhs_is_mem lhs e (add_var lhs_is_mem lhs c g) |
227 | 234 |
| Expr_appl (f, e, None) -> |
228 |
if Basic_library.is_internal_fun f
235 |
if Basic_library.is_expr_internal_fun rhs
229 | 236 |
(* tuple component-wise dependency for internal operators *) |
230 | 237 |
then |
231 | 238 |
List.fold_right (add_dep lhs_is_mem lhs) (expr_list_of_expr e) g |
... | ... | |
278 | 285 |
| Expr_pre e |
279 | 286 |
| Expr_when (e,_,_) -> get_expr_calls prednode e |
280 | 287 |
| Expr_appl (id,e, _) -> |
281 |
if not (Basic_library.is_internal_fun id) && prednode id
288 |
if not (Basic_library.is_expr_internal_fun expr) && prednode id
282 | 289 |
then ESet.add expr (get_expr_calls prednode e) |
283 | 290 |
else (get_expr_calls prednode e) |
284 | 291 |
... | ... | |
311 | 318 |
) prog g in |
312 | 319 |
g |
313 | 320 |
321 |
(* keep subgraph of [gr] consisting of nodes accessible from node [v] *) |
322 |
let slice_graph gr v = |
323 |
begin |
324 |
let gr' = new_graph () in |
325 |
IdentDepGraph.add_vertex gr' v; |
326 |
Bfs.iter_component (fun v -> IdentDepGraph.iter_succ (fun s -> IdentDepGraph.add_vertex gr' s; IdentDepGraph.add_edge gr' v s) gr v) gr v; |
327 |
gr' |
328 |
end |
329 |
314 | 330 |
let rec filter_static_inputs inputs args = |
315 | 331 |
match inputs, args with |
316 | 332 |
| [] , [] -> [] |
... | ... | |
368 | 384 |
let scc_l = Cycles.scc_list g in |
369 | 385 |
List.iter (fun partition -> |
370 | 386 |
if wrong_partition g partition then |
371 |
raise (Cycle partition)
387 |
raise (Error (DataCycle partition))
372 | 388 |
else () |
373 | 389 |
) scc_l |
374 | 390 |
... | ... | |
515 | 531 |
Format.fprintf fmt "}@." |
516 | 532 |
end |
517 | 533 |
518 |
let pp_error fmt trace = |
519 |
fprintf fmt "@.Causality error, cyclic data dependencies: %a@." |
520 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_print_string) trace |
534 |
let pp_error fmt err = |
535 |
match err with |
536 |
| DataCycle trace -> |
537 |
fprintf fmt "@.Causality error, cyclic data dependencies: %a@." |
538 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_print_string) trace |
539 |
| NodeCycle trace -> |
540 |
fprintf fmt "@.Causality error, cyclic node calls: %a@." |
541 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_print_string) trace |
521 | 542 |
522 | 543 |
(* Merges elements of graph [g2] into graph [g1] *) |
523 | 544 |
let merge_with g1 g2 = |
Also available in: Unified diff
updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04