Revision 2de7fa82
Added by Pierre-Loïc Garoche over 7 years ago
tools/stateflow/src/Makefile | ||
1 |
sf_sem: |
2 |
ocamlbuild sf_sem.native |
3 |
cp sf_sem.native sf_sem |
4 |
5 |
clean: |
6 |
rm -rf _build |
7 |
rm sf_sem.native |
8 |
9 |
.PHONY: sf_sem |
tools/stateflow/src/_tags | ||
1 |
"models": include |
2 |
"common": include |
3 |
"semantics/CPS": include |
4 |
"semantics/emsoft05": include |
tools/stateflow/src/common/ | ||
1 |
open Basetypes |
2 |
3 |
(* Module to manipulate set of active states. |
4 |
5 |
It relies on sets of path to represent active ones. |
6 |
*) |
7 |
8 |
(*******************************) |
9 |
module Vars = |
10 |
struct |
11 |
include Set.Make (struct type t = path_t let compare = compare end) |
12 |
13 |
let pp_set fmt rho = |
14 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>%a@ @]" |
15 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@ " |
16 |
(fun fmt p -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_path p)) |
17 |
(elements rho) |
18 |
end |
19 |
20 |
module Env = |
21 |
struct |
22 |
include Map.Make (struct type t = path_t let compare = compare end) |
23 |
24 |
let from_set s default = |
25 |
Vars.fold (fun e m -> add e default m ) s empty |
26 |
27 |
let find a b = |
28 |
try |
29 |
find a b |
30 |
with Not_found -> ( |
31 |
Format.printf "Looking for %a@." pp_path a ; |
32 |
raise Not_found |
33 |
) |
34 |
let keys a = |
35 |
fold (fun key _ -> Vars.add key) a Vars.empty |
36 |
37 |
let pp_env fmt rho = |
38 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>%a@ @]" |
39 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@ " |
40 |
(fun fmt (p,b) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %b" pp_path p b)) |
41 |
(bindings rho) |
42 |
end |
43 |
44 |
tools/stateflow/src/common/ | ||
1 |
2 |
(* Basic datatype for model elements: state and junction name, events ... *) |
3 |
type state_name_t = string |
4 |
type junction_name_t = string |
5 |
type path_t = state_name_t list |
6 |
type event_base_t = string |
7 |
type event_t = event_base_t option |
8 |
type base_action_t = string |
9 |
type base_condition_t = string |
10 |
11 |
(* P(r)etty printers *) |
12 |
let pp_state_name = Format.pp_print_string |
13 |
let pp_junction_name = Format.pp_print_string |
14 |
let pp_path fmt p = Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"." pp_state_name fmt p |
15 |
let pp_event fmt e = match e with None -> Format.fprintf fmt "none" | Some s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s |
16 |
let pp_base_act = Format.pp_print_string |
17 |
let pp_base_cond = Format.pp_print_string |
18 |
19 |
(* Action and Condition types and functions. *) |
20 |
21 |
(* Actions are defined by string + the opening and closing of states *) |
22 |
23 |
(* This version is slightly more complex than the one of EMSOFT'05 to enable the |
24 |
use of function calls in action. |
25 |
26 |
TODO: these rich call type could be externalized and a functor introduced. *) |
27 |
28 |
type frontier_t = |
29 |
| Loose |
30 |
| Strict |
31 |
32 |
let pp_frontier fmt frontier = |
33 |
match frontier with |
34 |
| Loose -> Format.fprintf fmt "Loose" |
35 |
| Strict -> Format.fprintf fmt "Strict" |
36 |
37 |
type _ call_t = |
38 |
| Ecall : (path_t * path_t * frontier_t) call_t |
39 |
| Dcall : path_t call_t |
40 |
| Xcall : (path_t * frontier_t) call_t |
41 |
42 |
let pp_call : |
43 |
type a. Format.formatter -> a call_t -> unit = |
44 |
fun fmt call -> |
45 |
match call with |
46 |
| Ecall -> Format.fprintf fmt "CallE" |
47 |
| Dcall -> Format.fprintf fmt "CallD" |
48 |
| Xcall -> Format.fprintf fmt "CallX" |
49 |
50 |
module type ActionType = |
51 |
sig |
52 |
type t |
53 |
val nil : t |
54 |
val aquote : base_action_t -> t |
55 |
val open_path : path_t -> t |
56 |
val close_path : path_t -> t |
57 |
val call : 'c call_t -> 'c -> t |
58 |
59 |
val pp_act : Format.formatter -> t -> unit |
60 |
end |
61 |
62 |
63 |
module Action = |
64 |
struct |
65 |
type t = |
66 |
| Quote : base_action_t -> t |
67 |
| Close : path_t -> t |
68 |
| Open : path_t -> t |
69 |
| Call : 'c call_t * 'c -> t |
70 |
| Nil : t |
71 |
72 |
73 |
let nil = Nil |
74 |
let aquote act = Quote act |
75 |
let open_path p = Open p |
76 |
let close_path p = Close p |
77 |
let call c a = Call (c, a) |
78 |
79 |
let pp_call : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> unit = |
80 |
fun fmt call -> |
81 |
match call with |
82 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a, %a, %a)" pp_call call pp_path p pp_path p' pp_frontier f) |
83 |
| Dcall -> (fun p -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a)" pp_call call pp_path p) |
84 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a, %a)" pp_call call pp_path p pp_frontier f) |
85 |
86 |
let pp_act fmt act = |
87 |
match act with |
88 |
| Call (c, a) -> pp_call fmt c a |
89 |
| Quote a -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_base_act a |
90 |
| Close p -> Format.fprintf fmt "Close(%a)" pp_path p |
91 |
| Open p -> Format.fprintf fmt "Open(%a)" pp_path p |
92 |
| Nil -> Format.fprintf fmt "Nil" |
93 |
end |
94 |
95 |
let _ = (module Action : ActionType) |
96 |
97 |
98 |
(* Conditions are either (1) simple strings, (2) the active status of a state or |
99 |
(3) occurence of an event. They can be combined (conjunction, negation) *) |
100 |
module type ConditionType = |
101 |
sig |
102 |
type t |
103 |
val cquote : base_condition_t -> t |
104 |
val tru : t |
105 |
val active : path_t -> t |
106 |
val event : event_t -> t |
107 |
val ( && ) : t -> t -> t |
108 |
val neg : t -> t |
109 |
110 |
val pp_cond : Format.formatter -> t -> unit |
111 |
end |
112 |
113 |
module Condition = |
114 |
struct |
115 |
type t = |
116 |
| Quote of base_condition_t |
117 |
| Active of path_t |
118 |
| Event of event_base_t |
119 |
| And of t * t |
120 |
| Neg of t |
121 |
| True |
122 |
123 |
let cquote cond = Quote cond |
124 |
let tru = True |
125 |
let neg cond = Neg cond |
126 |
let ( && ) cond1 cond2 = And (cond1, cond2) |
127 |
let active path = Active path |
128 |
let event evt = |
129 |
match evt with |
130 |
| None -> True |
131 |
| Some e -> Event e |
132 |
133 |
let rec pp_cond fmt cond = |
134 |
match cond with |
135 |
| True -> Format.fprintf fmt "true" |
136 |
| Active p -> Format.fprintf fmt "Active(%a)" pp_path p |
137 |
| Event e -> Format.fprintf fmt "Event(%s)" e |
138 |
| Neg cond -> Format.fprintf fmt "(neg %a)" pp_cond cond |
139 |
| And (cond1, cond2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a /\\ %a" pp_cond cond1 pp_cond cond2 |
140 |
| Quote c -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp_base_cond c |
141 |
142 |
end |
143 |
144 |
let _ = (module Condition : ConditionType) |
tools/stateflow/src/common/ | ||
1 |
open Basetypes |
2 |
(* open ActiveEnv *) |
3 |
4 |
(* Type definitions of a model *) |
5 |
6 |
type destination_t = |
7 |
| DPath of path_t |
8 |
| DJunction of junction_name_t |
9 |
10 |
type trans_t = { |
11 |
event: event_t; |
12 |
condition: Condition.t; |
13 |
condition_act: Action.t; |
14 |
transition_act: Action.t; |
15 |
dest: destination_t; |
16 |
} |
17 |
18 |
type transitions_t = trans_t list |
19 |
20 |
type composition_t = |
21 |
| Or of transitions_t * state_name_t list |
22 |
| And of state_name_t list |
23 |
24 |
type state_actions_t = { |
25 |
entry_act: Action.t; |
26 |
during_act: Action.t; |
27 |
exit_act: Action.t; |
28 |
} |
29 |
30 |
type state_def_t = { |
31 |
state_actions : state_actions_t; |
32 |
outer_trans : transitions_t; |
33 |
inner_trans : transitions_t; |
34 |
internal_composition : composition_t; |
35 |
} |
36 |
37 |
type src_components_t = |
38 |
| State of path_t * state_def_t |
39 |
| Junction of junction_name_t * transitions_t |
40 |
41 |
type prog_t = state_name_t * src_components_t list |
42 |
43 |
type trace_t = event_t list |
44 |
45 |
module type MODEL_T = sig |
46 |
val name : string |
47 |
val model : prog_t |
48 |
val traces: trace_t list |
49 |
end |
50 |
51 |
(* Module (S)tate(F)low provides basic constructors for action, condition, |
52 |
events, as well as printer functions *) |
53 |
module SF = |
54 |
struct |
55 |
56 |
(* Basic constructors *) |
57 |
58 |
let no_action = Action.nil |
59 |
let no_condition = Condition.tru |
60 |
let no_event = None |
61 |
let event s = Some s |
62 |
let action s = Action.aquote s |
63 |
let condition s = Condition.cquote s |
64 |
let no_state_action = {entry_act = no_action; during_act = no_action; exit_act = no_action; } |
65 |
let state_action a b c = {entry_act = a; during_act = b; exit_act = c; } |
66 |
67 |
let states (_, defs) = |
68 |
List.fold_left (fun res c -> match c with State (p, _) -> ActiveStates.Vars.add p res | Junction _ -> res) ActiveStates.Vars.empty defs |
69 |
70 |
let init_env model = ActiveStates.Env.from_set (states model) false |
71 |
72 |
(* Printers *) |
73 |
74 |
let pp_event fmt e = |
75 |
match e with |
76 |
| Some e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" e |
77 |
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "noevent" |
78 |
79 |
let pp_dest fmt d = match d with |
80 |
| DPath p -> Format.fprintf fmt "Path %a" pp_path p |
81 |
| DJunction j -> Format.fprintf fmt "Junction %a" pp_junction_name j |
82 |
83 |
let pp_trans fmt t = |
84 |
Format.fprintf fmt |
85 |
"@[<hov 0>(@[<hov 0>%a,@ %a,@ %a,@ %a,@ %a@]@ )@]" |
86 |
pp_event t.event |
87 |
Condition.pp_cond t.condition |
88 |
Action.pp_act t.condition_act |
89 |
Action.pp_act t.transition_act |
90 |
pp_dest t.dest |
91 |
92 |
let pp_transitions fmt l = |
93 |
Format.fprintf fmt |
94 |
"@[<hov 0>[@[<hov 0>%a@]@ ]@]" |
95 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@ " pp_trans) l |
96 |
97 |
let pp_comp fmt c = match c with |
98 |
| Or (_T, _S) -> |
99 |
Format.fprintf fmt "Or(%a, {%a})" |
100 |
pp_transitions _T |
101 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"; " pp_state_name) _S |
102 |
| And (_S) -> |
103 |
Format.fprintf fmt "And({%a})" |
104 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"; " pp_state_name) _S |
105 |
106 |
let pp_state_actions fmt sa = |
107 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>(%a,@ %a,@ %a)@]" |
108 |
Action.pp_act sa.entry_act |
109 |
Action.pp_act sa.during_act |
110 |
Action.pp_act sa.exit_act |
111 |
112 |
let pp_state fmt s = |
113 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>(@[<v 0>%a,@ %a,@ %a,@ %a@]@ @])" |
114 |
pp_state_actions s.state_actions |
115 |
pp_transitions s.outer_trans |
116 |
pp_transitions s.inner_trans |
117 |
pp_comp s.internal_composition |
118 |
119 |
let pp_src fmt src = |
120 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a@ @]" |
121 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@ @ " (fun fmt src -> match src with |
122 |
State (p, def) -> |
123 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: %a" |
124 |
pp_path p |
125 |
pp_state def |
126 |
| Junction (s, tl) -> |
127 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: %a" |
128 |
pp_state_name s |
129 |
pp_transitions tl |
130 |
)) |
131 |
src |
132 |
end |
133 |
tools/stateflow/src/common/ | ||
1 |
let debug = false |
2 |
3 |
let log ?debug:(dbg=false) f = |
4 |
if debug || dbg then |
5 |
Format.printf "%t" f |
6 |
else |
7 |
() |
tools/stateflow/src/common/ | ||
1 |
let rec fprintf_list ~sep:sep f fmt = function |
2 |
| [] -> () |
3 |
| [e] -> f fmt e |
4 |
| x::r -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%(%)%a" f x sep (fprintf_list ~sep f) r |
5 |
6 |
let last l = List.hd (List.rev l) |
tools/stateflow/src/models/ | ||
1 |
open Datatype |
2 |
open SF |
3 |
4 |
let name = "medium" |
5 |
6 |
7 |
let model : prog_t = |
8 |
let state_main = "main" in |
9 |
let state_a = "a" in |
10 |
let state_a1 = "a1" in |
11 |
let state_b = "b" in |
12 |
13 |
let actions_main = state_action (action "emain") (action "dmain") (action "xmain") in |
14 |
let actions_a = state_action (action "eA") (action "dA") (action "xA") in |
15 |
let actions_a1 = state_action (action "eA1") (action "dA1") (action "xA1") in |
16 |
let actions_b = state_action (action "eB") (action "dB") (action "xB") in |
17 |
18 |
let tA = { |
19 |
event = no_event; |
20 |
condition = condition "cond_tA"; |
21 |
condition_act = action "condact_tA"; |
22 |
transition_act = action "transact_tA"; |
23 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_a]; |
24 |
} |
25 |
in |
26 |
let tJ = { |
27 |
event = no_event; |
28 |
condition = condition "cond_tJ"; |
29 |
condition_act = action "condact_tJ"; |
30 |
transition_act = action "transact_tJ"; |
31 |
dest = DJunction "jmid"; |
32 |
} |
33 |
in |
34 |
let tB = { |
35 |
event = no_event; |
36 |
condition = condition "cond_tB"; |
37 |
condition_act = action "condact_tB"; |
38 |
transition_act = action "transact_tB"; |
39 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_b]; |
40 |
} |
41 |
in |
42 |
let tA1 = { |
43 |
event = no_event; |
44 |
condition = condition "cond_tA1"; |
45 |
condition_act = action "condact_tA1"; |
46 |
transition_act = action "transact_tA1"; |
47 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_a;state_a1]; |
48 |
} |
49 |
in |
50 |
51 |
52 |
let def_a = { |
53 |
state_actions = actions_a; |
54 |
outer_trans = [tJ]; |
55 |
inner_trans = []; |
56 |
internal_composition = Or ([tA1], [state_a1]) |
57 |
} |
58 |
in |
59 |
let def_a1 = { |
60 |
state_actions = actions_a1; |
61 |
outer_trans = [tB]; |
62 |
inner_trans = []; |
63 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
64 |
} |
65 |
in |
66 |
let def_b = { |
67 |
state_actions = actions_b; |
68 |
outer_trans = [tA1]; |
69 |
inner_trans = []; |
70 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
71 |
} |
72 |
in |
73 |
let def_main = { |
74 |
state_actions = actions_main; |
75 |
outer_trans = []; |
76 |
inner_trans = []; |
77 |
internal_composition = Or ([tA], [state_a; state_b]) |
78 |
} |
79 |
in |
80 |
let src = [State([state_main;state_a], def_a); |
81 |
State([state_main;state_a;state_a1], def_a1); |
82 |
State([state_main;state_b], def_b); |
83 |
State([state_main], def_main); |
84 |
Junction("jmid", [tB]); |
85 |
] |
86 |
in |
87 |
(state_main, src) |
88 |
89 |
let traces : trace_t list = [[None; None]] |
tools/stateflow/src/models/ | ||
1 |
open Datatype |
2 |
open SF |
3 |
4 |
let name = "simple" |
5 |
6 |
7 |
let model : prog_t = |
8 |
let state_main = "main" in |
9 |
let state_a = "a" in |
10 |
let state_a1 = "a1" in |
11 |
let state_b = "b" in |
12 |
13 |
let actions_main = state_action (action "emain") (action "dmain") (action "xmain") in |
14 |
let actions_a = state_action (action "eA") (action "dA") (action "xA") in |
15 |
let actions_a1 = state_action (action "eA1") (action "dA1") (action "xA1") in |
16 |
let actions_b = state_action (action "eB") (action "dB") (action "xB") in |
17 |
18 |
let tA = { |
19 |
event = no_event; |
20 |
condition = condition "cond_tA"; |
21 |
condition_act = action "condact_tA"; |
22 |
transition_act = action "transact_tA"; |
23 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_a]; |
24 |
} |
25 |
in |
26 |
let tB = { |
27 |
event = no_event; |
28 |
condition = condition "cond_tB"; |
29 |
condition_act = action "condact_tB"; |
30 |
transition_act = action "transact_tB"; |
31 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_b]; |
32 |
} |
33 |
in |
34 |
let tA1 = { |
35 |
event = no_event; |
36 |
condition = condition "cond_tA1"; |
37 |
condition_act = action "condact_tA1"; |
38 |
transition_act = action "transact_tA1"; |
39 |
dest = DPath [state_main;state_a;state_a1]; |
40 |
} |
41 |
in |
42 |
43 |
44 |
let def_a = { |
45 |
state_actions = actions_a; |
46 |
outer_trans = [tB]; |
47 |
inner_trans = []; |
48 |
internal_composition = Or ([tA1], [state_a1]) |
49 |
} |
50 |
in |
51 |
let def_a1 = { |
52 |
state_actions = actions_a1; |
53 |
outer_trans = [tB]; |
54 |
inner_trans = []; |
55 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
56 |
} |
57 |
in |
58 |
let def_b = { |
59 |
state_actions = actions_b; |
60 |
outer_trans = [tA1]; |
61 |
inner_trans = []; |
62 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
63 |
} |
64 |
in |
65 |
let def_main = { |
66 |
state_actions = actions_main; |
67 |
outer_trans = []; |
68 |
inner_trans = []; |
69 |
internal_composition = Or ([tA], [state_a; state_b]) |
70 |
} |
71 |
in |
72 |
let src = [State([state_main;state_a], def_a); |
73 |
State([state_main;state_a;state_a1], def_a1); |
74 |
State([state_main;state_b], def_b); |
75 |
State([state_main], def_main); |
76 |
] |
77 |
in |
78 |
(state_main, src) |
79 |
80 |
let traces : trace_t list = [[None; None]] |
tools/stateflow/src/models/ | ||
1 |
open Datatype |
2 |
(* open Transformer2 *) |
3 |
open SF |
4 |
5 |
let verbose = false |
6 |
let actionv x = if verbose then action x else no_action |
7 |
8 |
let name = "stopwatch" |
9 |
10 |
let model = |
11 |
let smain = "main" in |
12 |
let sstop = "stop" in |
13 |
let sreset = "reset" in |
14 |
let slapstop = "lap_stop" in |
15 |
let srun = "run" in |
16 |
let srunning = "running" in |
17 |
let slap = "lap" in |
18 |
19 |
let tinitstop = { |
20 |
event = no_event; |
21 |
condition = no_condition; |
22 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_init_stop"; |
23 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_init_stop"; |
24 |
dest = DPath [smain;sstop]; |
25 |
} |
26 |
in |
27 |
let tinitreset = { |
28 |
event = no_event; |
29 |
condition = no_condition; |
30 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_init_reset"; |
31 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_cond_init_stop"; |
32 |
dest = DPath [smain;sstop;sreset]; |
33 |
} |
34 |
in |
35 |
let treset = { |
36 |
event = event "LAP"; |
37 |
condition = no_condition; |
38 |
condition_act = action "reset counter"; |
39 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_reset_junction"; |
40 |
dest = DJunction "jreset" (* [smain;sstop;sreset]; ou bien mettre une junction. Verifier |
41 |
si il y a des effets de bords non |
42 |
desirés de fermeture/ouverture de |
43 |
noeud *) |
44 |
} |
45 |
in |
46 |
let treset_start = { |
47 |
event = event "START"; |
48 |
condition = no_condition; |
49 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_reset->running"; |
50 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_reset->running"; |
51 |
dest = DPath [smain;srun;srunning]; |
52 |
} |
53 |
in |
54 |
55 |
let tlapstop_lap = { |
56 |
event = event "LAP"; |
57 |
condition = no_condition; |
58 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_lap_stop->reset"; |
59 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_lap_stop->reset"; |
60 |
dest = DPath [smain;sstop;sreset]; |
61 |
} |
62 |
in |
63 |
64 |
let tlapstop_start = { |
65 |
event = event "START"; |
66 |
condition = no_condition; |
67 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_lap_stop->lap"; |
68 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_lap_stop->lap"; |
69 |
dest = DPath [smain;srun;slap]; |
70 |
} |
71 |
in |
72 |
let ttic = { |
73 |
event = event "TIC"; |
74 |
condition = no_condition; |
75 |
condition_act = action "cent+=1"; |
76 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_->J1"; |
77 |
dest = DJunction "j1"; |
78 |
} |
79 |
in |
80 |
let trunning_start = { |
81 |
event = event "START"; |
82 |
condition = no_condition; |
83 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_running->reset"; |
84 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_running->reset"; |
85 |
dest = DPath [smain;sstop;sreset]; |
86 |
} |
87 |
in |
88 |
let tlap_start = { |
89 |
event = event "START"; |
90 |
condition = no_condition; |
91 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_lap->lap_stop"; |
92 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_lap->lap_stop"; |
93 |
dest = DPath [smain;sstop;slapstop]; |
94 |
} |
95 |
in |
96 |
let tlap_lap = { |
97 |
event = event "LAP"; |
98 |
condition = no_condition; |
99 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_lap->running"; |
100 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_lap->running"; |
101 |
dest = DPath [smain;srun;srunning]; |
102 |
} |
103 |
in |
104 |
let trunning_lap = { |
105 |
event = event "LAP"; |
106 |
condition = no_condition; |
107 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_running->lap"; |
108 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_running->lap"; |
109 |
dest = DPath [smain;srun;slap]; |
110 |
} |
111 |
in |
112 |
let tj1j2 = { |
113 |
event = no_event; |
114 |
condition = condition "cent==100"; |
115 |
condition_act = action "cont=0;sec+=1"; |
116 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_J1->J2"; |
117 |
dest = DJunction "j2"; |
118 |
} |
119 |
in |
120 |
let tj1j3 = { |
121 |
event = no_event; |
122 |
condition = condition "cent!=100"; |
123 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_J1->J3"; |
124 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_J1->J3"; |
125 |
dest = DJunction "j3"; |
126 |
} |
127 |
in |
128 |
let tj2j3gauche = { |
129 |
event = no_event; |
130 |
condition = condition "sec!=60"; |
131 |
condition_act = actionv "ac_cond_J2->J3_left"; |
132 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_J2->J3_left"; |
133 |
dest = DJunction "j3"; |
134 |
} |
135 |
in |
136 |
let tj2j3droite = { |
137 |
event = no_event; |
138 |
condition = condition "sec==60"; |
139 |
condition_act = action "sec=0; min+=1"; |
140 |
transition_act = actionv "ac_trans_J2->J3_right"; |
141 |
dest = (*DPath [smain;srun];*) DJunction "j3"; |
142 |
} |
143 |
in |
144 |
let def_main = { |
145 |
state_actions = { |
146 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_main_entry"; |
147 |
during_act = actionv "ac_main_during"; |
148 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_main_exit"; |
149 |
}; |
150 |
outer_trans = []; |
151 |
inner_trans = []; |
152 |
internal_composition = Or ([tinitstop], [sstop; srun]) |
153 |
} |
154 |
in |
155 |
156 |
let def_stop = { |
157 |
state_actions = { |
158 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_stop_entry"; |
159 |
during_act = actionv "ac_stop_during"; |
160 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_stop_exit"; |
161 |
}; |
162 |
outer_trans = []; |
163 |
inner_trans = []; |
164 |
internal_composition = Or ([tinitreset], [sreset; slapstop]) |
165 |
} |
166 |
in |
167 |
168 |
let def_reset = { |
169 |
state_actions = { |
170 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_reset_entry"; |
171 |
during_act = actionv "ac_reset_during"; |
172 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_reset_exit"; |
173 |
}; |
174 |
outer_trans = [treset_start]; |
175 |
inner_trans = [treset]; |
176 |
internal_composition = Or ([treset_start], []) |
177 |
} |
178 |
in |
179 |
180 |
let def_lapstop = { |
181 |
state_actions = { |
182 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_lapstop_entry"; |
183 |
during_act = actionv "ac_lapstop_during"; |
184 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_lapstop_exit"; |
185 |
}; |
186 |
outer_trans = [tlapstop_lap; tlapstop_start]; |
187 |
inner_trans = []; |
188 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
189 |
} |
190 |
in |
191 |
192 |
let def_run = { |
193 |
state_actions = { |
194 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_run_entry"; |
195 |
during_act = actionv "ac_run_during"; |
196 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_run_exit"; |
197 |
}; |
198 |
outer_trans = []; |
199 |
inner_trans = [ttic]; |
200 |
internal_composition = Or ([], [srunning; slap]) |
201 |
} |
202 |
in |
203 |
204 |
let def_running = { |
205 |
state_actions = { |
206 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_running_entry"; |
207 |
during_act = action "disp=(cent,sec,min)"; |
208 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_running_exit"; |
209 |
}; |
210 |
outer_trans = [trunning_start; trunning_lap]; |
211 |
inner_trans = []; |
212 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
213 |
} |
214 |
in |
215 |
216 |
let def_lap = { |
217 |
state_actions = { |
218 |
entry_act = actionv "ac_lap_entry"; |
219 |
during_act = actionv "ac_lap_during"; |
220 |
exit_act = actionv "ac_lap_exit"; |
221 |
}; |
222 |
outer_trans = [tlap_start; tlap_lap]; |
223 |
inner_trans = []; |
224 |
internal_composition = Or ([], []) |
225 |
} |
226 |
in |
227 |
228 |
let src = [ |
229 |
State([smain;srun;srunning], def_running); |
230 |
State([smain;srun;slap], def_lap); |
231 |
State([smain;srun], def_run); |
232 |
State([smain;sstop;sreset], def_reset); |
233 |
State([smain;sstop;slapstop], def_lapstop); |
234 |
State([smain;sstop], def_stop); |
235 |
State([smain], def_main); |
236 |
Junction("jreset", []); |
237 |
Junction("j1", [tj1j2;tj1j3]); |
238 |
Junction("j2", [tj2j3droite; tj2j3gauche]); |
239 |
Junction("j3", []); |
240 |
] |
241 |
in |
242 |
(smain, src) |
243 |
244 |
let traces : trace_t list = |
245 |
[ |
246 |
[None; Some "TIC"; Some "START"; Some "TIC"; Some "TIC"]; |
247 |
[None; Some "START"; Some "START"; Some "START"]; |
248 |
[None; Some "START"; Some "TIC"; Some "START"; Some "TIC"] |
249 |
] |
tools/stateflow/src/semantics/CPS/ | ||
1 |
open Basetypes |
2 |
open Datatype |
3 |
open CPS_transformer |
4 |
open Theta |
5 |
6 |
module Semantics = functor (T: TransformerType) (M: MODEL_T) -> |
7 |
struct |
8 |
9 |
module Prog = |
10 |
struct |
11 |
let init = fst M.model |
12 |
let defs = snd M.model |
13 |
let vars = SF.states M.model |
14 |
(*let _ = Format.printf "Model definitions@.%a@.####" Simulink.pp_src defs; () *) |
15 |
end |
16 |
17 |
18 |
module Interp = CPS_interpreter.Interpreter (T) |
19 |
module KenvTheta = KenvTheta (T) |
20 |
module Tables = KenvTheta.MemoThetaTables () |
21 |
22 |
let eval ((modular_entry:bool), (modular_during:bool), (modular_exit:bool)) = |
23 |
let module Modularity : KenvTheta.ModularType = |
24 |
struct |
25 |
let modular : type b. (path_t, b, bool) tag_t -> path_t -> b = |
26 |
fun tag -> |
27 |
match tag with |
28 |
| E -> (fun p p' f -> modular_entry) |
29 |
| D -> (fun p -> modular_during) |
30 |
| X -> (fun p f -> modular_exit) |
31 |
end |
32 |
in |
33 |
let module Thetaify = KenvTheta.ModularThetaify (Tables) (Modularity) in |
34 |
let module EvalProg = Interp.Evaluation (Thetaify) (Prog) in |
35 |
(module EvalProg: Interp.EvaluationType) |
36 |
37 |
let compute modular = |
38 |
let module Eval = (val (eval modular)) in |
39 |
Eval.eval_prog |
40 |
41 |
let code_gen fmt modular = |
42 |
let module Eval = (val (eval modular)) in |
43 |
let principal, components = Eval.eval_prog, Eval.eval_components in |
44 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." T.pp_principal principal; |
45 |
46 |
List.iter |
47 |
(fun (c, tr) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@.%a@." (fun fmt -> T.pp_component fmt Ecall c) tr) |
48 |
(components Ecall); |
49 |
List.iter |
50 |
(fun (c, tr) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@.%a@." (fun fmt -> T.pp_component fmt Dcall c) tr) |
51 |
(components Dcall); |
52 |
List.iter |
53 |
(fun (c, tr) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@.%a@." (fun fmt -> T.pp_component fmt Xcall c) tr) |
54 |
(components Xcall); |
55 |
56 |
() |
57 |
58 |
end |
tools/stateflow/src/semantics/CPS/ | ||
1 |
open Basetypes |
2 |
open Datatype |
3 |
(* open ActiveEnv *) |
4 |
open CPS_transformer |
5 |
(* open Simulink *) |
6 |
open Theta |
7 |
8 |
module Interpreter (Transformer : TransformerType) = |
9 |
struct |
10 |
module KT = KenvTheta (Transformer) |
11 |
open KT |
12 |
13 |
let ( >? ) cond tr = |
14 |
if cond then tr else Transformer.null |
15 |
16 |
module type DenotationType = |
17 |
sig |
18 |
module Theta : MemoThetaType |
19 |
20 |
val eval_dest : destination_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
21 |
val eval_tau : trans_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
22 |
val eval_T : transitions_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
23 |
val eval_C : (path_t, 'b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> composition_t -> Transformer.t |
24 |
val eval_open_path : mode_t -> path_t -> path_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t |
25 |
val eval_S : (path_t, 'b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> state_def_t -> 'b |
26 |
end |
27 |
28 |
module type AbsDenotationType = |
29 |
sig |
30 |
val eval_dest : kenv_t -> destination_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
31 |
val eval_tau : kenv_t -> trans_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
32 |
val eval_T : kenv_t -> transitions_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t -> Transformer.t success_t -> Transformer.t fail_t -> Transformer.t |
33 |
val eval_C : kenv_t -> (path_t, 'b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> composition_t -> Transformer.t |
34 |
val eval_open_path : kenv_t -> mode_t -> path_t -> path_t -> Transformer.t wrapper_t |
35 |
val eval_S : kenv_t -> (path_t, 'b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> state_def_t -> 'b |
36 |
end |
37 |
38 |
module AbstractKenv (Denot : functor (Kenv : KenvType) -> DenotationType) : AbsDenotationType = |
39 |
struct |
40 |
let eval_dest kenv = |
41 |
let module Kenv = |
42 |
struct |
43 |
let kenv = kenv |
44 |
end in |
45 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
46 |
D.eval_dest |
47 |
48 |
let eval_tau kenv = |
49 |
let module Kenv = |
50 |
struct |
51 |
let kenv = kenv |
52 |
end in |
53 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
54 |
D.eval_tau |
55 |
56 |
let eval_T kenv = |
57 |
let module Kenv = |
58 |
struct |
59 |
let kenv = kenv |
60 |
end in |
61 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
62 |
D.eval_T |
63 |
64 |
let eval_C kenv = |
65 |
let module Kenv = |
66 |
struct |
67 |
let kenv = kenv |
68 |
end in |
69 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
70 |
D.eval_C |
71 |
72 |
let eval_open_path kenv = |
73 |
let module Kenv = |
74 |
struct |
75 |
let kenv = kenv |
76 |
end in |
77 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
78 |
D.eval_open_path |
79 |
80 |
let eval_S kenv = |
81 |
let module Kenv = |
82 |
struct |
83 |
let kenv = kenv |
84 |
end in |
85 |
let module D = Denot (Kenv) in |
86 |
D.eval_S |
87 |
end |
88 |
89 |
module Denotation : functor (Thetaify : ThetaifyType) (Kenv : KenvType) -> DenotationType = |
90 |
functor (Thetaify : ThetaifyType) (Kenv : KenvType) -> |
91 |
struct |
92 |
module Theta = Thetaify (Kenv) |
93 |
94 |
let eval_dest dest wrapper success fail = |
95 |
Log.log (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>D[[%a]]@ " SF.pp_dest dest); |
96 |
match dest with |
97 |
| DPath p -> wrapper p (success p) |
98 |
| DJunction j -> Theta.theta J j wrapper success fail |
99 |
100 |
let eval_tau trans wrapper success fail = |
101 |
Log.log (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>tau[[%a]]@ " SF.pp_trans trans); |
102 |
let success' p = |
103 |
Transformer.(success p >> eval_act (module Theta) trans.transition_act) |
104 |
in |
105 |
let cond = Transformer.(event trans.event && trans.condition) in |
106 |
Transformer.(eval_cond cond |
107 |
(eval_act (module Theta) trans.condition_act >> eval_dest trans.dest wrapper success' fail) |
108 |
fail.local) |
109 |
110 |
let rec eval_T tl wrapper success fail = |
111 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>T[[%a]]@ " SF.pp_transitions tl); |
112 |
match tl with |
113 |
| [] -> |
114 |
| t::[] -> eval_tau t wrapper success fail |
115 |
| t::tl -> |
116 |
let fail' = { fail with local = eval_T tl wrapper success fail } in |
117 |
eval_tau t wrapper success fail' |
118 |
119 |
let frontier path = |
120 |
match path with |
121 |
| [] -> [], [] |
122 |
| t::q -> [t], q |
123 |
124 |
let rec eval_open_path mode p p1 p2 success_p2 = |
125 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>open_path_rec[[mode %a, prefix %a, src %a, dst %a]]@ " pp_mode mode pp_path p pp_path p1 pp_path p2); |
126 |
match frontier p1, frontier p2 with |
127 |
| ([x], ps), ([y], pd) when x = y -> eval_open_path mode (p@[x]) ps pd success_p2 |
128 |
| (x , _ ), (y , pd) -> |
129 |
match mode with |
130 |
| Outer -> (Transformer.(Theta.theta X (p@x) Loose >> success_p2 >> Theta.theta E (p@y) pd Loose)) |
131 |
| Inner -> (assert (x = []); |
132 |
Transformer.(Theta.theta X (p@x) Strict >> success_p2 >> Theta.theta E (p@y) pd Strict)) |
133 |
| Enter -> (assert (x = [] && y <> []); |
134 |
Transformer.( success_p2 >> Theta.theta E (p@y) pd Loose)) |
135 |
136 |
let rec eval_C : type a b. (a, b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> composition_t -> Transformer.t = |
137 |
fun tag prefix comp -> |
138 |
match tag with |
139 |
| E -> Transformer.( |
140 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>C_%a[[%a, %a]]@ " pp_tag tag pp_path prefix SF.pp_comp comp); |
141 |
match comp with |
142 |
| Or (_T, []) -> null |
143 |
| Or ([], [s0]) -> eval_open_path Enter prefix [] [s0] null |
144 |
| Or (_T, _S) -> let wrapper = eval_open_path Enter [] prefix in |
145 |
let success p_d = null in |
146 |
eval_T _T wrapper success { local = bot; global = bot } |
147 |
| And (_S) -> List.fold_right (fun p -> (>>) (Theta.theta E (prefix@[p]) [] Loose)) _S null |
148 |
) |
149 |
| D -> Transformer.( |
150 |
match comp with |
151 |
| Or (_T, []) -> null |
152 |
| Or (_T, p::_S) -> eval_cond (active (prefix@[p])) (Theta.theta D (prefix@[p])) (eval_C D prefix (Or (_T, _S))) |
153 |
| And (_S) -> List.fold_right (fun p -> (>>) (Theta.theta D (prefix@[p]))) _S null |
154 |
) |
155 |
| X -> Transformer.( |
156 |
match comp with |
157 |
| Or (_T, []) -> null |
158 |
| Or (_T, p::_S) -> eval_cond (active (prefix@[p])) (Theta.theta X (prefix@[p]) Loose) (eval_C X prefix (Or (_T, _S))) |
159 |
| And (_S) -> List.fold_right (fun p -> (>>) (Theta.theta X (prefix@[p]) Loose)) _S null |
160 |
) |
161 |
| J -> assert false |
162 |
163 |
let eval_S : type b. (path_t, b, Transformer.t) tag_t -> path_t -> state_def_t -> b = |
164 |
fun tag p p_def -> |
165 |
match tag with |
166 |
| E -> fun path frontier -> Transformer.( |
167 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>S_%a[[node %a, dest %a, frontier %a]]@ " pp_tag tag pp_path p pp_path path pp_frontier frontier); |
168 |
((frontier = Loose) >? (eval_act (module Theta) p_def.state_actions.entry_act >> eval_act (module Theta) (open_path p))) >> |
169 |
match path with |
170 |
| [] -> eval_C E p p_def.internal_composition |
171 |
| s::path_tl -> Theta.theta E (p@[s]) path_tl Loose |
172 |
) |
173 |
| D -> Transformer.( |
174 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>S_%a[[node %a]]@ " pp_tag tag pp_path p); |
175 |
let wrapper_i = eval_open_path Inner [] p in |
176 |
let wrapper_o = eval_open_path Outer [] p in |
177 |
let success p_d = null in |
178 |
let fail_o = |
179 |
let fail_i = |
180 |
let same_fail_C = eval_C D p p_def.internal_composition in |
181 |
{ local = same_fail_C; global = same_fail_C } |
182 |
in |
183 |
let same_fail_i = eval_act (module Theta) p_def.state_actions.during_act >> eval_T p_def.inner_trans wrapper_i success fail_i in |
184 |
{ local = same_fail_i; global = same_fail_i } |
185 |
in |
186 |
eval_T p_def.outer_trans wrapper_o success fail_o |
187 |
) |
188 |
| X -> fun frontier -> Transformer.( |
189 |
Log.log ~debug:false (fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>S_%a[[node %a, frontier %a]]@ " pp_tag tag pp_path p pp_frontier frontier); |
190 |
eval_C X p p_def.internal_composition >> |
191 |
((frontier = Loose) >? (eval_act (module Theta) p_def.state_actions.exit_act >> eval_act (module Theta) (close_path p))) |
192 |
) |
193 |
end |
194 |
195 |
module type ProgType = |
196 |
sig |
197 |
val init : state_name_t |
198 |
val defs : src_components_t list |
199 |
end |
200 |
201 |
module type EvaluationType = |
202 |
sig |
203 |
module Theta : ThetaType with type t = Transformer.t |
204 |
val eval_prog : Transformer.t |
205 |
val eval_components : 'c call_t -> ('c * Transformer.t) list |
206 |
end |
207 |
208 |
module Evaluation (Thetaify : ThetaifyType) (Prog : ProgType) : EvaluationType = |
209 |
struct |
210 |
module Denotation = Denotation (Thetaify) |
211 |
module AbsDenotation = AbstractKenv (Denotation) |
212 |
include AbsDenotation |
213 |
214 |
module Kenv : KenvType = |
215 |
struct |
216 |
let kenv = |
217 |
List.fold_left ( |
218 |
fun accu d -> match d with |
219 |
| State (p, defp) -> { accu with cont_node = (p, ((fun kenv -> eval_S kenv E p defp), (fun kenv -> eval_S kenv D p defp), (fun kenv -> eval_S kenv X p defp)))::accu.cont_node } |
220 |
| Junction (j, defj) -> { accu with cont_junc = (j, (fun kenv -> eval_T kenv defj))::accu.cont_junc } |
221 |
) {cont_node = []; cont_junc = []} Prog.defs |
222 |
end |
223 |
224 |
module AppDenotation = Denotation (Kenv) |
225 |
module Theta = AppDenotation.Theta |
226 |
227 |
let eval_components = Theta.components |
228 |
229 |
let eval_prog = |
230 |
Transformer.(eval_cond (active [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta D [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta E [Prog.init] [] Loose)) |
231 |
end |
232 |
(* |
233 |
module ThetaFix (Prog : ProgType) (Theta : ThetaType) : ThetaType = |
234 |
struct |
235 |
include Denotation (Theta) |
236 |
237 |
let theta = |
238 |
let kenv = |
239 |
List.fold_left ( |
240 |
fun accu d -> match d with |
241 |
| State (p, defp) -> { accu with cont_node = (p, (eval_S E p defp, eval_S D p defp, eval_S X p defp))::accu.cont_node } |
242 |
| Junction (j, defj) -> { accu with cont_junc = (j, (eval_T defj))::accu.cont_junc } |
243 |
) {cont_node = []; cont_junc = []} Prog.defs |
244 |
in Obj.magic (fun tag -> theta_ify kenv tag) |
245 |
end |
246 |
module Rec (Prog : ProgType) = |
247 |
struct |
248 |
module rec Theta : ThetaType = ThetaFix (Prog) (Theta) |
249 |
end |
250 |
251 |
module Eval (Prog : ProgType) : EvaluationType = |
252 |
struct |
253 |
module RecTheta = Rec (Prog) |
254 |
module Theta = RecTheta.Theta |
255 |
256 |
let eval_prog = |
257 |
Transformer.(eval_cond (active [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta D [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta E [Prog.init] [])) |
258 |
end |
259 |
260 |
module Eval (Prog : ProgType) = |
261 |
struct |
262 |
module ThetaFunctor (Evaluation : EvaluationType) : ThetaType = |
263 |
struct |
264 |
let theta tag = (theta_ify Evaluation.kenv) tag |
265 |
end |
266 |
module EvaluationFunctor (Theta : ThetaType) : EvaluationType = |
267 |
struct |
268 |
include Denotation (Theta) |
269 |
270 |
let kenv = |
271 |
List.fold_left ( |
272 |
fun accu d -> match d with |
273 |
| State (p, defp) -> { accu with cont_node = (p, (fun kenv -> eval_S E p defp, eval_S D p defp, eval_S X p defp))::accu.cont_node } |
274 |
| Junction (j, defj) -> { accu with cont_junc = (j, (eval_T defj))::accu.cont_junc } |
275 |
) {cont_node = []; cont_junc = []} Prog.defs |
276 |
277 |
let eval_prog = |
278 |
Transformer.(eval_cond (active [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta D [Prog.init]) (Theta.theta E [Prog.init] [])) |
279 |
end |
280 |
module rec Theta : ThetaType = ThetaFunctor (Evaluation) |
281 |
and Evaluation : EvaluationType = EvaluationFunctor (Theta) |
282 |
end |
283 |
*) |
284 |
end |
tools/stateflow/src/semantics/CPS/ | ||
1 |
open Basetypes |
2 |
open ActiveStates |
3 |
4 |
type mode_t = |
5 |
| Outer |
6 |
| Inner |
7 |
| Enter |
8 |
9 |
10 |
type 't success_t = path_t -> 't |
11 |
type 't fail_t = { local: 't; global: 't } |
12 |
type 't wrapper_t = path_t -> 't -> 't |
13 |
14 |
type ('a, 'b, 't) tag_t = |
15 |
| E : (path_t, path_t -> frontier_t -> 't, 't) tag_t |
16 |
| D : (path_t, 't, 't) tag_t |
17 |
| X : (path_t, frontier_t -> 't, 't) tag_t |
18 |
| J : (junction_name_t, 't wrapper_t -> 't success_t -> 't fail_t -> 't, 't) tag_t |
19 |
20 |
21 |
type ('a, 'b, 't) theta_t = ('a, 'b, 't) tag_t -> 'a -> 'b |
22 |
23 |
module type ThetaType = |
24 |
sig |
25 |
type t |
26 |
val theta : ('a, 'b, t) theta_t |
27 |
end |
28 |
29 |
let pp_mode fmt mode = |
30 |
match mode with |
31 |
| Outer -> Format.fprintf fmt "Outer" |
32 |
| Inner -> Format.fprintf fmt "Inner" |
33 |
| Enter -> Format.fprintf fmt "Enter" |
34 |
35 |
36 |
let pp_tag : type a b t. Format.formatter -> (a, b, t) tag_t -> unit = |
37 |
fun fmt tag -> |
38 |
match tag with |
39 |
| E -> Format.fprintf fmt "e" |
40 |
| D -> Format.fprintf fmt "d" |
41 |
| X -> Format.fprintf fmt "x" |
42 |
| J -> Format.fprintf fmt "j" |
43 |
44 |
(* |
45 |
module Proj1Theta (T : sig type t1 val bot1 : t1 type t2 val bot2 : t2 end) (Theta : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 * T.t2) : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 = |
46 |
struct |
47 |
type t = T.t1 |
48 |
49 |
let f f1 = (f1, T.bot2) |
50 |
let s s1 p = (s1 p, T.bot2) |
51 |
let w w1 p (tr1, _) = (w1 p tr1, T.bot2) |
52 |
53 |
let theta : type a b. (a, b, t) theta_t = |
54 |
fun tag -> |
55 |
match tag with |
56 |
| E -> (fun p p' f -> fst (Theta.theta E p p' f)) |
57 |
| D -> (fun p -> fst (Theta.theta D p)) |
58 |
| X -> (fun p f -> fst (Theta.theta X p f)) |
59 |
| J -> (fun j w1 s1 f1 -> fst (Theta.theta J j (w w1) (s s1) (f f1))) |
60 |
end |
61 |
62 |
module Proj2Theta (T : sig type t1 val bot1 : t1 type t2 val bot2 : t2 end) (Theta : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 * T.t2) : ThetaType with type t = T.t2 = |
63 |
struct |
64 |
type t = T.t2 |
65 |
66 |
let f f2 = (T.bot1, f2) |
67 |
let s s2 p = (T.bot1, s2 p) |
68 |
let w w2 p (_, tr2) = (T.bot1, w2 p tr2) |
69 |
70 |
let theta : type a b. (a, b, t) theta_t = |
71 |
fun tag -> |
72 |
match tag with |
73 |
| E -> (fun p p' f -> snd (Theta.theta E p p' f)) |
74 |
| D -> (fun p -> snd (Theta.theta D p)) |
75 |
| X -> (fun p f -> snd (Theta.theta X p f)) |
76 |
| J -> (fun j w2 s2 f2 -> snd (Theta.theta J j (w w2) (s s2) (f f2))) |
77 |
end |
78 |
*) |
79 |
80 |
module TransformerStub = |
81 |
struct |
82 |
type act_t = Action.t |
83 |
type cond_t = Condition.t |
84 |
85 |
let nil = Action.nil |
86 |
let aquote = Action.aquote |
87 |
let open_path = Action.open_path |
88 |
let close_path = Action.close_path |
89 |
let call = |
90 |
let pp_act = Action.pp_act |
91 |
92 |
let cquote = Condition.cquote |
93 |
let tru = Condition.tru |
94 |
let event = Condition.event |
95 |
let active = |
96 |
let ( && ) = Condition.( && ) |
97 |
let neg = Condition.neg |
98 |
let pp_cond = Condition.pp_cond |
99 |
end |
100 |
101 |
module type TransformerType = |
102 |
sig |
103 |
type act_t = Action.t |
104 |
type cond_t = Condition.t |
105 |
type t |
106 |
107 |
include ActionType with type t := act_t |
108 |
include ConditionType with type t := cond_t |
109 |
110 |
val null : t |
111 |
val bot : t |
112 |
val ( >> ) : t -> t -> t |
113 |
val eval_act : (module ThetaType with type t = t) -> act_t -> t |
114 |
val eval_cond : cond_t -> t -> t -> t |
115 |
val pp_transformer : Format.formatter -> t -> unit |
116 |
val pp_principal : Format.formatter -> t -> unit |
117 |
val pp_component : Format.formatter -> 'c call_t -> 'c -> t -> unit |
118 |
end |
119 |
120 |
module type ComparableTransformerType = |
121 |
sig |
122 |
include TransformerType |
123 |
124 |
val ( == ) : t -> t -> bool |
125 |
end |
126 |
(* |
127 |
module Pair (T1 : ComparableTransformerType) (T2 : TransformerType) : ComparableTransformerType with type t = T1.t * T2.t = |
128 |
struct |
129 |
include TransformerStub |
130 |
131 |
type t = T1.t * T2.t |
132 |
133 |
module T = |
134 |
struct |
135 |
type t1 = T1.t |
136 |
type t2 = T2.t |
137 |
let bot1 = |
138 |
let bot2 = |
139 |
end |
140 |
141 |
let null = T1.null, T2.null |
142 |
143 |
let bot =, |
144 |
145 |
let ( >> ) (tr11, tr12) (tr21, tr22) = |
146 |
T1.(tr11 >> tr21), T2.(tr12 >> tr22) |
147 |
148 |
let eval_act theta action = |
149 |
let module Theta = (val theta : ThetaType with type t = T1.t * T2.t) in |
150 |
let theta1 = (module Proj1Theta (T) (Theta) : ThetaType with type t = T1.t) in |
151 |
let theta2 = (module Proj2Theta (T) (Theta) : ThetaType with type t = T2.t) in |
152 |
T1.eval_act theta1 action, T2.eval_act theta2 action |
153 |
154 |
let eval_cond cond (trt1, trt2) (tre1, tre2) = |
155 |
T1.eval_cond cond trt1 tre1, T2.eval_cond cond trt2 tre2 |
156 |
157 |
let ( == ) (tr1, _) (tr2, _) = T1.(tr1 == tr2) |
158 |
159 |
let pp_transformer fmt (tr1, tr2) = |
160 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %a , %a >" T1.pp_transformer tr1 T2.pp_transformer tr2 |
161 |
162 |
let pp_principal fmt (tr1, tr2) = |
163 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %a , %a >" T1.pp_principal tr1 T2.pp_principal tr2 |
164 |
165 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit = |
166 |
fun fmt call -> |
167 |
match call with |
168 |
| Ecall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) -> |
169 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >" |
170 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Ecall c tr1) |
171 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Ecall c tr2)) |
172 |
| Dcall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) -> |
173 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >" |
174 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Dcall c tr1) |
175 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Dcall c tr2)) |
176 |
| Xcall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) -> |
177 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >" |
178 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Xcall c tr1) |
179 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Xcall c tr2)) |
180 |
end |
181 |
*) |
182 |
183 |
module Evaluator : TransformerType with type t = (event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list -> event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list ) = |
184 |
struct |
185 |
include TransformerStub |
186 |
187 |
type env_t = event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list (* Don't care for values yet *) |
188 |
type t = env_t -> env_t |
189 |
190 |
let null rho = rho |
191 |
let add_action a (evt, rho, al) = (evt, rho, al@[a]) (* not very efficient but |
192 |
avoid to keep track of |
193 |
action order *) |
194 |
let bot _ = assert false |
195 |
196 |
let ( >> ) tr1 tr2 = fun rho -> rho |> tr1 |> tr2 |
197 |
198 |
let ( ?? ) b tr = if b then tr else null |
199 |
200 |
let eval_open p (evt, rho, al) = (evt, ActiveStates.Env.add p true rho, al) |
201 |
let eval_close p (evt, rho, al) = (evt, ActiveStates.Env.add p false rho, al) |
202 |
let eval_call : type c. (module ThetaType with type t = t) -> c call_t -> c -> t = |
203 |
fun kenv -> |
204 |
let module Theta = (val kenv : ThetaType with type t = t) in |
205 |
fun call -> match call with |
206 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) -> Theta.theta E p p' f) |
207 |
| Dcall -> (fun p -> Theta.theta D p) |
208 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) -> Theta.theta X p f) |
209 |
210 |
let eval_act kenv action = |
211 |
(* Format.printf "----- action = %a@." Action.pp_act action; *) |
212 |
match action with |
213 |
| Action.Call (c, a) -> eval_call kenv c a |
214 |
| Action.Quote a -> add_action a |
215 |
| Action.Open p -> eval_open p |
216 |
| Action.Close p -> eval_close p |
217 |
| Action.Nil -> null |
218 |
219 |
(*if (match trans.event with None -> true | _ -> e = trans.event) && trans.condition rho*) |
220 |
let rec eval_cond condition ok ko = |
221 |
(* Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition; *) |
222 |
match condition with |
223 |
| Condition.True -> ok |
224 |
| Condition.Active p -> (fun ((evt, env, al) as rho) -> if ActiveStates.Env.find p env then ok rho else ko rho) |
225 |
| Condition.Event e -> (fun ((evt, env, al) as rho) -> match evt with None -> ko rho | Some e' -> if e=e' then ok rho else ko rho) |
226 |
| Condition.Neg cond -> eval_cond cond ko ok |
227 |
| Condition.And (cond1, cond2) -> eval_cond cond1 (eval_cond cond2 ok ko) ko |
228 |
| Condition.Quote c -> add_action c >> ok (* invalid behavior but similar to the other: should evaluate condition *) |
229 |
230 |
let pp_transformer fmt tr = |
231 |
Format.fprintf fmt "<transformer>" |
232 |
233 |
let pp_principal fmt tr = |
234 |
Format.fprintf fmt "principal =@.%a" pp_transformer tr |
235 |
236 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit = |
237 |
fun fmt call -> match call with |
238 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) tr -> |
239 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a, %a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_path p' pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr) |
240 |
| Dcall -> (fun p tr -> |
241 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_transformer tr) |
242 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) tr -> |
243 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr) |
244 |
end |
245 |
246 |
module CodeGenerator : ComparableTransformerType = |
247 |
struct |
248 |
include TransformerStub |
249 |
250 |
type t = |
251 |
| Bot |
252 |
| Act of act_t |
253 |
| Seq of t list |
254 |
| Ite of cond_t * t * t |
255 |
256 |
let null = Seq [] |
257 |
258 |
let bot = Bot |
259 |
260 |
let ( >> ) tr1 tr2 = |
261 |
match tr1, tr2 with |
262 |
| Seq trl1, Seq trl2 -> Seq (trl1@trl2) |
263 |
| Seq trl1, _ -> Seq (trl1@[tr2]) |
264 |
| _ , Seq trl2 -> Seq (tr1::trl2) |
265 |
| _ -> Seq ([tr1;tr2]) |
266 |
267 |
let rec ( == ) tr1 tr2 = tr1 = tr2 |
268 |
269 |
let eval_act kenv (action : act_t) = |
270 |
(*Format.printf "----- action = %a@." Action.pp_act action;*) |
271 |
Act action |
272 |
273 |
(*if (match trans.event with None -> true | _ -> e = trans.event) && trans.condition rho*) |
274 |
let rec eval_cond condition ok ko = |
275 |
(*Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition;*) |
276 |
Ite (condition, ok, ko) |
277 |
278 |
let rec pp_transformer fmt tr = |
279 |
match tr with |
280 |
| Bot -> Format.fprintf fmt "bot" |
281 |
| Act a -> |
282 |
Format.fprintf fmt "<%a>" pp_act a |
283 |
| Seq trl -> |
284 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>%a@]" |
285 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@ " pp_transformer) |
286 |
trl |
287 |
| Ite (c, t, e) -> |
288 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>if %a@ @[<v 2>then@ %a@]@ @[<v 2>else@ %a@]@ endif@]" pp_cond c pp_transformer t pp_transformer e |
289 |
290 |
let pp_principal fmt tr = |
291 |
Format.fprintf fmt "principal =@.%a" pp_transformer tr |
292 |
293 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit = |
294 |
fun fmt call -> match call with |
295 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) tr -> |
296 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a, %a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_path p' pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr) |
297 |
| Dcall -> (fun p tr -> |
298 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_transformer tr) |
299 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) tr -> |
300 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr) |
301 |
end |
302 |
303 |
module LustrePrinter (Vars : sig val vars : ActiveStates.Vars.t end) : TransformerType = |
304 |
struct |
305 |
include TransformerStub |
306 |
307 |
type name_t = string |
308 |
type t = name_t -> name_t -> (ActiveStates.Vars.t * (Format.formatter -> unit)) |
309 |
310 |
let new_loc, reset_loc = |
Also available in: Unified diff
Initial import of stateflow_cps_semantics (github)