1 |
open Basetypes
2 |
open ActiveStates
3 |
4 |
type mode_t =
5 |
| Outer
6 |
| Inner
7 |
| Enter
8 |
9 |
10 |
type 't success_t = path_t -> 't
11 |
type 't fail_t = { local: 't; global: 't }
12 |
type 't wrapper_t = path_t -> 't -> 't
13 |
14 |
type ('a, 'b, 't) tag_t =
15 |
| E : (path_t, path_t -> frontier_t -> 't, 't) tag_t
16 |
| D : (path_t, 't, 't) tag_t
17 |
| X : (path_t, frontier_t -> 't, 't) tag_t
18 |
| J : (junction_name_t, 't wrapper_t -> 't success_t -> 't fail_t -> 't, 't) tag_t
19 |
20 |
21 |
type ('a, 'b, 't) theta_t = ('a, 'b, 't) tag_t -> 'a -> 'b
22 |
23 |
module type ThetaType =
24 |
25 |
type t
26 |
val theta : ('a, 'b, t) theta_t
27 |
28 |
29 |
let pp_mode fmt mode =
30 |
match mode with
31 |
| Outer -> Format.fprintf fmt "Outer"
32 |
| Inner -> Format.fprintf fmt "Inner"
33 |
| Enter -> Format.fprintf fmt "Enter"
34 |
35 |
36 |
let pp_tag : type a b t. Format.formatter -> (a, b, t) tag_t -> unit =
37 |
fun fmt tag ->
38 |
match tag with
39 |
| E -> Format.fprintf fmt "e"
40 |
| D -> Format.fprintf fmt "d"
41 |
| X -> Format.fprintf fmt "x"
42 |
| J -> Format.fprintf fmt "j"
43 |
44 |
45 |
module Proj1Theta (T : sig type t1 val bot1 : t1 type t2 val bot2 : t2 end) (Theta : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 * T.t2) : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 =
46 |
47 |
type t = T.t1
48 |
49 |
let f f1 = (f1, T.bot2)
50 |
let s s1 p = (s1 p, T.bot2)
51 |
let w w1 p (tr1, _) = (w1 p tr1, T.bot2)
52 |
53 |
let theta : type a b. (a, b, t) theta_t =
54 |
fun tag ->
55 |
match tag with
56 |
| E -> (fun p p' f -> fst (Theta.theta E p p' f))
57 |
| D -> (fun p -> fst (Theta.theta D p))
58 |
| X -> (fun p f -> fst (Theta.theta X p f))
59 |
| J -> (fun j w1 s1 f1 -> fst (Theta.theta J j (w w1) (s s1) (f f1)))
60 |
61 |
62 |
module Proj2Theta (T : sig type t1 val bot1 : t1 type t2 val bot2 : t2 end) (Theta : ThetaType with type t = T.t1 * T.t2) : ThetaType with type t = T.t2 =
63 |
64 |
type t = T.t2
65 |
66 |
let f f2 = (T.bot1, f2)
67 |
let s s2 p = (T.bot1, s2 p)
68 |
let w w2 p (_, tr2) = (T.bot1, w2 p tr2)
69 |
70 |
let theta : type a b. (a, b, t) theta_t =
71 |
fun tag ->
72 |
match tag with
73 |
| E -> (fun p p' f -> snd (Theta.theta E p p' f))
74 |
| D -> (fun p -> snd (Theta.theta D p))
75 |
| X -> (fun p f -> snd (Theta.theta X p f))
76 |
| J -> (fun j w2 s2 f2 -> snd (Theta.theta J j (w w2) (s s2) (f f2)))
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
module TransformerStub =
81 |
82 |
type act_t = Action.t
83 |
type cond_t = Condition.t
84 |
85 |
let nil = Action.nil
86 |
let aquote = Action.aquote
87 |
let open_path = Action.open_path
88 |
let close_path = Action.close_path
89 |
let call = Action.call
90 |
let pp_act = Action.pp_act
91 |
92 |
let cquote = Condition.cquote
93 |
let tru = Condition.tru
94 |
let event = Condition.event
95 |
let active = Condition.active
96 |
let ( && ) = Condition.( && )
97 |
let neg = Condition.neg
98 |
let pp_cond = Condition.pp_cond
99 |
100 |
101 |
module type TransformerType =
102 |
103 |
type act_t = Action.t
104 |
type cond_t = Condition.t
105 |
type t
106 |
107 |
include ActionType with type t := act_t
108 |
include ConditionType with type t := cond_t
109 |
110 |
val null : t
111 |
val bot : t
112 |
val ( >> ) : t -> t -> t
113 |
val eval_act : (module ThetaType with type t = t) -> act_t -> t
114 |
val eval_cond : cond_t -> t -> t -> t
115 |
val pp_transformer : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
116 |
val pp_principal : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
117 |
val pp_component : Format.formatter -> 'c call_t -> 'c -> t -> unit
118 |
119 |
120 |
module type ComparableTransformerType =
121 |
122 |
include TransformerType
123 |
124 |
val ( == ) : t -> t -> bool
125 |
126 |
127 |
module Pair (T1 : ComparableTransformerType) (T2 : TransformerType) : ComparableTransformerType with type t = T1.t * T2.t =
128 |
129 |
include TransformerStub
130 |
131 |
type t = T1.t * T2.t
132 |
133 |
module T =
134 |
135 |
type t1 = T1.t
136 |
type t2 = T2.t
137 |
let bot1 = T1.bot
138 |
let bot2 = T2.bot
139 |
140 |
141 |
let null = T1.null, T2.null
142 |
143 |
let bot = T1.bot, T2.bot
144 |
145 |
let ( >> ) (tr11, tr12) (tr21, tr22) =
146 |
T1.(tr11 >> tr21), T2.(tr12 >> tr22)
147 |
148 |
let eval_act theta action =
149 |
let module Theta = (val theta : ThetaType with type t = T1.t * T2.t) in
150 |
let theta1 = (module Proj1Theta (T) (Theta) : ThetaType with type t = T1.t) in
151 |
let theta2 = (module Proj2Theta (T) (Theta) : ThetaType with type t = T2.t) in
152 |
T1.eval_act theta1 action, T2.eval_act theta2 action
153 |
154 |
let eval_cond cond (trt1, trt2) (tre1, tre2) =
155 |
T1.eval_cond cond trt1 tre1, T2.eval_cond cond trt2 tre2
156 |
157 |
let ( == ) (tr1, _) (tr2, _) = T1.(tr1 == tr2)
158 |
159 |
let pp_transformer fmt (tr1, tr2) =
160 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %a , %a >" T1.pp_transformer tr1 T2.pp_transformer tr2
161 |
162 |
let pp_principal fmt (tr1, tr2) =
163 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %a , %a >" T1.pp_principal tr1 T2.pp_principal tr2
164 |
165 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit =
166 |
fun fmt call ->
167 |
match call with
168 |
| Ecall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) ->
169 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >"
170 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Ecall c tr1)
171 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Ecall c tr2))
172 |
| Dcall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) ->
173 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >"
174 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Dcall c tr1)
175 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Dcall c tr2))
176 |
| Xcall -> (fun c (tr1, tr2) ->
177 |
Format.fprintf fmt "< %t , %t >"
178 |
(fun fmt -> T1.pp_component fmt Xcall c tr1)
179 |
(fun fmt -> T2.pp_component fmt Xcall c tr2))
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
module Evaluator : TransformerType with type t = (event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list -> event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list ) =
184 |
185 |
include TransformerStub
186 |
187 |
type env_t = event_t * bool ActiveStates.Env.t * base_action_t list (* Don't care for values yet *)
188 |
type t = env_t -> env_t
189 |
190 |
let null rho = rho
191 |
let add_action a (evt, rho, al) = (evt, rho, al@[a]) (* not very efficient but
192 |
avoid to keep track of
193 |
action order *)
194 |
let bot _ = assert false
195 |
196 |
let ( >> ) tr1 tr2 = fun rho -> rho |> tr1 |> tr2
197 |
198 |
let ( ?? ) b tr = if b then tr else null
199 |
200 |
let eval_open p (evt, rho, al) = (evt, ActiveStates.Env.add p true rho, al)
201 |
let eval_close p (evt, rho, al) = (evt, ActiveStates.Env.add p false rho, al)
202 |
let eval_call : type c. (module ThetaType with type t = t) -> c call_t -> c -> t =
203 |
fun kenv ->
204 |
let module Theta = (val kenv : ThetaType with type t = t) in
205 |
fun call -> match call with
206 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) -> Theta.theta E p p' f)
207 |
| Dcall -> (fun p -> Theta.theta D p)
208 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) -> Theta.theta X p f)
209 |
210 |
let eval_act kenv action =
211 |
(* Format.printf "----- action = %a@." Action.pp_act action; *)
212 |
match action with
213 |
| Action.Call (c, a) -> eval_call kenv c a
214 |
| Action.Quote a -> add_action a
215 |
| Action.Open p -> eval_open p
216 |
| Action.Close p -> eval_close p
217 |
| Action.Nil -> null
218 |
219 |
(*if (match trans.event with None -> true | _ -> e = trans.event) && trans.condition rho*)
220 |
let rec eval_cond condition ok ko =
221 |
(* Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition; *)
222 |
match condition with
223 |
| Condition.True -> ok
224 |
| Condition.Active p -> (fun ((evt, env, al) as rho) -> if ActiveStates.Env.find p env then ok rho else ko rho)
225 |
| Condition.Event e -> (fun ((evt, env, al) as rho) -> match evt with None -> ko rho | Some e' -> if e=e' then ok rho else ko rho)
226 |
| Condition.Neg cond -> eval_cond cond ko ok
227 |
| Condition.And (cond1, cond2) -> eval_cond cond1 (eval_cond cond2 ok ko) ko
228 |
| Condition.Quote c -> add_action c >> ok (* invalid behavior but similar to the other: should evaluate condition *)
229 |
230 |
let pp_transformer fmt tr =
231 |
Format.fprintf fmt "<transformer>"
232 |
233 |
let pp_principal fmt tr =
234 |
Format.fprintf fmt "principal =@.%a" pp_transformer tr
235 |
236 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit =
237 |
fun fmt call -> match call with
238 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) tr ->
239 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a, %a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_path p' pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr)
240 |
| Dcall -> (fun p tr ->
241 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_transformer tr)
242 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) tr ->
243 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a) =@.%a" pp_call call pp_path p pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr)
244 |
245 |
246 |
module CodeGenerator : ComparableTransformerType =
247 |
248 |
include TransformerStub
249 |
250 |
type t =
251 |
| Bot
252 |
| Act of act_t
253 |
| Seq of t list
254 |
| Ite of cond_t * t * t
255 |
256 |
let null = Seq []
257 |
258 |
let bot = Bot
259 |
260 |
let ( >> ) tr1 tr2 =
261 |
match tr1, tr2 with
262 |
| Seq trl1, Seq trl2 -> Seq (trl1@trl2)
263 |
| Seq trl1, _ -> Seq (trl1@[tr2])
264 |
| _ , Seq trl2 -> Seq (tr1::trl2)
265 |
| _ -> Seq ([tr1;tr2])
266 |
267 |
let rec ( == ) tr1 tr2 = tr1 = tr2
268 |
269 |
let eval_act kenv (action : act_t) =
270 |
(*Format.printf "----- action = %a@." Action.pp_act action;*)
271 |
Act action
272 |
273 |
(*if (match trans.event with None -> true | _ -> e = trans.event) && trans.condition rho*)
274 |
let rec eval_cond condition ok ko =
275 |
(*Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition;*)
276 |
Ite (condition, ok, ko)
277 |
278 |
let rec pp_transformer fmt tr =
279 |
match tr with
280 |
| Bot -> Format.fprintf fmt "bot"
281 |
| Act a ->
282 |
Format.fprintf fmt "<%a>" pp_act a
283 |
| Seq trl ->
284 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>%a@]"
285 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@ " pp_transformer)
286 |
287 |
| Ite (c, t, e) ->
288 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>if %a@ @[<v 2>then@ %a@]@ @[<v 2>else@ %a@]@ endif@]" pp_cond c pp_transformer t pp_transformer e
289 |
290 |
let pp_principal fmt tr =
291 |
Format.fprintf fmt "principal =@.%a" pp_transformer tr
292 |
293 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit =
294 |
fun fmt call -> match call with
295 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) tr ->
296 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a, %a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_path p' pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr)
297 |
| Dcall -> (fun p tr ->
298 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_transformer tr)
299 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) tr ->
300 |
Format.fprintf fmt "component %a(%a, %a) =@.@[<v 2>begin@ %a@]@.end" pp_call call pp_path p pp_frontier f pp_transformer tr)
301 |
302 |
303 |
module LustrePrinter (Vars : sig val vars : ActiveStates.Vars.t end) : TransformerType =
304 |
305 |
include TransformerStub
306 |
307 |
type name_t = string
308 |
type t = name_t -> name_t -> (ActiveStates.Vars.t * (Format.formatter -> unit))
309 |
310 |
let new_loc, reset_loc =
311 |
let cpt = ref 0 in
312 |
((fun () -> incr cpt; Format.sprintf "loc_%i" !cpt),
313 |
(fun () -> cpt := 0))
314 |
315 |
let new_aut, reset_aut =
316 |
let cpt = ref 0 in
317 |
((fun () -> incr cpt; Format.sprintf "aut_%i" !cpt),
318 |
(fun () -> cpt := 0))
319 |
320 |
let pp_path sin fmt path =
321 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%s%t" sin (fun fmt -> Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"_" Format.pp_print_string fmt path)
322 |
323 |
let pp_typed_path sin fmt path =
324 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a : bool" (pp_path sin) path
325 |
326 |
let pp_vars sin fmt vars =
327 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%t" (fun fmt -> Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (pp_path sin) fmt (ActiveStates.Vars.elements vars))
328 |
329 |
let pp_vars_decl sin fmt vars =
330 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%t" (fun fmt -> Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"; " (pp_typed_path sin) fmt (ActiveStates.Vars.elements vars))
331 |
332 |
let pp_locals fmt locs =
333 |
ActiveStates.Vars.iter (fun v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a;@ " (pp_vars_decl (List.hd v)) Vars.vars) locs
334 |
335 |
let null sin sout =
336 |
337 |
fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = (%a);" (pp_vars sout) Vars.vars (pp_vars sin) Vars.vars)
338 |
339 |
let bot sin sout =
340 |
let (vars, tr) = null sin sout in
341 |
342 |
(fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "assert false;@ %t" tr))
343 |
344 |
let ( >> ) tr1 tr2 sin sout =
345 |
let l = new_loc () in
346 |
let (vars1, tr1) = tr1 sin l in
347 |
let (vars2, tr2) = tr2 l sout in
348 |
(ActiveStates.Vars.add [l] (ActiveStates.Vars.union vars1 vars2),
349 |
fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "%t@ %t" tr1 tr2)
350 |
351 |
let pp_call' : type c. name_t -> name_t -> Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> unit =
352 |
fun sin sout fmt call ->
353 |
match call with
354 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) ->
355 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = theta%a%a%a_%a(event, %a);"
356 |
(pp_vars sout) Vars.vars
357 |
pp_call call
358 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
359 |
(pp_path "_to_") p'
360 |
pp_frontier f
361 |
(pp_vars sin) Vars.vars)
362 |
| Dcall -> (fun p ->
363 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = theta%a%a(event, %a);"
364 |
(pp_vars sout) Vars.vars
365 |
pp_call call
366 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
367 |
(pp_vars sin) Vars.vars)
368 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) ->
369 |
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = theta%a%a_%a(event, %a);"
370 |
(pp_vars sout) Vars.vars
371 |
pp_call call
372 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
373 |
pp_frontier f
374 |
(pp_vars sin) Vars.vars)
375 |
376 |
let pp_act' action sin sout fmt =
377 |
match action with
378 |
| Action.Call (c, a) -> pp_call' sin sout fmt c a
379 |
| Action.Quote a -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = (* %s *)(%a);" (pp_vars sout) Vars.vars a (pp_vars sin) Vars.vars
380 |
| Action.Open p -> let vars' = ActiveStates.Vars.remove p Vars.vars in
381 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a = true;@ (%a) = (%a);" (pp_path sout) p (pp_vars sout) vars' (pp_vars sin) vars'
382 |
| Action.Close p -> let vars' = ActiveStates.Vars.remove p Vars.vars in
383 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a = false;@ (%a) = (%a);" (pp_path sout) p (pp_vars sout) vars' (pp_vars sin) vars'
384 |
| Action.Nil -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a) = (%a);" (pp_vars sout) Vars.vars (pp_vars sin) Vars.vars
385 |
386 |
let eval_act kenv (action : act_t) =
387 |
(*Format.printf "----- action = %a@." Action.pp_act action;*)
388 |
(fun sin sout -> (ActiveStates.Vars.empty, pp_act' action sin sout))
389 |
390 |
let rec pp_cond' sin fmt condition =
391 |
(*Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition;*)
392 |
match condition with
393 |
| Condition.True -> Format.fprintf fmt "true"
394 |
| Condition.Active p -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_path sin) p
395 |
| Condition.Event e -> Format.fprintf fmt "(event = %s)" e
396 |
| Condition.Neg cond -> Format.fprintf fmt "not (%a)" (pp_cond' sin) cond
397 |
| Condition.And (cond1, cond2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a && %a" (pp_cond' sin) cond1 (pp_cond' sin) cond2
398 |
| Condition.Quote c -> Format.fprintf fmt "(* %s *) true" c
399 |
400 |
let rec eval_cond condition ok ko sin sout =
401 |
(*Format.printf "----- cond = %a@." Condition.pp_cond condition;*)
402 |
let (vars1, tr1) = ok sin sout in
403 |
let (vars2, tr2) = ko sin sout in
404 |
let (vars0, tr0) = bot sin sout in
405 |
let aut = new_aut () in
406 |
407 |
(fun fmt ->
408 |
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 1>automaton %s@ @[<v 2>state CenterPoint_%s:@ unless %a restart Cond_%s@ unless %a restart NotCond_%s@ let@ %t@ tel@]@ @[<v 2>state Cond_%s:@ %t%a@ let@ %t@ tel@ until true restart CenterPoint_%s@]@ @[<v 2>state NotCond_%s:@ %t%a@ let@ %t@ tel@ until true restart CenterPoint_%s@]@]"
409 |
410 |
411 |
(pp_cond' sin) condition
412 |
413 |
(pp_cond' sin) (Condition.Neg condition)
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
(fun fmt -> if ActiveStates.Vars.is_empty vars1 then () else Format.fprintf fmt "var@ ")
418 |
pp_locals vars1
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
(fun fmt -> if ActiveStates.Vars.is_empty vars2 then () else Format.fprintf fmt "var@ ")
423 |
pp_locals vars2
424 |
425 |
426 |
427 |
let pp_transformer fmt tr =
428 |
let (vars, tr) = tr "sin_" "sout_"
429 |
in tr fmt
430 |
431 |
let pp_component : type c. Format.formatter -> c call_t -> c -> t -> unit =
432 |
fun fmt call -> match call with
433 |
| Ecall -> (fun (p, p', f) tr ->
434 |
reset_loc ();
435 |
let (vars', tr') = tr "sin_" "sout_" in
436 |
Format.fprintf fmt "node theta%a%a%a_%a(event : event_type; %a) returns (%a);@.%t%a@.let@.%t@.tel@."
437 |
pp_call call
438 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
439 |
(pp_path "_to_") p'
440 |
pp_frontier f
441 |
(pp_vars_decl "sin_") Vars.vars
442 |
(pp_vars_decl "sout_") Vars.vars
443 |
(fun fmt -> if ActiveStates.Vars.is_empty vars' then () else Format.fprintf fmt "var@.")
444 |
pp_locals vars'
445 |
446 |
| Dcall -> (fun p tr ->
447 |
reset_loc ();
448 |
let (vars', tr') = tr "sin_" "sout_" in
449 |
Format.fprintf fmt "node theta%a%a(event : event_type; %a) returns (%a);@.%t%a@.let@.%t@.tel@."
450 |
pp_call call
451 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
452 |
(pp_vars_decl "sin_") Vars.vars
453 |
(pp_vars_decl "sout_") Vars.vars
454 |
(fun fmt -> if ActiveStates.Vars.is_empty vars' then () else Format.fprintf fmt "var@.")
455 |
pp_locals vars'
456 |
457 |
| Xcall -> (fun (p, f) tr ->
458 |
reset_loc ();
459 |
let (vars', tr') = tr "sin_" "sout_" in
460 |
Format.fprintf fmt "node theta%a%a_%a(event : event_type; %a) returns (%a);@.%t%a@.let@.%t@.tel@."
461 |
pp_call call
462 |
(pp_path "_from_") p
463 |
pp_frontier f
464 |
(pp_vars_decl "sin_") Vars.vars
465 |
(pp_vars_decl "sout_") Vars.vars
466 |
(fun fmt -> if ActiveStates.Vars.is_empty vars' then () else Format.fprintf fmt "var@.")
467 |
pp_locals vars'
468 |
469 |
470 |
let pp_main_loop fmt () =
471 |
Format.fprintf fmt "type event_type = int;@.node principal_loop(event : event_type) returns (%a);@.let@.(%a) = (%t) -> pre (thetaCallD_from_principal (event, %a));@.tel@."
472 |
(pp_vars_decl "sout_") Vars.vars
473 |
(pp_vars "sout_") Vars.vars
474 |
(fun fmt -> Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "false") fmt (ActiveStates.Vars.elements Vars.vars))
475 |
(pp_vars "sout_") Vars.vars
476 |
477 |
let pp_principal fmt tr =
478 |
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@.%a@."
479 |
pp_main_loop ()
480 |
(fun fmt -> pp_component fmt Dcall ["principal"]) tr
481 |
482 |