10 |
10 |
11 |
11 |
12 |
12 |
In terms of algorithm, the process was initially based on printing normalized
13 |
code. We now rely on machine code printing. The old code is preserved for
14 |
15 |
13 |
code. We now rely on machine code printing. The old code is available in old
14 |
commits (eg in dd71e482a9d0).
16 |
15 |
17 |
open LustreSpec
18 |
open Machine_code
19 |
open Format
20 |
open Utils
16 |
17 |
A (normalized) node becomes a JSON struct
18 |
node foo (in1, in2: int) returns (out1, out2: int);
19 |
var x : int;
20 |
21 |
x = bar(in1, in2); -- a stateful node
22 |
out1 = x;
23 |
out2 = in2;
24 |
21 |
25 |
22 |
exception Unhandled of string
23 |
26 |
Since foo contains a stateful node, it is stateful itself. Its prototype is
27 |
extended with a reset input. When the node is reset, each of its "pre" expression
28 |
is reset as well as all calls to stateful node it contains.
24 |
29 |
25 |
(* Basic printing functions *)
26 |
27 |
let pp_var_string fmt v = fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" v
28 |
(*let pp_var_name fmt v = fprintf fmt "\"%a\"" Printers.pp_var_name v*)
29 |
(*let pp_node_args = fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_name*)
30 |
31 |
let pp_emf_var_decl fmt v =
32 |
fprintf fmt "@[{\"name\": \"%a\", \"type\":\"%a\"}@]"
33 |
Printers.pp_var_name v
34 |
Printers.pp_var_type v
35 |
36 |
let pp_emf_vars_decl fmt vl =
37 |
fprintf fmt "@[";
38 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_emf_var_decl fmt vl;
39 |
fprintf fmt "@]"
40 |
41 |
let reset_name id =
42 |
"reset_" ^ id
43 |
44 |
45 |
(* Matlab starting counting from 1.
46 |
simple function to extract the element id in the list. Starts from 1. *)
47 |
let rec get_idx x l =
48 |
match l with
49 |
| hd::tl -> if hd = x then 1 else 1+(get_idx x tl)
50 |
| [] -> assert false
30 |
will produce the following JSON struct:
31 |
"foo": {"kind": "stateful",
32 |
inputs: [{name: "in1", type: "int"},
33 |
{name: "in2", type: "int"},
34 |
35 |
outputs: [{name: "out1", type: "int"}, {name: "out2", type: "int"}],
36 |
locals: [{name: "x", type: "int"}],
37 |
instrs: {
38 |
def_x: { lhs: ["x"],
39 |
rhs: {type: "statefulcall", name: "bar",
40 |
args: [in1, in2], reset: [ni4_reset] }
41 |
42 |
43 |
def_out1: { lhs: "out1", rhs: "x" } ,
44 |
def_out2: { lhs: "out2", rhs: "in2"}
45 |
46 |
51 |
47 |
52 |
53 |
(* Old stuff: printing normalized code as EMF *)
54 |
48 |
Basically we have the following different definitions
49 |
1. local assign of a variable to another one:
50 |
def_out1: { kind: "local_assign", lhs: "out1", rhs: "x" },
55 |
51 |
56 |
57 |
let pp_expr vars fmt expr =
58 |
let rec pp_expr fmt expr =
59 |
match expr.expr_desc with
60 |
| Expr_const c -> Printers.pp_const fmt c
61 |
| Expr_ident id ->
62 |
if List.mem id vars then
63 |
Format.fprintf fmt "u%i" (get_idx id vars)
64 |
65 |
assert false (* impossible to find element id in var list *)
66 |
| Expr_array a -> fprintf fmt "[%a]" pp_tuple a
67 |
| Expr_access (a, d) -> fprintf fmt "%a[%a]" pp_expr a Dimension.pp_dimension d
68 |
| Expr_power (a, d) -> fprintf fmt "(%a^%a)" pp_expr a Dimension.pp_dimension d
69 |
| Expr_tuple el -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_tuple el
70 |
| Expr_ite (c, t, e) -> fprintf fmt "if %a; y=(%a); else y=(%a); end" pp_expr c pp_expr t pp_expr e
71 |
| Expr_arrow (e1, e2) ->(
72 |
match e1.expr_desc, e2.expr_desc with
73 |
| Expr_const c1, Expr_const c2 -> if c1 = Corelang.const_of_bool true && c2 = Corelang.const_of_bool false then fprintf fmt "STEP" else assert false (* only handle true -> false *)
74 |
| _ -> assert false (* only handle true -> false *)
75 |
76 |
| Expr_fby (e1, e2) -> assert false (* not covered yet *)
77 |
| Expr_pre e -> fprintf fmt "UNITDELAY"
78 |
| Expr_when (e, id, l) -> assert false (* clocked based expressions are not handled yet *)
79 |
| Expr_merge (id, hl) -> assert false (* clocked based expressions are not handled yet *)
80 |
| Expr_appl (id, e, r) -> pp_app fmt id e r
81 |
82 |
and pp_tuple fmt el =
83 |
fprintf_list ~sep:"," pp_expr fmt el
84 |
85 |
and pp_app fmt id e r =
86 |
match r with
87 |
| None -> pp_call fmt id e
88 |
| Some c -> assert false (* clocked based expressions are not handled yet *)
89 |
90 |
and pp_call fmt id e =
91 |
match id, e.expr_desc with
92 |
| "+", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a + %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
93 |
| "uminus", _ -> fprintf fmt "(- %a)" pp_expr e
94 |
| "-", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a - %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
95 |
| "*", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a * %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
96 |
| "/", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a / %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
97 |
| "mod", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "mod (%a, %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
98 |
| "&&", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a & %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
99 |
| "||", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a | %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
100 |
| "xor", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "xor (%a, %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
101 |
| "impl", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "((~%a) | %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
102 |
| "<", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a < %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
103 |
| "<=", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a <= %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
104 |
| ">", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a > %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
105 |
| ">=", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a >= %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
106 |
| "!=", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a ~= %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
107 |
| "=", Expr_tuple([e1;e2]) -> fprintf fmt "(%a == %a)" pp_expr e1 pp_expr e2
108 |
| "not", _ -> fprintf fmt "(~%a)" pp_expr e
109 |
| _, Expr_tuple _ -> fprintf fmt "%s %a" id pp_expr e
110 |
| _ -> fprintf fmt "%s (%a)" id pp_expr e
52 |
2. pre construct over a variable (this is a state assign):
53 |
def_pre_x: { kind: "pre", lhs: "pre_x", rhs: "x" },
54 |
55 |
3. arrow constructs, while there is not specific input, it could be reset
56 |
by a specific signal. We register it as a fresh rhs var:
57 |
def_arrow: { kind: "arrow", name: "ni4", lhs: "is_init", rhs: "reset_ni4"}
58 |
59 |
2. call to a stateless function, typically an operator
60 |
def_x: { kind: "statelesscall", lhs: ["x"],
61 |
name: "bar", rhs: [in1, in2]}
62 |
63 |
or in the operator version
64 |
def_x: { kind: "operator", lhs: ["x"],
65 |
name: "+", rhs: [in1, in2]}
66 |
67 |
68 |
In Simulink this should introduce a subsystem in the first case or a
69 |
regular block in the second with card(lhs) outputs and card{args} inputs.
70 |
71 |
3. call to a stateful node. It is similar to the stateless above,
72 |
with the addition of the reset argument
73 |
{ def_x: { kind: "statefulcall", lhs: ["x"],
74 |
name: "bar", rhs: [in1, in2], reset: [ni4_reset] }
75 |
76 |
77 |
In lustrec compilation phases, a unique id is associated to this specific
78 |
instance of stateful node "bar", here ni4.
79 |
Instruction such as reset(ni4) or noreset(ni4) may -- or not -- reset this
80 |
specific node. This corresponds to "every c" suffix of a node call in lustre.
81 |
82 |
In Simulink this should introduce a subsystem that has this extra reset input.
83 |
The reset should be defined as an "OR" over (1) the input reset of the parent
84 |
node, __reset in the present example and (2) any occurence of reset(ni4) in
85 |
the instructions.
86 |
87 |
4. branching construct: (guard expr, (tag, instr list) list)
88 |
"merge_XX": { type: "branch", guard: "var_guard",
89 |
inputs: ["varx", "vary"],
90 |
outputs: ["vark", "varz"],
91 |
branches: {"tag1": {liste_of_definitions (1-4)}, ...}
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
In Simulink, this should become one IF block to produce enable ports
96 |
"var_guard == tag1", "var_guard == tag2", .... as well as one action
97 |
block per branch: each of these action block shall
111 |
98 |
112 |
113 |
pp_expr fmt expr
114 |
115 |
let pp_stmt fmt stmt =
116 |
match stmt with
117 |
| Eq eq -> (
118 |
match eq.eq_lhs with
119 |
[var] -> (
120 |
(* first, we extract the expression and associated variables *)
121 |
let vars = Utils.ISet.elements (Corelang.get_expr_vars eq.eq_rhs) in
122 |
123 |
fprintf fmt "\"%s\": @[<v 2>{ \"expr\": \"%a\",@ \"vars\": [%a] @]}"
124 |
125 |
(pp_expr vars) eq.eq_rhs (* todo_pp_expr expr *)
126 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) vars
127 |
128 |
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen for input of EMF backend (cocospec generated nodes *)
129 |
130 |
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen with EMF backend *)
131 |
132 |
let pp_node fmt nd =
133 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"%s\": {@ \"inputs\": [%a],@ \"outputs\": [%a],@ "
134 |
135 |
pp_node_args nd.node_inputs
136 |
pp_node_args nd.node_outputs;
137 |
fprintf fmt "\"exprs\": {@[<v 1> %a@]@ }"
138 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_stmt ) nd.node_stmts;
139 |
fprintf fmt "@]@ }"
140 |
141 |
let pp_decl fmt decl =
142 |
match decl.top_decl_desc with
143 |
| Node nd -> fprintf fmt "%a@ " pp_node nd
144 |
| ImportedNode _
145 |
| Const _
146 |
| Open _
147 |
| TypeDef _ -> eprintf "should not happen in EMF backend"
148 |
99 |
149 |
100 |
101 |
open LustreSpec
102 |
open Machine_code
103 |
open Format
104 |
open EMF_common
105 |
exception Unhandled of string
106 |
107 |
module ISet = Utils.ISet
108 |
let fprintf_list = Utils.fprintf_list
109 |
110 |
150 |
111 |
151 |
112 |
152 |
113 |
(* Utility functions: arrow and lustre expr *)
... | ... | |
156 |
117 |
-> false *)
157 |
118 |
let is_arrow_fun m i =
158 |
119 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
159 |
| MStep ([var], i, vl) -> (
160 |
let name = try (Machine_code.get_node_def i m).node_id with Not_found -> Format.eprintf "Impossible to find node %s@.@?" i; raise Not_found in
161 |
match name, vl with
162 |
| "_arrow", [v1; v2] -> (
120 |
| MStep ([var], i, vl) -> (
121 |
122 |
let name = (Machine_code.get_node_def i m).node_id in
123 |
match name, vl with
124 |
| "_arrow", [v1; v2] -> (
163 |
125 |
match v1.value_desc, v2.value_desc with
164 |
126 |
| Cst c1, Cst c2 ->
165 |
127 |
if c1 = Corelang.const_of_bool true && c2 = Corelang.const_of_bool false then
... | ... | |
167 |
129 |
168 |
130 |
assert false (* only handle true -> false *)
169 |
131 |
| _ -> assert false
170 |
171 |
| _ -> false
132 |
133 |
134 |
| _ -> false
135 |
136 |
| Not_found -> false (* Not declared (should have been detected now, or imported node *)
172 |
137 |
173 |
138 |
| _ -> false
174 |
139 |
175 |
let pp_original_lustre_expression m fmt i =
176 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
177 |
| MLocalAssign _ | MStateAssign _
178 |
| MBranch _
179 |
-> ( match i.lustre_eq with None -> () | Some e -> Printers.pp_node_eq fmt e)
180 |
| MStep _ when is_arrow_fun m i -> () (* we print nothing, this is a STEP *)
181 |
| MStep _ -> (match i.lustre_eq with None -> () | Some eq -> Printers.pp_node_eq fmt eq)
182 |
| _ -> ()
183 |
184 |
185 |
let rec get_instr_lhs i =
186 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
187 |
| MLocalAssign (var,_)
188 |
| MStateAssign (var,_) -> [var.var_id]
189 |
| MStep (vars, _, _) -> List.map (fun v -> v.var_id) vars
190 |
| MBranch (_,(_,case1)::_) ->
191 |
get_instrs_lhs case1 (* assuming all cases define the same variables *)
192 |
| MBranch _ -> assert false (* branch instruction should admit at least one case *)
193 |
| MReset ni
194 |
| MNoReset ni -> [reset_name ni]
195 |
| MComment _ -> assert false (* not available for EMF output *)
196 |
and get_instrs_lhs il =
197 |
List.fold_left (fun accu i -> (get_instr_lhs i) @ accu ) [] il
198 |
199 |
140 |
200 |
141 |
(* Printing machine code as EMF *)
201 |
142 |
202 |
143 |
203 |
204 |
144 |
205 |
(* Print machine code values as matlab expressions. Variable identifiers are
206 |
replaced by uX where X is the index of the variables in the list vars of input
207 |
variables. *)
208 |
let rec pp_matlab_val vars fmt v =
209 |
match v.value_desc with
210 |
| Cst c -> Printers.pp_const fmt c
211 |
| LocalVar v
212 |
| StateVar v ->
213 |
let id = v.var_id in
214 |
if List.mem id vars then
215 |
Format.fprintf fmt "u%i" (get_idx id vars)
216 |
217 |
let _ = Format.eprintf "Error: looking for var %s in %a@.@?" id (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"," Format.pp_print_string) vars in assert false (* impossible to find element id in var list *)
218 |
| Fun (n, vl) -> pp_fun vars n fmt vl
219 |
| _ -> assert false (* not available in EMF backend *)
220 |
and pp_fun vars id fmt vl =
221 |
(* eprintf "print %s with %i args@.@?" id (List.length vl);*)
222 |
match id, vl with
223 |
| "+", [v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a + %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
224 |
| "uminus", [v] -> fprintf fmt "(- %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v
225 |
| "-", [v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a - %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
226 |
| "*",[v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a * %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
227 |
| "/", [v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a / %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
228 |
| "mod", [v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "mod (%a, %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
229 |
| "&&", [v1;v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a & %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
230 |
| "||", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a | %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
231 |
| "xor", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "xor (%a, %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
232 |
| "impl", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "((~%a) | %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
233 |
| "<", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a < %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
234 |
| "<=", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a <= %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
235 |
| ">", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a > %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
236 |
| ">=", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a >= %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
237 |
| "!=", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a != %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
238 |
| "=", [v1; v2] -> fprintf fmt "(%a = %a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v1 (pp_matlab_val vars) v2
239 |
| "not", [v] -> fprintf fmt "(~%a)" (pp_matlab_val vars) v
240 |
| _ -> fprintf fmt "%s (%a)" id (Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (pp_matlab_val vars)) vl
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
(* pp_basic_instr prints regular instruction. These do not contain MStep which
245 |
should have been already filtered out. Another restriction which is supposed
246 |
to be enforced is that branching statement contain a single instruction (in
247 |
practice it has to be an assign) *)
248 |
let pp_matlab_basic_instr m vars fmt i =
249 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
250 |
| MLocalAssign (var,v)
251 |
| MStateAssign (var,v) -> fprintf fmt "y = %a" (pp_matlab_val vars) v
252 |
| MReset _
253 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled reset in EMF@.@?"; assert false
254 |
| MNoReset _
255 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled noreset in EMF@.@?"; assert false
256 |
| MBranch _ (* branching instructions already handled *)
257 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled branch statement in EMF (should have been filtered out before)@.@?";
258 |
assert false
259 |
| MStep _ (* function calls already handled, including STEP *)
260 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled function call in EMF (should have been filtered out before)@.@?";
261 |
assert false
262 |
| MComment _
263 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled comment in EMF@.@?"; assert false
264 |
(* not available for EMF output *)
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
let rec get_instr_lhs_var i =
269 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
270 |
| MLocalAssign (var,_)
271 |
| MStateAssign (var,_)
272 |
| MStep ([var], _, _) ->
273 |
(* The only MStep instructions that filtered here
274 |
should be arrows, ie. single var *)
275 |
276 |
| MBranch (_,(_,case1)::_) ->
277 |
get_instrs_var case1 (* assuming all cases define the same variables *)
278 |
| MStep (f,name,a) -> Format.eprintf "step %s@.@?" name; assert false (* no other MStep here *)
279 |
| MBranch _ -> assert false (* branch instruction should admit at least one case *)
280 |
| MReset _
281 |
| MNoReset _
282 |
| MComment _ -> assert false (* not available for EMF output *)
283 |
and get_instrs_var il =
284 |
match il with
285 |
| i::_ -> get_instr_lhs_var i (* looking for the first instr *)
286 |
| _ -> assert false
287 |
288 |
289 |
let rec get_val_vars v =
290 |
match v.value_desc with
291 |
| Cst c -> Utils.ISet.empty
292 |
| LocalVar v
293 |
| StateVar v -> Utils.ISet.singleton v.var_id
294 |
| Fun (n, vl) -> List.fold_left (fun res v -> Utils.ISet.union (get_val_vars v) res) Utils.ISet.empty vl
295 |
| _ -> assert false (* not available in EMF backend *)
296 |
297 |
let rec get_instr_rhs_vars i =
298 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
299 |
| MLocalAssign (_,v)
300 |
| MStateAssign (_,v) -> get_val_vars v
301 |
| MStep (_, _, vl) -> List.fold_left (fun res v -> Utils.ISet.union res (get_val_vars v)) Utils.ISet.empty vl
302 |
| MBranch (c,[(_,[case1]);(_,[case2])]) ->
303 |
304 |
(get_val_vars c)
305 |
306 |
307 |
(get_instr_rhs_vars case1)
308 |
(get_instr_rhs_vars case2)
309 |
310 |
| MBranch (g, branches) ->
311 |
312 |
(fun accu (_, il) -> Utils.ISet.union accu (get_instrs_vars il))
313 |
(get_val_vars g)
314 |
315 |
| MReset id
316 |
| MNoReset id -> Utils.ISet.singleton id
317 |
| MComment _ -> Utils.ISet.empty
318 |
and get_instrs_vars il =
319 |
List.fold_left (fun res i -> Utils.ISet.union res (get_instr_rhs_vars i))
320 |
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
let rec pp_emf_instr m fmt i =
326 |
(* Either it is a Step function non arrow, then we have a dedicated treatment,
327 |
or it has to be a single variable assigment *)
328 |
let arguments_vars = Utils.ISet.elements (get_instr_rhs_vars i) in
329 |
330 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
331 |
(* Regular node call either a statuful node or a functional one *)
332 |
| MStep (outputs, f, inputs) when not (is_arrow_fun m i) -> (
333 |
fprintf fmt "\"CALL\": @[<v 2>{ \"node\": \"%s\",@ \"inputs\": [%a],@ \"vars\": [%a]@ \"lhs\": [%a],@ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
334 |
((Machine_code.get_node_def f m).node_id) (* Node name *)
335 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt _val -> fprintf fmt "\"%a\"" (pp_matlab_val arguments_vars) _val)) inputs (* inputs *)
336 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
337 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " (fun fmt v -> pp_var_string fmt v.var_id)) outputs (* outputs *)
338 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i (* original lustre expr *)
339 |
340 |
| MStep _ -> (* Arrow case *) (
341 |
let var = get_instr_lhs_var i in
342 |
fprintf fmt "\"STEP\": @[<v 2>{ \"lhs\": \"%s\",@ \"vars\": [%a] @ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
343 |
344 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
345 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i
346 |
347 |
| MBranch (g,[(tag1,[case1]);(tag2,[case2])]) when tag1 = Corelang.tag_true || tag2 = Corelang.tag_true ->
348 |
(* Thanks to normalization with join_guards = false, branches shall contain
349 |
a single expression *)
350 |
let var = get_instr_lhs_var i in
351 |
let then_case, else_case =
352 |
if tag1 = Corelang.tag_true then
353 |
case1, case2
354 |
355 |
case2, case1
356 |
357 |
fprintf fmt "\"ITE\": @[<v 2>{ \"lhs\": \"%s\",@ \"guard\": \"%a\",@ \"then_expr\": \"%a\",@ \"else_expr\": \"%a\",@ \"vars\": [%a],@ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
358 |
359 |
(pp_matlab_val arguments_vars) g
360 |
(pp_matlab_basic_instr m arguments_vars) then_case
361 |
(pp_matlab_basic_instr m arguments_vars) else_case
362 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
363 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i
364 |
365 |
| MBranch (g, [single_tag, single_branch]) ->
366 |
(* First case: it corresponds to a clocked expression: a MBranch with a
367 |
single case. It shall become a subsystem with an enable port that depends on g = single_tag *)
368 |
(* Thanks to normalization with join_guards = false, branches shall contain
369 |
370 |
let var = get_instr_lhs_var i in
371 |
fprintf fmt "\"ENABLEDSUB\": @[<v 2>{ \"lhs\": \"%s\",@ \"enable_cond\": \"%a = %s\",@ \"subsystem\": {%a },@ \"vars\": [%a],@ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
372 |
373 |
(pp_matlab_val arguments_vars) g
374 |
375 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_instr m)) single_branch
376 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
377 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i
378 |
379 |
| MBranch (g, hl) ->
380 |
(* Thanks to normalization with join_guards = false, branches shall contain
381 |
a single expression *)
382 |
fprintf fmt "\"BRANCH\": @[<v 2>{ \"guard\": \"%a\",@ \"branches\": [@[<v 0>%a@]],@ \"vars\": [%a],@ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
383 |
(pp_matlab_val arguments_vars) g
384 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ "
385 |
(fun fmt (tag, (is_tag: instr_t list)) ->
386 |
fprintf fmt "\"%s\": [%a]"
387 |
388 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (fun fmt i_tag -> match Corelang.get_instr_desc i_tag with
389 |
| MLocalAssign (var,v)
390 |
| MStateAssign (var,v) ->
391 |
fprintf fmt "{lhs= \"%s\", rhs= \"%a\"]" var.var_id (pp_matlab_val arguments_vars) v
392 |
| _ -> Format.eprintf "unhandled instr: %a@." Machine_code.pp_instr i_tag; assert false
393 |
)) is_tag
394 |
)) hl
395 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
396 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
| _ ->
401 |
(* Other expressions, including "pre" *)
402 |
403 |
(* first, we extract the expression and associated variables *)
404 |
let var = get_instr_lhs_var i in
405 |
fprintf fmt "\"EXPR\": @[<v 2>{ \"lhs\": \"%s\",@ \"expr\": \"%a\",@ \"vars\": [%a] @ \"original_lustre_expr\": [%a]@]}"
406 |
407 |
(fun fmt i -> match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
408 |
| MStep _ -> fprintf fmt "STEP"
409 |
| _ -> pp_matlab_basic_instr m arguments_vars fmt i) i
410 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:", " pp_var_string) arguments_vars
411 |
(pp_original_lustre_expression m) i
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
let pp_emf_cst_or_var fmt v =
417 |
match v.value_desc with
418 |
| Cst c ->
419 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"constant\",@ \"value\": \"%a\"@ @]}"
420 |
Printers.pp_const c
421 |
| LocalVar v
422 |
| StateVar v ->
423 |
fprintf fmt "{@[\"type\": \"variable\",@ \"value\": \"%a\"@ @]}"
424 |
Printers.pp_var_name v
425 |
| _ -> assert false (* Invalid argument *)
426 |
427 |
let rec get_expr_vars v =
428 |
match v.value_desc with
429 |
| Cst c -> VSet.empty
430 |
| LocalVar v | StateVar v -> VSet.singleton v
431 |
| Fun (_, args) -> List.fold_left (fun accu v -> VSet.union accu (get_expr_vars v)) VSet.empty args
432 |
| _ -> assert false (* Invalid argument *)
433 |
145 |
434 |
146 |
let branch_cpt = ref 0
435 |
147 |
let get_instr_id fmt i =
... | ... | |
437 |
149 |
| MLocalAssign(lhs,_) | MStateAssign (lhs, _) -> Printers.pp_var_name fmt lhs
438 |
150 |
| MReset i | MNoReset i -> fprintf fmt "%s" (reset_name i)
439 |
151 |
| MBranch (g, _) -> incr branch_cpt; fprintf fmt "branch_%i" !branch_cpt
440 |
| MStep (_, id, _) -> fprintf fmt "%s" id
152 |
| MStep (outs, id, _) -> fprintf fmt "%a_%s" (fprintf_list ~sep:"_" Printers.pp_var_name) outs id
441 |
153 |
| _ -> () (* No name *)
442 |
154 |
443 |
155 |
let rec branch_block_vars il =
... | ... | |
474 |
186 |
| MComment _ -> assert false (* not available for EMF output *)
475 |
187 |
476 |
188 |
477 |
let pp_emf_cst_or_var_list =
478 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " pp_emf_cst_or_var
479 |
480 |
let rec pp_emf_instr2 m fmt i =
481 |
(* let arguments_vars = Utils.ISet.elements (get_instr_rhs_vars i) in *)
189 |
190 |
let rec pp_emf_instr m fmt i =
482 |
191 |
let pp_content fmt i =
483 |
192 |
match Corelang.get_instr_desc i with
484 |
193 |
| MLocalAssign(lhs, expr)
... | ... | |
529 |
238 |
fprintf fmt "\"inputs\": [%a],@ " pp_emf_vars_decl
530 |
239 |
(* (let guard_inputs = get_expr_vars g in
531 |
240 |
VSet.elements (VSet.diff inputs guard_inputs)) -- previous version to
532 |
removed guard's variable from inputs *)
241 |
remove guard's variable from inputs *)
533 |
242 |
(VSet.elements inputs)
534 |
243 |
535 |
244 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"branches\": {@ %a@]}@ "
536 |
245 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ "
537 |
246 |
(fun fmt (tag, instrs_tag) ->
538 |
let (*branch_outputs*) _, branch_inputs = branch_block_vars instrs_tag in
539 |
247 |
let (*branch_outputs*) _, branch_inputs = branch_block_vars instrs_tag in
540 |
248 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"%s\": {@ " tag;
541 |
249 |
fprintf fmt "\"inputs\": [%a],@ " pp_emf_vars_decl (VSet.elements branch_inputs);
542 |
250 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"instrs\": {@ ";
543 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_instr2 m) fmt instrs_tag;
251 |
fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_instr m) fmt instrs_tag;
544 |
252 |
fprintf fmt "@]}@ ";
545 |
253 |
fprintf fmt "@]}"
546 |
254 |
... | ... | |
556 |
264 |
(reset_name f)
557 |
265 |
558 |
266 |
559 |
| MStep (outputs, f, inputs) -> (
267 |
| MStep (outputs, f, inputs) when not (is_imported_node f m) -> (
560 |
268 |
let node_f = Machine_code.get_node_def f m in
561 |
269 |
let is_stateful = List.mem_assoc f m.minstances in
562 |
270 |
fprintf fmt "\"kind\": \"%s\",@ \"name\": \"%s\",@ \"id\": \"%s\",@ "
... | ... | |
569 |
277 |
if is_stateful then fprintf fmt ",@ \"reset\": \"%s\"" (reset_name f) else fprintf fmt "@ "
570 |
278 |
571 |
279 |
280 |
| MStep(outputs, f, inputs ) -> (* This is an imported node *)
281 |
EMF_library_calls.pp_call fmt m f outputs inputs
282 |
572 |
283 |
| MComment _
573 |
284 |
-> Format.eprintf "unhandled comment in EMF@.@?"; assert false
574 |
285 |
(* not available for EMF output *)
... | ... | |
576 |
287 |
577 |
288 |
fprintf fmt "@[ @[<v 2>\"%a\": {@ " get_instr_id i;
578 |
289 |
fprintf fmt "%a@ " pp_content i;
579 |
(* fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"original_lustre_expr\": [@ \"%a\"@]]@]" (pp_original_lustre_expression m) i; *)
580 |
290 |
fprintf fmt "}@]"
581 |
291 |
582 |
292 |
583 |
584 |
(* A (normalized) node becomes a JSON struct
585 |
node foo (in1, in2: int) returns (out1, out2: int);
586 |
var x : int;
587 |
588 |
x = bar(in1, in2); -- a stateful node
589 |
out1 = x;
590 |
out2 = in2;
591 |
592 |
593 |
Since foo contains a stateful node, it is stateful itself. Its prototype is
594 |
extended with a reset input. When the node is reset, each of its "pre" expression
595 |
is reset as well as all calls to stateful node it contains.
596 |
597 |
will produce the following JSON struct:
598 |
"foo": {"kind": "stateful",
599 |
inputs: [{name: "in1", type: "int"},
600 |
{name: "in2", type: "int"},
601 |
602 |
outputs: [{name: "out1", type: "int"}, {name: "out2", type: "int"}],
603 |
locals: [{name: "x", type: "int"}],
604 |
instrs: {
605 |
def_x: { lhs: ["x"],
606 |
rhs: {type: "statefulcall", name: "bar",
607 |
args: [in1, in2], reset: [ni4_reset] }
608 |
609 |
610 |
def_out1: { lhs: "out1", rhs: "x" } ,
611 |
def_out2: { lhs: "out2", rhs: "in2"}
612 |
613 |
614 |
615 |
Basically we have the following different definitions
616 |
1. local assign of a variable to another one:
617 |
def_out1: { kind: "local_assign", lhs: "out1", rhs: "x" },
618 |
619 |
2. pre construct over a variable (this is a state assign):
620 |
def_pre_x: { kind: "pre", lhs: "pre_x", rhs: "x" },
621 |
622 |
3. arrow constructs, while there is not specific input, it could be reset
623 |
by a specific signal. We register it as a fresh rhs var:
624 |
def_arrow: { kind: "arrow", name: "ni4", lhs: "is_init", rhs: "reset_ni4"}
625 |
626 |
2. call to a stateless function, typically an operator
627 |
def_x: { kind: "statelesscall", lhs: ["x"],
628 |
name: "bar", rhs: [in1, in2]}
629 |
630 |
or in the operator version
631 |
def_x: { kind: "operator", lhs: ["x"],
632 |
name: "+", rhs: [in1, in2]}
633 |
634 |
635 |
In Simulink this should introduce a subsystem in the first case or a
636 |
regular block in the second with card(lhs) outputs and card{args} inputs.
637 |
638 |
3. call to a stateful node. It is similar to the stateless above,
639 |
with the addition of the reset argument
640 |
{ def_x: { kind: "statefulcall", lhs: ["x"],
641 |
name: "bar", rhs: [in1, in2], reset: [ni4_reset] }
642 |
643 |
644 |
In lustrec compilation phases, a unique id is associated to this specific
645 |
instance of stateful node "bar", here ni4.
646 |
Instruction such as reset(ni4) or noreset(ni4) may -- or not -- reset this
647 |
specific node. This corresponds to "every c" suffix of a node call in lustre.
648 |
649 |
In Simulink this should introduce a subsystem that has this extra reset input.
650 |
The reset should be defined as an "OR" over (1) the input reset of the parent
651 |
node, __reset in the present example and (2) any occurence of reset(ni4) in
652 |
the instructions.
653 |
654 |
4. branching construct: (guard expr, (tag, instr list) list)
655 |
"merge_XX": { type: "branch", guard: "var_guard",
656 |
inputs: ["varx", "vary"],
657 |
outputs: ["vark", "varz"],
658 |
branches: {"tag1": {liste_of_definitions (1-4)}, ...}
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
In Simulink, this should become one IF block to produce enable ports
663 |
"var_guard == tag1", "var_guard == tag2", .... as well as one action
664 |
block per branch: each of these action block shall
665 |
666 |
293 |
let pp_machine fmt m =
667 |
294 |
668 |
295 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v 2>\"%s\": {@ "
... | ... | |
676 |
303 |
pp_emf_vars_decl m.mstep.step_locals
677 |
304 |
678 |
305 |
fprintf fmt "\"instrs\": {@[<v 0> %a@]@ }"
679 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_instr2 m)) m.mstep.step_instrs;
306 |
(fprintf_list ~sep:",@ " (pp_emf_instr m)) m.mstep.step_instrs;
680 |
307 |
fprintf fmt "@]@ }"
681 |
308 |
with Unhandled msg -> (
682 |
309 |
eprintf "[Error] @[<v 0>EMF backend@ Issues while translating node %s@ "
Refactored EMF backend. Handle now the call to existing math and conv libraries