


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
.merlin 3 Bytes ae7d913d about 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Merlin files
lexerLustreSpec.mll 4.59 KB f9f06e7d about 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche - Module.load_header and load_program were merg...
lexer_lustre.mll 5.9 KB 19a1e66b about 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Added include directive that directly inject a ...
lexer_prelude.mll 3.21 KB 778c80fd over 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Some refactoring Adapted the parser/types/const... 2.45 KB 217837e2 about 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Unified compilation of lusi and lus files Diffe...
parserLustreSpec.mly 8.42 KB 778c80fd over 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Some refactoring Adapted the parser/types/const...
parser_lustre.mly 19.8 KB 217837e2 about 6 years Pierre-Loïc Garoche Unified compilation of lusi and lus files Diffe...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
217837e2 11/21/2018 08:15 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Unified compilation of lusi and lus files
Different parsers yet but shared process.
In case of lusi input the C backend is bypassed since the .h is generated from the lusic and no C code should be generated since it may overwrite existing manually written code...

19a1e66b 11/21/2018 05:58 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Added include directive that directly inject a lustre source file in the prog

f9f06e7d 11/20/2018 11:21 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Module.load_header and load_program were merged.
- Contract were extended with list of statements.

ae7d913d 11/16/2018 04:18 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merlin files

2d27eedd 10/08/2018 04:52 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Global type env and clock env now availble as a global reference (Global module)
- Adapted the parsing of specification with a cocospec compatible one
- The data structure of contracts is now almost cocospec compatible
- Lustrec-test has been updated to use the newest syntax

778c80fd 10/05/2018 07:54 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Some refactoring
Adapted the parser/types/constructors for cocospec syntax

View revisions

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