31 |
31 |
32 |
32 |
let suffixOld = "_old"
33 |
33 |
let suffixNew = "_new"
34 |
let pp_invariant_name fmt = fprintf fmt "invariant"
34 |
let pp_invariant_name fmt = fprintf fmt "inv"
35 |
35 |
let pp_transition_name fmt = fprintf fmt "transition"
36 |
36 |
let pp_init_name fmt = fprintf fmt "init"
37 |
37 |
let pp_state_name_predicate suffix fmt = fprintf fmt "%t%s" pp_state_name suffix
38 |
let pp_name_generic fmt = fprintf fmt "name"
39 |
let pp_type_generic fmt = fprintf fmt "string"
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
(** Printing function for basic assignement [var := value].
44 |
45 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
46 |
@param var_name the name of the variable
47 |
@param value the value to be assigned
48 |
49 |
let pp_local_eq env fmt var value =
50 |
fprintf fmt "%t = %a"
51 |
(pp_var_name var)
52 |
(pp_value env) value
53 |
54 |
(** Printing function for basic assignement [var := value].
55 |
56 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
57 |
@param var_name the name of the variable
58 |
@param value the value to be assigned
59 |
60 |
let pp_state_eq env fmt var value =
61 |
fprintf fmt "%t = %a"
62 |
(pp_access (pp_state_name_predicate suffixNew) (pp_var_name var))
63 |
(pp_value env) value
64 |
65 |
(** Printing function for instruction. See
66 |
{!type:Machine_code_types.instr_t} for more details on
67 |
machine types.
68 |
69 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed machine instances of this machine
70 |
@param machine the current machine
71 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
72 |
@param instr the instruction to print
73 |
74 |
let pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env (pps, assigned) instr =
75 |
let pp_state suffix i fmt = fprintf fmt "%t.%s" (pp_state_name_predicate suffix) i in
76 |
let fresh x l = not (List.exists (fun y -> String.equal x.var_id y.var_id) l) in
77 |
let pp, newvals =
78 |
match get_instr_desc instr with
79 |
(* no reset *)
80 |
| MNoReset _ -> ((fun fmt -> ()), [])
81 |
(* reset *)
82 |
| MReset i when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines ->
83 |
let (substitution, submachine) = get_instance i typed_submachines in
84 |
let pp_package = pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine in
85 |
let args = if is_machine_statefull submachine then [[pp_state suffixNew i]] else [] in
86 |
((fun fmt -> pp_call fmt (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_init_name), args)),
87 |
88 |
| MLocalAssign (ident, value) ->
89 |
assert(fresh ident assigned);
90 |
((fun fmt -> pp_local_eq env fmt ident value),
91 |
92 |
| MStateAssign (ident, value) ->
93 |
assert(fresh ident assigned);
94 |
((fun fmt -> pp_state_eq env fmt ident value),
95 |
96 |
| MStep ([i0], i, vl) when is_builtin_fun i ->
97 |
assert(fresh i0 assigned);
98 |
let value = mk_val (Fun (i, vl)) i0.var_type in
99 |
((fun fmt -> (if List.mem_assoc i0.var_id env then
100 |
pp_state_eq env fmt i0 value
101 |
102 |
pp_local_eq env fmt i0 value)),
103 |
104 |
| MStep (il, i, vl) when List.mem_assoc i typed_submachines ->
105 |
assert(List.for_all (fun x -> fresh x assigned) il);
106 |
let (substitution, submachine) = get_instance i typed_submachines in
107 |
let pp_package = pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitution submachine in
108 |
let input = List.map (fun x fmt -> pp_value env fmt x) vl in
109 |
let output = List.map pp_var_name il in
110 |
let args =
111 |
(if is_machine_statefull submachine then [[pp_state suffixOld i;pp_state suffixNew i]] else [])
112 |
@(if input!=[] then [input] else [])
113 |
@(if output!=[] then [output] else [])
114 |
115 |
((fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_call (pp_package_access (pp_package, pp_transition_name), args)),
116 |
117 |
| MComment s -> ((fun fmt -> ()), [])
118 |
| _ -> assert false
119 |
120 |
(pp::pps, newvals@assigned)
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
let pp_predicate_special pp_name args fmt content_opt =
134 |
let rec quantify pp_content = function
135 |
| [] -> pp_content
136 |
| (pp_var, pp_type)::q -> fun fmt ->
137 |
fprintf fmt "for some %t in %t => (@, @[<v>%t@])" pp_var pp_type (quantify pp_content q)
138 |
139 |
let content = match content_opt with
140 |
| Some (locals, booleans) -> Some (quantify (fun fmt -> Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:"@,and " (fun fmt pp->pp fmt) fmt booleans) locals)
141 |
| None -> None
142 |
143 |
pp_predicate pp_name args fmt content
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
38 |
let pp_axiomatize_package_name fmt = fprintf fmt "axiomatize"
148 |
39 |
149 |
40 |
(** Print the expression function representing the transition predicate.
150 |
41 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
151 |
42 |
@param machine the machine
152 |
43 |
153 |
let pp_init_predicate prototype typed_submachines fmt (opt_spec_machine, m) =
44 |
let pp_init_predicate typed_submachines fmt (opt_spec_machine, m) =
154 |
45 |
let new_state = (AdaIn, pp_state_name_predicate suffixNew, pp_state_type, None) in
155 |
let env = [] in
156 |
let instrs = push_if_in_expr m.minit in
157 |
let content = fst (List.fold_left (pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) ([], []) instrs) in
158 |
pp_predicate_special pp_init_name ([[new_state]]) fmt (if prototype then None else Some ([], content))
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
46 |
pp_predicate pp_init_name [[new_state]] true fmt None
163 |
47 |
164 |
48 |
(** Print the expression function representing the transition predicate.
165 |
49 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
166 |
50 |
@param machine the machine
167 |
51 |
168 |
let pp_transition_predicate prototype typed_submachines fmt (opt_spec_machine, m) =
52 |
let pp_transition_predicate typed_submachines fmt (opt_spec_machine, m) =
169 |
53 |
let old_state = (AdaIn, pp_state_name_predicate suffixOld, pp_state_type, None) in
170 |
54 |
let new_state = (AdaIn, pp_state_name_predicate suffixNew, pp_state_type, None) in
171 |
let env = List.map (fun x -> x.var_id, pp_state_name_predicate suffixOld) m.mmemory in
172 |
55 |
let inputs = build_pp_var_decl_step_input AdaIn None m in
173 |
56 |
let outputs = build_pp_var_decl_step_output AdaIn None m in
174 |
let instrs = push_if_in_expr m.mstep.step_instrs in
175 |
let content = fst (List.fold_left (pp_machine_instr typed_submachines env) ([], []) instrs) in
176 |
let locals = List.map (fun x-> (pp_var_name x, fun fmt -> pp_var_type fmt x)) m.mstep.step_locals in
177 |
pp_predicate_special pp_transition_name ([[old_state; new_state]]@inputs@outputs) fmt (if prototype then None else Some (locals, content))
178 |
179 |
let build_pp_past mode with_st i = (mode, pp_past_name (i+1), pp_state_type , with_st)
180 |
181 |
let pp_invariant_predicate prototype typed_submachines fmt (past_size, opt_spec_machine, m) =
182 |
let pp_state nbr = if nbr = 0 then pp_state_name else pp_past_name nbr in
183 |
if past_size < 1 then fprintf fmt "" else
184 |
185 |
let pp_var x fmt =
186 |
pp_clean_ada_identifier fmt x
187 |
188 |
let input = List.map pp_var_name m.mstep.step_inputs in
189 |
let output = List.map pp_var_name m.mstep.step_outputs in
190 |
let args =
191 |
[[pp_old pp_state_name;pp_state_name]]
192 |
@(if input!=[] then [input] else [])
193 |
@(if output!=[] then [output] else [])
194 |
195 |
let transition fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_transition_name, args) in
196 |
197 |
let pp_append_nbr pp nbr fmt = fprintf fmt "%t_%i" pp nbr in
198 |
let pp_transition nbr fmt =
199 |
assert(is_machine_statefull m);
200 |
let args =
201 |
[[pp_past_name (nbr+1);pp_state nbr]]
202 |
@(if input!=[] then [input] else [])
203 |
@(if output!=[] then [output] else [])
204 |
205 |
pp_call fmt (pp_transition_name, args)
206 |
207 |
let build_chain nbr =
208 |
assert (nbr > 0);
209 |
pp_and (init pp_transition nbr)
210 |
211 |
let pp_init nbr fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_init_name, [[pp_state nbr]]) in
212 |
let rec build_initial nbr = pp_and (match nbr with
213 |
| 0 -> [pp_init 0]
214 |
| i when i > 0 -> [pp_init i;build_chain i]
215 |
| _ -> assert false)
216 |
217 |
let content = pp_or ((build_chain (past_size-1))::(init build_initial (past_size-1))) in
218 |
fprintf fmt ";@,@,%a" (pp_predicate pp_invariant_name [init (build_pp_past AdaIn None) (past_size-1);[build_pp_state_decl AdaIn None]]) (if prototype then None else Some content)
219 |
220 |
221 |
57 |
pp_predicate pp_transition_name ([[old_state; new_state]]@inputs@outputs) true fmt None
222 |
58 |
59 |
let pp_invariant_predicate typed_submachines fmt (opt_spec_machine, m) =
60 |
pp_predicate pp_invariant_name [[build_pp_state_decl AdaIn None]] true fmt None
223 |
61 |
224 |
62 |
(** Print a new statement instantiating a generic package.
225 |
63 |
@param fmt the formater to print on
... | ... | |
229 |
67 |
let pp_new_package fmt (substitutions, machine) =
230 |
68 |
let pp_name = pp_package_name machine in
231 |
69 |
let pp_new_name = pp_package_name_with_polymorphic substitutions machine in
232 |
let instanciations = ((pp_name_generic, pp_adastring pp_name))::(List.map (fun (id, typ) -> (pp_polymorphic_type id, fun fmt -> pp_type fmt typ)) substitutions) in
70 |
let instanciations = List.map (fun (id, typ) -> (pp_polymorphic_type id, fun fmt -> pp_type fmt typ)) substitutions in
233 |
71 |
pp_package_instanciation pp_new_name pp_name fmt instanciations
234 |
72 |
235 |
73 |
(** Remove duplicates from a list according to a given predicate.
... | ... | |
259 |
97 |
@param typed_submachines list of all typed submachines of this machine
260 |
98 |
@param m the machine
261 |
99 |
262 |
let pp_file fmt (typed_submachines, ((m_spec_opt, guarantees, past_size), m)) =
100 |
let pp_file fmt (typed_submachines, ((m_spec_opt, guarantees), m)) =
263 |
101 |
let typed_machines = snd (List.split typed_submachines) in
264 |
102 |
let typed_machines_set = remove_duplicates eq_typed_machine typed_machines in
265 |
103 |
... | ... | |
268 |
106 |
let polymorphic_types = find_all_polymorphic_type m in
269 |
107 |
270 |
108 |
let typed_machines_to_instanciate =
271 |
(*List.filter (fun (l, _) -> l != [])*) typed_machines_set in
109 |
List.filter (fun (l, _) -> l != []) typed_machines_set in
272 |
110 |
273 |
111 |
let typed_instances = List.filter is_submachine_statefull typed_submachines in
274 |
112 |
275 |
113 |
let memories = match m_spec_opt with
276 |
114 |
| None -> []
277 |
| Some m -> List.map (fun x-> pp_var_decl (build_pp_var_decl AdaNoMode (Some (true, [], [])) x)) m.mmemory
115 |
| Some m -> List.map (fun x-> pp_var_decl (build_pp_var_decl AdaNoMode (Some (true, false, [], [])) x)) m.mmemory
278 |
116 |
279 |
117 |
let ghost_private = memories in
280 |
118 |
281 |
119 |
let vars_spec = match m_spec_opt with
282 |
120 |
| None -> []
283 |
| Some m_spec -> List.map (build_pp_var_decl AdaNoMode (Some (true, [], []))) (m_spec.mmemory)
121 |
| Some m_spec -> List.map (build_pp_var_decl AdaNoMode (Some (true, false, [], []))) (m_spec.mmemory)
284 |
122 |
285 |
123 |
let vars = List.map (build_pp_var_decl AdaNoMode None) m.mmemory in
286 |
124 |
let states = List.map (build_pp_state_decl_from_subinstance AdaNoMode None) typed_instances in
... | ... | |
296 |
134 |
297 |
135 |
298 |
136 |
let pp_state_decl_and_reset fmt =
299 |
let init fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_init_name, [[pp_state_name]]) in
300 |
let contract = Some (false, [], [init]) in
137 |
let init fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_access pp_axiomatize_package_name pp_init_name, [[pp_state_name]]) in
138 |
let contract = Some (false, false, [], [init]) in
301 |
139 |
fprintf fmt "%t;@,@,%a;@,@,"
302 |
140 |
(*Declare the state type*)
303 |
141 |
(pp_type_decl pp_state_type AdaPrivate)
... | ... | |
307 |
145 |
308 |
146 |
309 |
147 |
let pp_private_section fmt =
310 |
fprintf fmt "@,private@,@,%a%t%a;@,@,%a;@,@,%a%a%t%a"
148 |
fprintf fmt "@,private@,@,%a%t%a%t%a"
311 |
149 |
(*Instantiate the polymorphic type that need to be instantiated*)
312 |
150 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@," pp_new_package) typed_machines_to_instanciate
313 |
151 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty ";@,@," typed_machines_to_instanciate)
... | ... | |
315 |
153 |
(*Define the state type*)
316 |
154 |
pp_ifstatefull (fun fmt-> pp_record pp_state_type fmt var_lists)
317 |
155 |
318 |
(*Declare the init predicate*)
319 |
(pp_init_predicate false typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
320 |
321 |
(*Declare the transition predicate*)
322 |
(pp_transition_predicate false typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
323 |
324 |
(*Declare the transition predicate*)
325 |
(pp_invariant_predicate false typed_submachines) (past_size, m_spec_opt, m)
326 |
327 |
156 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty ";@,@," ghost_private)
328 |
157 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@," (fun fmt pp -> pp fmt)) ghost_private
329 |
158 |
... | ... | |
344 |
173 |
@(if input!=[] then [input] else [])
345 |
174 |
@(if output!=[] then [output] else [])
346 |
175 |
347 |
let transition fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_transition_name, args) in
348 |
let invariant fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_invariant_name, [init (fun i->pp_past_name (i+1)) (past_size-1);[pp_state_name]]) in
349 |
if past_size > 0 then
350 |
[invariant], [transition;invariant]
351 |
352 |
[], [transition]
176 |
let transition fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_access pp_axiomatize_package_name pp_transition_name, args) in
177 |
let invariant fmt = pp_call fmt (pp_access pp_axiomatize_package_name pp_invariant_name, [[pp_state_name]]) in
178 |
[invariant], [transition;invariant]
353 |
179 |
354 |
180 |
355 |
181 |
[], []
... | ... | |
359 |
185 |
if post_conditions = [] && pre_conditions = [] then
360 |
186 |
361 |
187 |
362 |
Some (false, pre_conditions, post_conditions)
188 |
Some (false, false, pre_conditions, post_conditions)
363 |
189 |
364 |
let pp_guarantee name = pp_var_decl (AdaNoMode, (fun fmt -> pp_clean_ada_identifier fmt name), pp_boolean_type , (Some (true, [], []))) in
365 |
let pasts = List.map pp_var_decl (init (build_pp_past AdaNoMode (Some (true, [], []))) (past_size-1)) in
366 |
let ghost_public = pasts@(List.map pp_guarantee guarantees) in
367 |
fprintf fmt "@,%a%t%a%a%a@,@,%a;@,@,%a%a;%t"
190 |
let pp_guarantee name = pp_var_decl (AdaNoMode, (fun fmt -> pp_clean_ada_identifier fmt name), pp_boolean_type , (Some (true, false, [], []))) in
191 |
let ghost_public = List.map pp_guarantee guarantees in
192 |
fprintf fmt "@,%a%t%a%a%a@,@,%a;@,@,%t"
368 |
193 |
369 |
194 |
(Utils.fprintf_list ~sep:";@," (fun fmt pp -> pp fmt)) ghost_public
370 |
195 |
(Utils.pp_final_char_if_non_empty ";@,@," ghost_public)
... | ... | |
376 |
201 |
377 |
202 |
pp_ifstatefull (fun fmt -> fprintf fmt ";@,")
378 |
203 |
379 |
(*Declare the init predicate*)
380 |
(pp_init_predicate true typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
381 |
382 |
(*Declare the transition predicate*)
383 |
(pp_transition_predicate true typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
384 |
385 |
(*Declare the transition predicate*)
386 |
(pp_invariant_predicate true typed_submachines) (past_size, m_spec_opt, m)
204 |
(pp_package (pp_axiomatize_package_name) [] false)
205 |
(fun fmt -> fprintf fmt "pragma Annotate (GNATProve, External_Axiomatization);@,@,%a;@,%a;@,%a"
206 |
(*Declare the init predicate*)
207 |
(pp_init_predicate typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
208 |
(*Declare the transition predicate*)
209 |
(pp_transition_predicate typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
210 |
(*Declare the invariant predicate*)
211 |
(pp_invariant_predicate typed_submachines) (m_spec_opt, m)
212 |
387 |
213 |
388 |
214 |
(*Print the private section*)
389 |
215 |
390 |
216 |
391 |
217 |
392 |
218 |
let pp_poly_type id = pp_type_decl (pp_polymorphic_type id) AdaPrivate in
393 |
let pp_generics = (pp_var_decl (AdaNoMode, pp_name_generic, pp_type_generic , None))::(List.map pp_poly_type polymorphic_types) in
219 |
let pp_generics = List.map pp_poly_type polymorphic_types in
394 |
220 |
395 |
221 |
fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a%t%a;@]@."
396 |
222 |
Ada: Start cleaning Ada to prepare for why beckend