New version of the VHDL importer with pretty printing based on ppx_show
Functional VHDL importer
Added support for subprograms, variables assignments, aggregate, others
Refactoring of vhdl data types
Added support for Process statements, signal assignment, If, Exit and Null sequential statements
Added postprocessing for numeric literals
Ongoing work on json vhdl to vhdl structure conversion
Working example!
Pom pom pom
Sample value for VHDL
Main lustrei
Compiling - while doing nothing :)
Bootstrapping VHDL importer/exporter
bug wrt normalization. Didn't take clock into account.
Merge branch 'unstable' of into unstable
updated division for Horn clauses
corrected euclidean division in C code
Provide back the previous behavior concerning parsing spec.
Merge branch 'cocospec' of into unstable
Merge branch 'euclidean' into unstable
Merge branch 'euclidean' of into euclidean
introduced euclidean/C-like division in C code generation
Euclidean div/mod treatment in Horn backend
Issues with typing pp_basic_lib_fun
Tentative to rely on Kind parser for contracts
Produce condition coverage for basic boolean expressions. To be improved with a simpler condition.
[lustrec/mcdc/ improved the MCDC output
Tuning the pretty printing of Salsa plugin
Homogenizing the API for salsa and its use within the plugin
Some tentative improvement of Salsa plugin. Not satisfying yet
Moved mk_fresh_var from normalization to corelang
[scopes] Producing the appropriate scope label
NumMartel functions
Merging unstable into salsa
Merge branch 'unstable' into salsa
Basic library printers moved into backend specific printer files
Further restructuring:-* to define basic builder for arrow (node, name, ...)- machine_code_common similar to corelang but for machine_code (printers, some builders, ...)- machine_code restricted to the translatation from normalized nodes to machines
MLI for normalization and machine_code.Structs defining machines are now in machine_code_types
- Makefile: solved dependency problem when compiling include lusi- Renamed type declarations as lustre_types and machine_code_types
Updated TODOChanged selection of files in odocl
Recursive resolution of dependencies
Ongoing work on salsa: introduce slicing of expr
[lustresf] work in progress. Added global env with initial values
Conditional activation of machine type plugin. currently a little buggy. Shall be desactivated.
Updated Salsa plugin to latest version of Salsa.Some issues wrt machine type features.Work in progress
Solved issue with typing of enumerated types
[general] large modification: added machine types, a second typing phase dealing with machine types (eg uint8) typing was transformed as a functor and parametrized by basic types (int/real/bool) it can also be applied multiple times on the same program
[lustret] improved enumeration of mutants
[lustret] When generating MC/DC conditions, produce them as EMF XML output
Type issue Bytes vs string
[lustret] More effective mutants generation Solved the misrenaming of imported nodes (eg int_to_real)
[main] node locals are now sorted according to their dependencies wrt clocks. The produced lustre node with types shall now be compilable
[main] cleaned superfluous empty line in generated lustre output
[main] enum typedef in C use the original lustre filename as identifier. This commit cleans the filename to remove dots.
[mutations] solved issues with - mutations that could not be performed (ie. changing an integer constants when no integer constant appear in the program) - infinite computation of mutants, because of unproper randomization.
No existing input file returns a 1 error code
[stateflow] some progress, linking the parsed json to lustrec engine. Some variables are not yet typed. To investigate ...
[general] adding more entry rules for lustre parser to extract expressions, vdecl_list and statement list
[global] reordered local vars, keeping the declared ones before the others. Was mandatory for clocked expressions in compiled automata.
[salsa] cleaning verbose logs
[general] Refactor get_node_eqs to produce (eqs, auts) with automatons
Forcing mpfr status when -real mpfr asked. Default precision is 100 bits.
[lustresf] lustresf targets are optional in Makefiles (see
Merge branch 'unstable-merge' into unstable
[lustresf] use Unix package
[lustresf] add Program constructor in model examples + sf_sem
[JSON] remove pretty-printing functions declarations in cPS_transformer
[lustresf] refactoring automata generation using functions
simple conflict when merging unstable and json-parser
[general] print types before nodes in lustre output
typo in src/
[lustresf] Some progress: automaton compiles but not when preprocessed
[EMF] Less verbose
[MCDC] Solved some issues and transformed the code from iterators to fold
[lustret] bug solved in file path
[lustret] mutation report is create in initial folder
[lustret] Improved mutation with json traceability
New function in Location to access to line number
Moved stage1 in separate file: it is shared among binaries
[EMF] adding original name field in the JSON
[EMF] Added the reset signal (the every argument) as input to the JSON struct
Solving a warning with ocaml 4.04 and uppercase_ascii. Provides backward compatibility for 4.02
Issue with clocked expressions. Now handled throught a local branch, ie. a single action block in Simulink
Missing last fprintf @. in the lustre output
json-parser: correct parser for regex for real variables with e|E
json-parser: add test for real variable with e|E
json-parser: correct bug on real variables value
json-parser: add string_of_XXX functions for assertions
json-parser: test exception for variables
json-parser: switch arguments for assert_equal (expected/actual)
json-parser: use JSON_parse_error exception