


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
7a4fd94d 07/11/2019 08:59 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Output folder for seal-extract

58301109 07/07/2019 03:24 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Zustre: Bug solved in const injection for reals

8c934ccd 07/04/2019 06:35 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

lustrev seal: ongoing work on extraction as dynamical system. Still not working yet

51106b7e 11/16/2018 11:31 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Fixing issues with changes in machine code

7d77632f 06/22/2018 06:24 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Added two fresh vars counter and uid.
uid is a list of integer denoting the specific instance of a stateful/stateless node.

57d61d67 06/22/2018 11:24 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

New option to select github version of Z3
Added Yojson dependency in lustrev
Some progress on Cex generation

998766b4 06/11/2018 09:37 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

missing file

4300981b 06/11/2018 06:44 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Zustre: timeout and slicing

2f7c9195 05/30/2018 04:02 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

zustre progress. Issues with sliced predicates

3d3718ae 05/29/2018 08:59 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

package z3 to Z3 when using z3 github repo.

df00d682 05/29/2018 01:49 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Adding input in MAIN fdecl

dbab1fe5 05/29/2018 12:09 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[lustrev] fixed some issues when calling Z3. Seems working for the moment: basic call to Z3 and sat/unsat result

9f3de818 05/18/2018 08:05 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Some progress on zustre

51ec4e8c 04/18/2018 03:29 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Try to debug the use of Z3 API. Still having troubles

ef609cc9 04/07/2018 12:55 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Zustre: do not declare variables as Fixedpoint relations

8eeec77e 04/06/2018 11:56 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Filtering out ERR and MAIN from the forall quantification

5778dd5e 04/06/2018 11:19 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Some progress on zustre2