Minor comments update
Start of the Lustre generator
Update of the command line
Added command line parameters
definition of the mini-vhdl types + pp + transformation from vhdl structure
Split PP and Yojson in separate ml for vhdl ast
PP update: component instantiation type, archi format, port & generic decl in components, signal conditions, return statements expression
Printer corrections: signal_condition, conditional_signal, elsif, when conditions, F***ing non-brekaing characters
Qualified expressions, default values for expressions, pp for association_elements
Use clauses in package definition
Conditional signals selection, waveform with delay
PP for Subprogram
Default value corrections
Added support for declarative items
Added support for use clause in architecture declarations
Corrections on component instantiation
Added support for Component declarations in packages
Added support for constants units
Main executable now throws exceptions when parsing errors
Added support for Array,Record,Enumeration constructs
Added support for ProcedureCall statements
Update of the component instantiation type to add architecture name reference
Added support for component instantiation
Cleaned main importer, now outputs only the vhdl code
Correction of Variables,Signals,Constants definitions of initial values. Now uses an expression.
Update of importer to display only last version of pretty printed vhdl code
New version of the vhdl import + compilation
Renaming of cst_val_t type as vhdl_cst_val_t
New version of the VHDL importer with pretty printing based on ppx_show
Functional VHDL importer
Added support for subprograms, variables assignments, aggregate, others
Refactoring of vhdl data types
Added support for Process statements, signal assignment, If, Exit and Null sequential statements
Added postprocessing for numeric literals
Ongoing work on json vhdl to vhdl structure conversion
Main lustrei