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# Date Author Comment
ff6ba54e 05/16/2018 03:34 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Produce condition coverage for basic boolean expressions. To be improved with a simpler condition.

8cacf677 05/15/2018 02:38 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[lustrec/mcdc/ improved the MCDC output

8446bf03 03/30/2018 05:54 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Makefile: solved dependency problem when compiling include lusi
- Renamed type declarations as lustre_types and machine_code_types

66359a5e 01/31/2018 07:27 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[general] large modification: added machine types, a second typing phase dealing with machine types (eg uint8)
typing was transformed as a functor and parametrized by basic types (int/real/bool)
it can also be applied multiple times on the same program

3e1d20e0 11/15/2017 09:12 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[MCDC] Solved some issues and transformed the code from iterators to fold

2fdbc781 04/27/2017 10:42 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Cleaning output:
- no more classic display for ocamlc
- compilation warnings removed

bde99c3f 04/06/2017 04:27 PM Xavier Thirioux

This is the first merge that does compile. Not tested yet.

40d33d55 04/05/2017 04:53 PM Xavier Thirioux

first version (doesn't even compile) of mutation and test generation standalone command: lustret
mostly a recovery of an ancient svn repo: mutations