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# Date Author Comment
95fb046e 10/24/2018 01:33 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Scheduling of node equations is now attached to machine type

2fb97ad4 03/30/2018 11:43 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge conflict solved

2863281f 03/30/2018 11:14 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Further restructuring:
-* to define basic builder for arrow (node, name, ...)
- machine_code_common similar to corelang but for machine_code (printers, some builders, ...)
- machine_code restricted to the translatation from normalized nodes to machines

089f94be 03/30/2018 10:43 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

MLI for normalization and machine_code.
Structs defining machines are now in machine_code_types