


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
145379a9 06/30/2017 06:58 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Improved EMF backend. Working on the whole fmcad suite

397d5ae3 06/27/2017 06:36 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Copied Printers.pp_expr functions to Horn backend to escape < and > in XML traces output

1bff14ac 06/23/2017 06:13 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Added a field lustre_eq to machine instruction in order to record the originating lustre equation
- EMF backend now impose the optimization level to be set to 0 in order to avoid equation elimination that would render traceability difficult
- has been split into / only contains references and no functions

3ca27bc7 06/23/2017 04:07 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Addtional encapsulation of machine_code instr in a struct to enable future extension of type with more metadata.
- Improved EMF backend with META information

7ab1c5bd 06/22/2017 05:21 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

- Added a precision parameter for io_frontend "real" types
- New fonction in plugins: main_loop_body_prefix

32539b6d 06/22/2017 04:25 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Changed encoding of matlab expression inputs from u(xx) to uxx.

f7caf067 06/22/2017 04:18 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

EMF backend now relies on machine code representation.
- EMF backend has an extra machines argument
- specific option to avoid merge of ite constructs
- set_backend function to improve backend selection

Most code was extracted from seahorn_backend through c0f8

97be8db8 06/22/2017 03:45 AM Teme Kahsai

fixed matlab output

1411704e 06/22/2017 03:44 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Changed the matlab function backend

37419cf4 06/21/2017 08:46 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Missing file

30dee850 06/21/2017 08:46 PM Teme Kahsai

fixed matlab output

d3e837ea 06/21/2017 08:46 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Changed the matlab function backend

b7258fa5 06/21/2017 08:42 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'unstable' into seahorn_a6df3
a6df3 is the initial commit of branch seahorn

a6974c82 05/17/2017 12:21 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[Horn] Workaround to prevent the use of declared keywords as node name

5d08c49e 05/17/2017 10:13 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Solved printing bug in Horn backend

990210f3 05/16/2017 04:57 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Improved include folders behaviors:
- allow multiple -I dir, will be used in order (first one declared
is first used)

- when declaring a global library #open <foo>, foo is first checked
in local folders, than in global one (install path). This
does not apply to local libraries opened with #open "foo".

521e2a6b 05/16/2017 10:56 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

trying to improving pretty printing. Not so perfect for the moment

44686ab5 04/28/2017 08:07 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Missing file c_backend_lusic

2fdbc781 04/27/2017 10:42 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Cleaning output:
- no more classic display for ocamlc
- compilation warnings removed

375cbca2 04/27/2017 09:57 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'unstable' into merge_mauve_unstable

09121c1a 04/27/2017 12:19 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'testgen' into merging_unstable_testgen

d2d9d4cb 04/26/2017 11:25 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Missing files

85da3a4b 04/26/2017 11:23 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'unstable' into merging_plugins
Non regression results were similar to master branch

a97d3e02 04/25/2017 10:57 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Printing reals in Horn backend

4e809854 04/25/2017 09:41 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Cosmetic changes

5e7cecdd 04/25/2017 09:41 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

More informative error message in case of untyped value

4dc6ecde 04/06/2017 04:31 PM Xavier Thirioux

Deprecated function changed for compatibility with ocaml 4.04

bde99c3f 04/06/2017 04:27 PM Xavier Thirioux

This is the first merge that does compile. Not tested yet.

86854b27 03/06/2017 01:43 PM David Doose

adding dealloc

7fcfaf49 03/06/2017 01:32 PM David Doose

Merge branch 'master' into mauve

80f93e0a 03/03/2017 05:12 PM Xavier Thirioux

added deallocation for dynamic memory allocation scheme

be206ad8 03/03/2017 03:32 PM David Doose

adding & in shell

08fd9ec8 03/03/2017 03:26 PM David Doose

mauve generator with annotations

d1b9423d 03/02/2017 06:12 PM David Doose

mauve generator: first shot

52c5ba00 03/01/2017 10:47 AM David Doose

adding c++ backend

92ff8f1b 02/01/2017 12:21 AM Teme Kahsai

fix tracebility

a6df3992 01/31/2017 08:22 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Working on EMF backend to express cocospec infos as Simulink blocks

d7e04983 01/13/2017 01:17 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

[Horn] Updated traceability of Horn backend to deal with fby (arrow machines)

042dc586 01/11/2017 10:02 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Revert some ocaml code to ocaml 4.01 compatibility

dcafc99b 01/11/2017 12:28 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'github_master' into integ_github_jan10
Intregrate all modifs by Teme et al

60f23302 01/10/2017 01:35 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'master' of

6fa45cb6 01/10/2017 01:35 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Changed the generated C file to produce input and output csv files (named inXX and outXX)

d128bbd4 01/06/2017 08:04 PM Teme Kahsai

fixed sfunction detetction

9f77bff7 01/06/2017 08:11 AM Teme Kahsai

adding math.smt2

44ce4da8 01/04/2017 12:30 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Solved some issues with commited code (like it doesn't compile). The code was written by Teme's student and
- did not rely on existing function
- used strange fprintf code

Code was refactored but old stuff kept in comment just in case. Will have to be cleaned at some point.

e057dd08 12/30/2016 10:47 PM Teme Kahsai

adjusting travis

7ad4ff7c 12/30/2016 09:29 PM Teme Kahsai

Merge branch 'master' into master

1b57e111 12/30/2016 09:20 PM Teme Kahsai

adding sfunction support

2dd3d358 12/29/2016 07:18 AM Teme Kahsai

making library statically link to horn backend

fc476249 12/28/2016 01:00 AM Teme Kahsai

adding -I options to lustrec

822f31e1 12/08/2016 05:55 PM Teme Kahsai

updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04

323c5b19 12/08/2016 05:46 PM Teme Kahsai

updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04

3b2bd83d 12/08/2016 05:37 PM Teme Kahsai

updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04

84902260 10/12/2016 11:44 PM jbraine


85a6f473 09/30/2016 06:41 PM Teme Kahsai

adding onera automata version

bb1b5e04 09/28/2016 10:16 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Ongoing work on c backend for makefile. Does not compile yet

dc893173 09/07/2016 05:38 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

moving C files name declaration in backend. Preparation for additional cmake target

f3d244c1 08/09/2016 10:01 PM Xavier Thirioux


45f0f48d 08/09/2016 09:31 PM Xavier Thirioux


fea041c5 08/09/2016 09:25 PM Xavier Thirioux

new branch for merging mpfr and horn

04a63d25 08/06/2016 10:29 AM Xavier Thirioux

full merge of salsa/mpfr and master

3cdd2147 06/02/2016 01:45 AM Teme Kahsai

fixed assert compilation in case of stateless program

bad9b6b2 02/23/2016 10:49 PM Teme Kahsai

Updated to onera_git commit version 9421e24

a1daa793 02/23/2016 10:47 PM Teme Kahsai

Updated to onera_git commit version 9421e24

ca88e660 01/08/2016 05:37 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Resolved conflict when merging salsa with horn_encoding. The current branch is the most updated.

f0bff3e5 01/08/2016 01:41 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'salsa' into merge_salsa_horn_2
Postponed conflicts to be solved

a7e70823 01/07/2016 10:55 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Clean old and resolved TODO

8d0c1f8e 01/07/2016 06:44 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

fixed a z3 bug for => within Horn clauses

cf9cc6f9 01/07/2016 04:43 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Introduced the opposite of Reset call: NoReset. This simplify the general compilation process and makes the code more symmetric, hence simpler and clearer code.

2ed9b6f2 01/07/2016 04:41 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

solved bug: missing parenthesis in enum typedef

8eee42de 01/07/2016 04:41 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Refined the dependencies in the generated makefile

5df5dd85 12/16/2015 03:18 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Merge branch 'master' into horn_enum_types


bdcbb2a1 12/15/2015 05:40 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Solved bug with C backend

84462531 12/15/2015 01:56 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Added by default -O0

7ec8e203 12/09/2015 12:40 AM Teme Kahsai


f6acf47b 11/26/2015 06:17 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Plugin based framework

445e80ae 11/26/2015 05:30 PM Xavier Thirioux
53206908 11/26/2015 04:45 PM Xavier Thirioux

major branche merging salsa/mpfr with trunk

d7b73fed 11/21/2015 10:14 PM Xavier Thirioux

bug correction in typing: tuple types were computed but not recorded

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

89137ae1 11/21/2015 10:14 PM Xavier Thirioux

bug correction in typing: tuple types were computed but not recorded

0dee2bc1 11/20/2015 06:41 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Refactoring of the horn backend with Reset/Step instead of Init/Step.
Teme, please perform a string non regression test wrt the previous version, to make sure we have the same model checking results.

89bc26df 11/16/2015 05:23 PM Teme Kahsai

remove duplication

55537f48 11/07/2015 11:48 PM Xavier Thirioux

bug corrected: in some cases, local const vars were assigned twice

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

da07e470 11/07/2015 11:48 PM Xavier Thirioux

bug corrected: in some cases, local const vars were assigned twice

2d179f5b 11/07/2015 07:40 PM Xavier Thirioux

numerous bugs corrected:
- bug in expansion of array accesses with constant arrays
- bug in printing complex array indexes (not C compliant)
- bug wrt C99 typing policy for constant arrays
- bug in signaling wrong useless static input

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

79614a15 11/07/2015 07:40 PM Xavier Thirioux

numerous bugs corrected:
- bug in expansion of array accesses with constant arrays
- bug in printing complex array indexes (not C compliant)
- bug wrt C99 typing policy for constant arrays
- bug in signaling wrong useless static input

2580acfd 11/06/2015 06:09 PM Teme Kahsai

fixed a printing bug in horn backend

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

6c4902ae 11/06/2015 06:09 PM Teme Kahsai

fixed a printing bug in horn backend

4347ae0c 10/13/2015 10:29 PM Teme Kahsai

changes to horn

50f7d587 10/09/2015 07:23 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

bug:double def fr init rules

9cb34634 10/09/2015 07:19 PM Teme Kahsai

revereted to previous commit

7c95dcab 10/08/2015 07:11 PM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Two fresh branches :)
to manage enum and arrays in the horn backend.

e41592cf 05/05/2015 09:38 PM Teme Kahsai

Bug fixed (454), more on travis

cdf01754 05/05/2015 07:30 PM Teme Kahsai

small logging change

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

ad6b7375 05/05/2015 07:30 PM Teme Kahsai

small logging change

e2068500 05/05/2015 01:54 AM Teme Kahsai

first commit

8deaa2dd 05/05/2015 01:17 AM Teme Kahsai

do not use lusi for horn, and some logging for horn

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

9c4624e4 05/05/2015 01:17 AM Teme Kahsai

do not use lusi for horn, and some logging for horn

14c56a07 04/08/2015 11:01 PM Xavier Thirioux

some tiny mistakes corrected...

git-svn-id: 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e

4f4a77a4 04/08/2015 11:01 PM Xavier Thirioux

some tiny mistakes corrected...