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# Date Author Comment
d29fbec5 09/27/2021 01:36 PM Lélio Brun

working version for stateful contracts

e164af45 09/21/2021 11:23 AM Lélio Brun

working version with additional asserts to make the axiom work

5b98398a 07/29/2021 04:02 PM Lélio Brun

first version working with stateless contracts

d978c46e 06/30/2021 06:10 PM Lélio Brun

start instrumenting the main C function

cc852504 06/30/2021 11:21 AM Lélio Brun

comment dead code with (* XXX: UNUSED *) disclaimer

a7062da6 06/28/2021 09:52 PM Lélio Brun

another step towards refactoring

50a8778a 06/25/2021 12:35 PM Lélio Brun

refactoring first step