Ada: typo
fix conflicts
Ada: pretty printing of reset function
Ada: Remove generation of init and clear and some refactoring around prototype.
Ada Change private to limited private for State type package.
Ada: Add the generation of the wrapper file : the main ada file and the project. It is calledonly if the main node option is given to lustrec. This feature implied some refactoring. Alsoadded some OCaml Doc to undocummented functions.
Ada: Add to the machine state all its subinstance states. Improve also identifier cleaning
Ada: Changed type name for states and normalized variable name to match ada requirements.
Ada: Add prototype of the four procedure in the adb generation
Ada: Add the state variable in the ads, type definition and as parameter of all procedure
Ada: Move some functions from to
3 main modifications : - Create a new file : which contains all the function common to adb and ads. - Add comment to function - Generate the procedure prototype in the ads