


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:

# Date Author Comment
9bdfc99f 03/06/2014 03:39 PM Xavier Thirioux

corrected bug in arrow macros names, added storage attribute for static alloc macros, option -d now creates the destination directory if needed, with current dir as file permissions

c6acbdaa 03/05/2014 04:32 PM Xavier Thirioux

answer to #feature 50:
- arrows are now factorized out and become part of include
as files arrow.h and arrow.c
- no more arrows in generated code
- compiling and linking arrow.c is only necessary
in case of dynamic allocation
- version now includes installation prefix (for the standard lib)...

0cbf0839 10/02/2013 08:13 AM Pierre-Loïc Garoche

Moved files to trunk in lustre_compiler