missing header files in dune install targets
setup tests for dune
[MPFR] add more functions and better treatment of print output variables in main.c
Solved issue btw mpfr and conv functions (int_to_real was not handled)
No need for open lustrec_math inside simulink_math_fcn. It creates an error when they are both imported in the same lustre file.
Merge branch 'salsa' into lustrec-seal
Better production of trace files.By default traces are not produced. Requires the option -t to produce them
Merge branch 'unstable' into lustrec-seal
Merge branch 'master' into unstable
Issues with linking Z3 on OSX
math fun lib support in MPFR
add more conversion libraries
fix rem and mod
add tanh
[lustrev] forced the z3 lib to be loaded before others when using the provided bash script.
Add the script to update LD_LIBRARY_PATH for z3
add lustrec math functions
Recursive resolution of dependencies
add fmod function in include/simulink_math_fcn.lusi
Added some libm functions to lustrec_math.lusi
A math library for some functions used in Simulink
Renamed math lib into lustrec_math to avoid conflicting calls to <math.h>
io_frontend header with new functions
Flushing after printing in io_frontend functions
Removed duplicate tan definition in math.lusi
add tan function to math.lusi
Merge branch 'unstable' into seahorn_a6df3
_Bool are unsigned integer. The cast as a _Bool is delayed until the end of the function
add tan function in math.lusi
Merge branch 'unstable' into merge_mauve_unstable
Merge branch 'master' into mauve
added deallocation for dynamic memory allocation scheme
mauve generator: first shot
adding c++ backend
Remove generated files (.h for include for as well as .in files of configure)
Merge branch 'github_master' into integ_github_jan10Intregrate all modifs by Teme et al
Changed the generated C file to produce input and output csv files (named inXX and outXX)
missing files
adding math.smt2
updating to onera version 30f766a:2016-12-04
full merge of salsa/mpfr and master
first commit
- Dealt with compiling lusic from distant lusi files.- Header now do not allow the generation of function previously declared as C prototype
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@375 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
Add more functions in math.lusi
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@371 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
Convertion operators
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@258 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
Math lusi (trigo)
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@253 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
improved code generation by factorizing out arrows
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@207 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
corrected bug in arrow macros names, added storage attribute for static alloc macros, option -d now creates the destination directory if needed, with current dir as file permissions
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@181 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e
answer to #feature 50: - arrows are now factorized out and become part of include as files arrow.h and arrow.c - no more arrows in generated code - compiling and linking arrow.c is only necessary in case of dynamic allocation - version now includes installation prefix (for the standard lib)...
Moved files to trunk in lustre_compiler
git-svn-id: https://cavale.enseeiht.fr/svn/lustrec/lustre_compiler/trunk@116 041b043f-8d7c-46b2-b46e-ef0dd855326e