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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
83 Bug Closed Normal Kind2 output "bool clock" => "bool" Pierre-Loïc Garoche 12/19/2024 10:59 PM Actions
266 Feature Closed Normal Escuchar las estaciones de radio en línea en la computadora 02/07/2025 09:45 PM Actions
626 Feature Closed Normal hello 02/08/2025 07:03 PM Actions
77 Bug Closed Normal lustrec-seal branch failed to compile a valid lustre file (compiled by master branch) Pierre-Loïc Garoche 02/09/2025 02:36 PM Actions
485 Bug Closed Normal 10 Best Apps for Ringtones for the iPhone 02/10/2025 08:31 AM Actions
81 Bug Closed Normal Example with Enumeration is not supported by Lustrev Pierre-Loïc Garoche 02/11/2025 05:21 PM Actions
67 Bug Closed Normal Lusi generation failed because of parser in unstable branch Pierre-Loïc Garoche 02/11/2025 11:33 PM Actions
64 Bug Closed Normal Typing error 02/12/2025 10:37 AM Actions
89 Bug Closed Normal EMF backend failed Pierre-Loïc Garoche 02/12/2025 11:38 AM Actions
85 Bug Closed Normal lustrev failed Pierre-Loïc Garoche 02/12/2025 11:43 AM Actions
(2076-2085/2085) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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