



From 10/23/2018 to 11/21/2018


11:53 PM Revision 95944ba1 (lustrec): Cleaning up stuff in normalization. Mainly replace arguments with only required elements
node_Table hashtbl is now only available through functions of the corelang.mli Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:19 PM Revision 684d39e7 (lustrec): Moved lusic to .h printer after normalizing in case we want one day to produce ACSL from a normalized spec
Trying also to extend the parser to deal with imported nodes.... Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:15 PM Revision 217837e2 (lustrec): Unified compilation of lusi and lus files
Different parsers yet but shared process.
In case of lusi input the C backend is bypassed since the .h is generated f...
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
05:58 AM Revision 19a1e66b (lustrec): Added include directive that directly inject a lustre source file in the prog
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:44 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision b03d5034 (lustrec-tests): add include test
03:23 AM Revision 5fccce23 (lustrec): - Dep type with a tuple has been replaced by a record type
- Modules now is more integrated and performed the building of the type/clock env.
previously some computation were...
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:21 PM Revision f9f06e7d (lustrec): - Module.load_header and load_program were merged.
- Contract were extended with list of statements. Pierre-Loïc Garoche
11:20 PM Revision a4158a4b (lustrec): Added back the gitbranch option ins Was wrongly removed in the release process
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
11:20 PM Revision 32bafa6f (lustrec): Some thoughts about lusic
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:02 PM Revision 7f2309bc (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into lustrec-seal
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:48 PM Revision 222db658 (lustrec): New url in opam file
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


07:29 AM Revision a01cb3a9 (lustrec): New archive for 1.6
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:18 AM Revision 95b507a8 (lustrec): Merge branch 'master' of
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:17 AM Revision a7ce880f (lustrec): Initiating nwew version 1.7 Xia/Huai
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:46 AM Revision 531c07e4 (lustrec): Cleaning git references for release
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:37 AM Revision efe57954 (lustrec): Recording the opam file
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:30 AM Revision 690eb3a5 (lustrec): Preparing release 1.6 Xia/Zhui
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:26 AM Revision b2b2ac74 (lustrec): Merge branch 'master' into unstable
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:07 AM Revision fb716d2c (lustrec): Some autoconf update
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
05:32 AM Revision ef776f2f (lustrec): Vhdl export is temporarily disabled
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
05:31 AM Revision a0721293 (lustrec): program type is now program_t
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:54 AM Revision 92c6cca7 (lustrec): Merge branch 'lustrec-seal' into vhdl
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:04 AM Revision b59fa954 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into vhdl
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:56 AM Revision e491c34a (lustrec): Issues with linking Z3 on OSX
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:31 PM Revision 51106b7e (lustrec): Fixing issues with changes in machine code
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
11:30 PM Revision 59803095 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into lustrec-seal
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:53 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 6f6af7b8 (lustrec-tests): update zustre reference
07:56 PM Revision 673bf87c (lustrec): Num module for mli
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:54 PM Revision ce0f282d (lustrec): Num is a package in recent ocaml
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:19 AM Revision 1a05d45a (lustrec): Cleaning warning in mpfr
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:42 AM Revision 3ea2599d (lustrec): No more uses of kind files
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:18 AM Revision d948c0bd (lustrec): math fun lib support in MPFR
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:18 AM Revision ae7d913d (lustrec): Merlin files
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:13 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 16400d02 (lustrec-tests): Updated ref output
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:46 AM Revision 45d53dc3 (lustrec): EMF export of local type definition (for simple types)
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:54 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 58eac50a (lustrec-tests): Merge branch 'master' of
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:49 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision c34a50ff (lustrec-tests): Better naming
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:46 AM Revision 4c3c6658 (lustrec): mutation bug solved: improper access to an element of an empty list of bindings
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:44 AM Revision a879351b (lustrec): Printers bug solved: now properly printing lustre file as open/types/other decls
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


08:49 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 8451150a (lustrec-tests): add output references
08:23 PM Revision 5c3b45a0 (lustrec): Lustre test gen mutation: bug solved. The path to the installation was hardcoded.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:22 PM Revision c95a441d (lustrec): Bug solved in MCDC generation: Some annotations generated were producing problems
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:21 PM Revision bc3139b0 (lustrec): Print the spec within the node
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:40 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 9b45f3df (lustrec-tests): renamed mode as mode_ to avoid collision with the mode keyword of cocospec.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:33 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision f4893943 (lustrec-tests): Script now compare the output with ones compiled with the same options
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:18 AM Revision c35de73b (lustrec): Pretty serious update:
- a bug in regressio ntest Simulink/integrator_ext_IC_matrix_test revealed the following (serious issue):
when buil...
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:16 AM Revision 05ca2715 (lustrec): Moved back mpfr to its folder. Previsouly there was two competing files :(
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


06:40 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision b5c4cae5 (lustrec-tests): Moved to cocospec contract
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:39 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 94da9360 (lustrec-tests): Restructured mpfr folder tests to rely on highlevel strategies
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:37 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision ff8f35e0 (lustrec-tests): Improved the diff tests: a new option allow to use the java test parameterized by epsilon (precision). Default bnehavior is using regular diff on files
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:35 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 72e9ca2d (lustrec-tests): Renamed math in lustrec_math
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:13 PM Revision 307c32f5 (lustrec): MPFR bug solved: typing of function argument was not properly building tuples of types.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


04:16 PM Revision 6de6bcf4 (lustrec): Improved
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:15 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 5a55fdd1 (lustrec-tests): Improved ctest configuration
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:01 AM Revision 0d54d8a8 (lustrec): Removed Contract contruct: imported node should be enough. Solved some warning at compile time
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:43 PM Revision 34d3f022 (lustrec): Further processing of contract in the typing. More to go
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:06 AM Revision 0d79d0f3 (lustrec): First working version of switched system extraction for seal tool
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


02:07 PM Revision 1cc047f9 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' of into unstable
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


07:43 AM Revision a5dc55ca (lustrec): Restructuring code in SEAL
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


03:58 PM Revision 82906771 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into lustrec-seal
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:46 PM Revision 1c9625b4 (lustrec): Merge branch 'cocospec_to_be_merged' into unstable
Mainly adapting to new cocospec syntax for contracts Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:29 PM Revision 73ccaf2f (lustrec): Merge branch 'cocospec' of into cocospec
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:53 AM Revision ec8fc65e (lustrec): tuning
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:12 AM Revision a742719e (lustrec): SEAL: compute the projection to switched systems. Some issues with intermediate variables and a better selection of split guard have to be addressed
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:11 AM Revision 7c8a7647 (lustrec): log new option to mention plugin or module
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


07:00 AM Revision eb9a8c3c (lustrec): Moved find_eq from Machine_code to Corelang and sort_eqs from Machine_code to Scheduling
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


12:03 AM Revision a703ed0c (lustrec): Preprocess the selected node in seaL BACKEND: focus on memories and perform node slicing.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


01:33 PM Revision 95fb046e (lustrec): Scheduling of node equations is now attached to machine type
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:31 PM Revision 365d1b07 (lustrec): Moved definition of graph modules from Causality to Utils to avoid cyclic deps
Pierre-Loïc Garoche

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