



From 05/18/2018 to 06/16/2018


05:45 PM Revision d77323b8 (lustrec): Added postprocessing for numeric literals
Arnaud Dieumegard


01:21 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 184630f0 (lustrec-tests): add json regression tests


05:10 PM Revision 55963629 (lustrec): Ongoing work on json vhdl to vhdl structure conversion
Arnaud Dieumegard


09:37 PM Revision 998766b4 (lustrec): missing file
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
06:44 PM Revision 4300981b (lustrec): Zustre: timeout and slicing
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:11 AM Bug #67 (Closed): Lusi generation failed because of parser in unstable branch
lustrec -lusi *lustrec-tests/regression_tests/lustre_files/success/machine_types/kind_fmcad/two_counters.lus*
.. par...
Hamza Bourbouh
11:09 AM Bug #65 (Closed): integer division (euclidein division)
Solved in unstable branch Hamza Bourbouh
11:08 AM Bug #66 (Closed): Lustrec generates different outputs for the same code
Fixed by Xavier Hamza Bourbouh
11:06 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 952e86fa (lustrec-tests): add helpful_functions to the modules folder


06:45 PM Revision 31027df4 (lustrec): updated luster lexer ??
Xavier Thirioux


05:23 PM Revision dea84f9e (lustrec): Working example!
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:15 PM Revision 8f9ce6d4 (lustrec): Pom pom pom
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:14 PM Revision 5daedd81 (lustrec): Sample value for VHDL
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:12 PM Revision 3ca452f3 (lustrec): Main lustrei
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:02 AM Revision 090baab6 (lustrec): Compiling - while doing nothing :)
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:32 AM Revision 91cc0f70 (lustrec): Bootstrapping VHDL importer/exporter
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


04:39 PM Revision 0bd19a92 (lustrec): bug wrt normalization. Didn't take clock into account.
Xavier Thirioux
04:35 PM Revision bec3cf3d (lustrec): strange bug (ill-typed source) wrt Bytes/String conversion
Xavier Thirioux
04:33 PM Revision cff64531 (lustrec): bug in CSE, was disregarding clock
Xavier Thirioux
02:59 PM Revision 885b2896 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' of into unstable
Xavier Thirioux
01:47 PM Revision 22a34b49 (lustrec): json-parser: starting changing datatypes
Christophe Garion
11:33 AM Bug #66 (Closed): Lustrec generates different outputs for the same code
Attached is 2 Lustre files, they have common code defining the first output of the main node.
The binary of both Lus...
Hamza Bourbouh


04:02 PM Revision 2f7c9195 (lustrec): zustre progress. Issues with sliced predicates
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
11:49 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision fd5381b7 (lustrec-tests): stopwatch


08:59 PM Revision 3d3718ae (lustrec): package z3 to Z3 when using z3 github repo.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:49 PM Revision df00d682 (lustrec): Adding input in MAIN fdecl
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:56 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 75bb7d62 (lustrec-tests): Simple test to show cex with zustre
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:10 AM Revision 5275a6fd (lustrec): [lustrev] forced the z3 lib to be loaded before others when using the provided bash script.
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:09 AM Revision dbab1fe5 (lustrec): [lustrev] fixed some issues when calling Z3. Seems working for the moment: basic call to Z3 and sat/unsat result
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:45 PM Revision 9a9058f4 (lustrec): More work on Salsa plugin
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


04:08 PM Revision 4c8a5ae4 (lustrec): [salsa] more debug messages
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
04:02 PM Revision bc504848 (lustrec): corrected kind parsing
Xavier Thirioux
02:22 PM Revision 9b348db1 (lustrec): [salsa] introducing sliced temporal variables
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:05 AM Revision 9f3de818 (lustrec): Some progress on zustre
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:28 AM Revision 1d0fd52b (lustrec): updated division for Horn clauses
Xavier Thirioux

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