



From 04/18/2017 to 05/17/2017


12:21 PM Revision a6974c82 (lustrec): [Horn] Workaround to prevent the use of declared keywords as node name
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:14 AM Revision e656160b (lustrec): Better dist-clean
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:13 AM Revision 5d08c49e (lustrec): Solved printing bug in Horn backend
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


04:57 PM Revision 990210f3 (lustrec): Improved include folders behaviors:
- allow multiple -I dir, will be used in order (first one declared
is first used)
- when declaring a global librar...
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
03:18 PM Revision 0cddb853 (lustrec): Solved dependency in Makefile
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:46 PM Revision fad3be22 (lustrec): ...
Xavier Thirioux
02:45 PM Revision 0137f02d (lustrec): ...
Xavier Thirioux
10:56 AM Revision 521e2a6b (lustrec): trying to improving pretty printing. Not so perfect for the moment
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:56 AM Revision 7354c96c (lustrec): [bug solved] issues with asserts (invalid eqs scheduling)
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:51 AM Revision 4d138e19 (lustrec): added pp_imap function
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


10:24 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 7a4e6825 (lustrec-tests): conditional use of zustre
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:23 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision 5945cfcc (lustrec-tests): hints to drive search of lustrec binary
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:22 PM Lustrec-Tests Revision f0008b5b (lustrec-tests): - no Zustre does not interrupt test, it just disable horn related tests
- commit to cavale cdash(board) instead of Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:09 PM Revision a86bae77 (lustrec): - Adding new Makefile target for regression test
- Version now includes current git branch Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:07 PM Revision b9af4e0c (lustrec): Cleaning test folder. Now generated with ctest/cmake
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


07:23 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision 1d64c816 (lustrec-tests): Merge branch 'master' of
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
07:21 AM Lustrec-Tests Revision f36a76f7 (lustrec-tests): Added Jack and John's example: rendezvous maneuver
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


10:11 PM Revision 63f10e14 (lustrec): Removing silly warning message
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:08 PM Revision f271247d (lustrec): Merge branch 'seahorn_backend' into machine_types
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:08 PM Revision bb1ec7c9 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into machine_types
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:08 PM Revision 9f4a63f0 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into seahorn_backend
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
08:07 PM Revision 44686ab5 (lustrec): Missing file c_backend_lusic
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
05:18 PM Revision f67464aa (lustrec): Merge branch 'machine_types' into merge_seahorn_unstable
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
05:15 PM Revision 65de9931 (lustrec): New feature to specify the number of digits to be printed
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:39 PM Revision a9b87a15 (lustrec): Extending types to machine types
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:40 PM Revision 782742b6 (lustrec): Merged unstable with seahorn
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:33 PM Revision cb503831 (lustrec): Merged seahorn backend with EMF output with current unstable branch
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:36 PM Revision 0910283c (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into merge_seahorn_unstable
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
10:42 PM Revision 2fdbc781 (lustrec): Cleaning output:
- no more classic display for ocamlc
- compilation warnings removed
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:57 PM Revision 375cbca2 (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into merge_mauve_unstable
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:38 PM Revision 9a555140 (lustrec): _tags is generated now
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
01:38 PM Revision 1954d776 (lustrec): Cleaner configure autoconf script
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
12:19 AM Revision 09121c1a (lustrec): Merge branch 'testgen' into merging_unstable_testgen
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


11:25 PM Revision d2d9d4cb (lustrec): Missing files
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
11:23 PM Revision 85da3a4b (lustrec): Merge branch 'unstable' into merging_plugins
Non regression results were similar to master branch Pierre-Loïc Garoche
02:15 PM Revision 8d184ba8 (lustrec): Removing generated file
Pierre-Loïc Garoche


10:57 PM Revision a97d3e02 (lustrec): Printing reals in Horn backend
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:43 AM Revision 0d065e73 (lustrec): Solved a bug in the compilation of asserts. Now different behavior depending on the backend:
functional: keep it as is
non func: introduce a fresh local var v and replace assert(e) by v=e; assert (v);
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:42 AM Revision 76c7023b (lustrec): functional_backend function moved to corelang
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:41 AM Revision 4e809854 (lustrec): Cosmetic changes
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:41 AM Revision 5e7cecdd (lustrec): More informative error message in case of untyped value
Pierre-Loïc Garoche
09:40 AM Revision 5cd53307 (lustrec): Updated deps: requires ocamlgraph as an ocamlfind package
Pierre-Loïc Garoche

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