Top level contracts are comments
Removed mode labels
Merge branch 'master' of
Small modifications to have the tests ok: we do not handle yet the ::mode_id syntax
Moved files content in a single file
add regulators cocospec example
add more cocospec examples
add another contract example
add more contracts examples
Cocospec files
Updates some expected outputs
Simple test to show cex with zustre
Improved zustre output comparison
Added Jack and John's example: rendezvous maneuver
Example of integration of S-function code into Lustre.
example of lustre node with external C code
add strategie 1
add lusic CMakeLists
Cex of unschedulable node
added example in automata/restart_example.lus
Generated file in Horn
new version
more details
microwave basic
mini automata
Import tests in fresh repo