Actor-based Smtlib-2 Scala Unified Malleable Package for real-Time Interaction On-demand.¶
Assumptio is an actor-based SMT lib 2.0 API written in Scala designed to allow its user to perform on the fly queries to a SMT solver, which internal state is maintained until closed by the user. As of today, only Microsoft Research's Z3 and University of Trento's MathSat 5 are supported. No matter how much the authors would like to add support for other solvers, it is very difficult to do so without proper user feedback and/or contribution. This is why Assumptio is released under the GPL license. We would like to convince Assumptio's potential users that it is easy to use, and most of all relatively easy to tweak. People wanting to participate are encouraged to send their customisations to the author in order to help Assumptio improving for the best of its users.
- Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL v3)
- Copyright : ONERA and Rockwell Collins France
Latest news
Assumptio v3.0
Assumptio v3.0
Assumptio v2.0
Assumptio v2.0 is out.
Assumptio v2.0
Assumptio 2.0 is coming very soon.
Assumptio v1.7
Assumptio v1.7 is out.
Assumptio v1.6
Assumptio 1.6 is out.
Manager: Adrien Champion, Pierre-Loïc Garoche
Developer: Adrien Champion
Reporter: Pierre Roux, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Rémi Delmas